Mises Institute
Friday, February 7, 2025
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“Foreign Aid” Enriches the Rich While Impoverishing the Impoverished
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
The foreign aid bureaucrats at the United Nations, heavily funded by US taxpayers, live lavishly at US taxpayer expense.
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Fight For Formosa or Not?
Murray N. Rothbard
I have long been puzzled by the haste of the conservative-interventionists’ desire for a showdown. Why do all of them implicitly believe that time is on the side of communism?
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The Needy Are the Human Shields of the American Regime
The political establishment uses the plight of the most vulnerable to keep their rigged political system.
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Bitcoin and Gold:
Are They Money?
Ryan McMaken and economist Per Bylund discuss the nature of money in our paper-money world.
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Hoppe versus Milei on Central Banking: Breaking Down the Differences
Milei claimed that shutting down the central bank would result in hyperinflation. This claim needs critical evaluation.
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Our Anti-Competitive State Policy
Every law or regulation carries an economic cost that cannot be ignored or precisely predicted, altering economic incentives and stifling innovation and entrepreneurship.
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The History and Metaphysics of “Woke”
The reason why wokeism is not constructive and solely destructive is because wokeism has no positive values.
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Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve
The monetary system steals from us to enrich the powerful. Learn the truth about the Federal Reserve.
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These are difficult times for those who love freedom, but they are nothing like what Mises faced during his life. He prevailed, and his Memoirs explain how. We can learn from Mises in this respect too.
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