From Kelly Shackelford <>
Subject There's reason to hope
Date December 10, 2024 8:03 PM
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First Liberty
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This is truly the season of hope.

Neighborhoods all over town are brightly lit with some of the most
beautiful Christmas decorations I've ever seen.

Every time, as I am driving through them, I think about the future of
faith in our country, and I am filled with hope.

And there is good reason for that.

Will You Stand for Faith, Family and Freedom?
Our $500,000 Matching Grant Doubles Your Impact Today!
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You and I are living through a unique moment in time.

Over the past few years, the Supreme Court has delivered victories for
faith in a big way. It's all thanks to your faithful support.

Together, we won for Coach Joe Kennedy, Gerald Groff and families in

Because people of faith like you joined us on the frontlines,

* All Americans-including government employees-have a
right to engage in private religious expression.
* Employers must grant religious accommodations unless doing so
would cause substantial increased costs to the day-to-day
operations of the business.
* The government can't exclude families from government
benefits if the parents choose to use it from a religious

And because of these victories, we are beginning to advance religious
freedom protections in great ways.

But that doesn't mean that the fight for religious freedom is
over. There is still much to do to secure the future of faith and
freedom in America.

You see, although the Supreme Court has spoken, the enemies of faith
aren't listening.

Stand for Equal Treatment in the Workplace.
Be a Force Multiplier for Faith!
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First Liberty is suing woke corporations like Alaska Airlines, CVS
Health and Michigan Health for discriminating against Lacey Smith,
Gunna Kristofersdottir and Valerie Kloosterman because of their
religious beliefs.

Too many woke corporations across the country continue to show
hostility toward people of faith. At some companies, the simple act of
expressing your faith at work can become a fireable offense. At
others, employees have been forced to choose between their religious
beliefs or losing their jobs.

We can't stand by and let blatant hostility from woke corporate
leaders towards people of faith happen. Not now-not ever.

There's more at stake than protecting your right to live out
your faith in the workplace. It's the re-emergence of the
historic confrontation between the faithful and the faithless.

And the consequences could threaten the very foundation of religious
freedom in America.

Don't Let the Enemies of Faith Have the Last Word.
Double Your Gift's Impact NOW!
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For decades I have been sounding the alarm about the attacks on the
chief cornerstone of our Constitution: religious freedom. If religious
liberty falls, all of the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution will
fall one after another.

Fortunately, thanks to our generous supporters like you, First Liberty
stands as the tip of the spear against religious hostility. From local
courts to the Supreme Court, we've won case after case.

And with your help and God's favor, we're going to keep

Right now, when you give to First Liberty, your gift's impact
will be doubled with our $500,000 Matching Grant. But you only have
until December 31st to take advantage of this unique giving

Together, we can put a stop to these types of hostile attacks against
faithful employees like Lacey, Gunna and Valerie.

It's time to make sure that faith-based employees have the
opportunity to work according to their sincerely held religious

Will you fight against religious discrimination in the workplace?

Yes, I will make a gift today! >>
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Grateful for you, 


Kelly Shackelford, Esq.
President, CEO & Chief Counsel
First Liberty Institute

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