
‘Trump slams mail-in voting, says it “doesn’t work out well for Republicans”’
via CNBC

I’m outraged, we need to do everything in our power to ensure EVERY American can cast their vote in November. I need 5,000 signatures on my urgent petition today to demand Congress pass National Vote-By-Mail. Add your name now >>


Given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis it is common sense to make vote-by-mail accessible to all Americans

But Trump is terrified that the more Americans who vote, the more likely he is to lose in November.

I will fight like hell to ensure every American can exercise their sacred right to vote.
Trump even admitted that if National Vote-By-Mail gets passed:
‘You’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.’
I know that right now we have a rare chance to unseat Trump AND McConnell.

Not only is passing National Vote-By-Mail critical for increasing voter turnout, and defeating them -- it’s also just the right thing to do.

It’s up to all of us to speak up and demand National Vote-By-Mail. So I’m asking one last time:

Thank you,




Ruben Gallego is a Marine veteran and member of Congress from Arizona.

His #1 priority is electing Democrats up and down the ballot in Arizona in 2020 -- our best chance to flip this state blue in decades.

We know you're getting a lot of emails -- but it's because flipping Arizona blue is going to take a massive grassroots campaign.

We need to educate, empower, and register thousands of new Democrats. We need to make sure everyone knows there's more at stake than just the presidency. We need to turn out every voter in every corner of this state.

And we need your help to do it.


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Paid for by Gallego for Arizona