Politics is Still the Problem
By Max Borders
Let's replace every politician with at least two honest entrepreneurs.
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It’s not easy to generate wealth and value through production and peaceful interaction, which we have called the economic means ([link removed]) , following Franz Oppenheimer. That's why we should be leery of terms such as *late-stage capitalism.* Human history has involved too many political means, that is, the scaled-up threat of violence dressed in Brooks Brothers today.
Think of it as a continuum between the cooperative means and the coercive means.
Remember the Lords and aristocrats who served Royalty while the serfs worked the land and created value. It wasn't until the dawn of the 19th century that entrepreneurs began to tinker and toil. Eventually, the riff-raff got out from the yoke of parasite classes claiming a 'Divine Right' or special status.
After millennia of mostly flat progress in standard of living, worldwide economic growth exploded around 1800 and never stopped, giving us what economic historian Dierdre McCloskey calls 'The Great Enrichment.' In other words, growth turned exponential, and so did living standards.
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