From Ignacio Arsuaga, CitizenGO <[email protected]>
Subject This Christmas, Hope Breaks Through the Darkness
Date December 25, 2024 6:01 AM
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Dear John,
<p>On this Christmas day, I want to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and blessed season.</p> <p>This year, <strong>our journey together has not been without trials.</strong> You and I stood against global initiatives that erode national sovereignty and ideologies that attack life, family, and faith.</p> <p>I also know that, with Anna Derbyshire, you contributed to countless local efforts for the values you care about most in the United States.</p> <p>Yet <strong>amidst all this darkness,</strong> the message of Christmas reminds me&mdash;and I hope it reminds you&mdash;of an eternal truth: <em><strong>&ldquo;...the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it&rdquo; </strong></em>(John 1:5).</p> <p>Over two thousand years ago, in a humble stable, <strong>hope entered the world</strong>&mdash;not with fanfare, but in the quiet cry of a newborn. The Christ child, the Son of God, came to conquer sin and death, bringing peace that surpasses all understanding.<br /><br /><img src="[link removed]" alt="Christmas_2024_EN_600x300px.jpg" height="175" width="350" constrain="true" imagepreview="false" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></p> <p>In the poem by famous English writer G.K. Chesterton, titled <em>The House of Christmas</em>, we read:</p> <p><em>"Only where He was homeless</em><br /><em>Are you and I at home."</em></p> <p>How fitting this is for our time. The world can feel like a place of exile, with its battles, confusion, and brokenness.</p> <p>But <strong>in the child born in Bethlehem, you and I find our true home</strong>&mdash;a hope and love that nothing can shake.</p> <p>This Christmas, I hope you will carry this hope in your heart as you and I continue our mission to defend life, family, and liberty. Every petition you&rsquo;ve signed, every campaign you&rsquo;ve shared, and every prayer you&rsquo;ve said has been part of a movement that reflects the light of Christ in a darkened world.</p> <p>May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with joy, and may you and your family be richly blessed by the love of Christ in this holy season.</p> <p>Thank you for standing with me and CitizenGO in this vital mission. Together, you and I will walk forward into the New Year, emboldened by the hope born in a manger.</p>
<b>Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,</b>
<i>Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO team</i>

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