Voting is Live❕ for COVID-19 Referendum
Official Presidential Referendum
VOTING is live for the COVID-19 Referendum
Schedule 4 Digital Ballot: ACTIVE

Referendum on the socio-political handling of the COVID-19 crisis

Democrats, the media, and liberal academic institutions are insisting that Americans MUST NOT call this the Wuhan or Chinese Coronavirus…and when President Trump caught a Chinese propaganda reporter asking leading questions during a briefing, liberals sided with the Chinese.
Vote only once by selecting the ☒ next to your choice
Who do you trust to have American’s best interests at heart during the COVID-19 crisis?
President TrumpX
The media & the DemocratsX
Should we join President Trump in calling this the Chinese Coronavirus?
Call it the Chinese Coronavirus - Stand with TrumpX
Cover up the truth about the Coronavirus - Side with the Dems and ChinaX
Ballot Continued »

Please Note: We cannot accept submissions after 11:59PM tonight. So send your vote ASAP to ensure it is counted.

Mission Statement

Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
