From Official Presidential Referendum <[email protected]>
Subject ► John's Schedule 4 Digital Ballot is here
Date April 13, 2020 9:07 PM
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CDP Voting is Live❕ for COVID-19 Referendum

Official Presidential Referendum VOTING is live for the COVID-19 Referendum
Schedule 4 Digital Ballot: ACTIVE

Referendum on the socio-political handling of the COVID-19 crisis

Democrats, the media, and liberal academic institutions are insisting that
Americans MUST NOT call this the Wuhan or Chinese Coronavirus…and when
President Trump caught a Chinese propaganda reporter asking leading questions
during a briefing, liberals sided with the Chinese.
Vote only once by selecting the ☒ next to your choice
Who do you trust to have American’s best interests at heart during the
COVID-19 crisis?
President TrumpX
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The media & the DemocratsX
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Should we join President Trump in calling this the Chinese Coronavirus?
Call it the Chinese Coronavirus - Stand with TrumpX
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Cover up the truth about the Coronavirus - Side with the Dems and ChinaX
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Ballot Continued »
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Please Note: We cannot accept submissions after 11:59PM tonight. So send your
vote ASAP to ensure it is counted.

Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President. Not authorized by any
candidate or candidate's committee.
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