'Trump slams mail-in voting, says it "doesn't work out well for Republicans"'
via CNBC
I'm outraged, we need to do everything in our power to ensure EVERY American can cast their vote in November. I need 5,000 signatures on my urgent petition today to demand Congress pass National Vote-By-Mail. Add your name now >>
DEMAND VOTE-BY-MAIL >> [link removed]
Given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis it is common sense to make vote-by-mail accessible to all Americans
But Trump is terrified that the more Americans who vote, the more likely he is to lose in November.
I will fight like hell to ensure every American can exercise their sacred right to vote.
But we need a massive surge of public support. Will you add your name now?
DEMAND VOTE-BY-MAIL >> [link removed]
Trump even admitted that if National Vote-By-Mail gets passed:
'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.'
I know that right now we have a rare chance to unseat Trump AND McConnell.
Not only is passing National Vote-By-Mail critical for increasing voter turnout, and defeating them -- it's also just the right thing to do.
It's up to all of us to speak up and demand National Vote-By-Mail. So I'm asking one last time:
Will you add your name to my urgent petition?
DEMAND VOTE-BY-MAIL >> [link removed]
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