Mises Institute
Friday, February 7, 2025
Washington: An Empire of Grift
Tho Bishop
As the Trump administration makes real cuts to federal programs, suddenly the opponents of “waste, fraud, and abuse” are discovering that Trump and Elon Musk are serious about slashing spending. Not surprisingly, the Usual Suspects don’t like the cuts.
How the Rise of National Citizenship Laws Built the Modern State
Ryan McMaken
In the United States, as in Europe, the advent of national citizenship (as opposed to local citizenship) has mirrored and fueled the growth and centralization of state power overall.
The Needy Are the Human Shields of the American Regime
The political establishment uses the plight of the most vulnerable to keep their rigged political system going.
Bitcoin and Gold:
Are They Money?
Ryan McMaken and economist Per Bylund discuss the nature of money in our paper-money world.
Imagination, Economics, and the Mythical Lighthouse
Many fallaciously assume that one’s failure to imagine how something would work on a free market necessitates state provision.
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Economic Calculation and the FAA
The real problem with the FAA is that it is a political entity, which means that political goals will determine its capital structure and hiring practices.
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Sovereign Wealth Fund Coming Soon
Even if this administration’s heart is in the right place, do we really want another multi-billion-to-trillion-dollar fund to handle people’s savings?
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Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve
The monetary system steals from us to enrich the powerful. Learn the truth about the Federal Reserve.
These are difficult times for those who love freedom, but they are nothing like what Mises faced during his life. He prevailed, and his Memoirs explain how. We can learn from Mises in this respect too.
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