On this Christmas day, I want to wish you and your loved ones a joyous and blessed season.
This year, our journey together has not been without trials. You and I stood against global initiatives that erode national sovereignty and ideologies that attack life, family, and faith.
I also know that, with Anna Derbyshire, you contributed to countless local efforts for the values you care about most in the United States.
Yet amidst all this darkness, the message of Christmas reminds me—and I hope it reminds you—of an eternal truth: “...the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (John 1:5).
Over two thousand years ago, in a humble stable, hope entered the world—not with fanfare, but in the quiet cry of a newborn. The Christ child, the Son of God, came to conquer sin and death, bringing peace that surpasses all understanding.

In the poem by famous English writer G.K. Chesterton, titled The House of Christmas, we read:
"Only where He was homeless
Are you and I at home."
How fitting this is for our time. The world can feel like a place of exile, with its battles, confusion, and brokenness.
But in the child born in Bethlehem, you and I find our true home—a hope and love that nothing can shake.
This Christmas, I hope you will carry this hope in your heart as you and I continue our mission to defend life, family, and liberty. Every petition you’ve signed, every campaign you’ve shared, and every prayer you’ve said has been part of a movement that reflects the light of Christ in a darkened world.
May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with joy, and may you and your family be richly blessed by the love of Christ in this holy season.
Thank you for standing with me and CitizenGO in this vital mission. Together, you and I will walk forward into the New Year, emboldened by the hope born in a manger.