Quitting tobacco in all its forms has enormous health benefits
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April 25, 2024
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Quitting tobacco ([link removed])
Most adult smokers – nearly 70% – say they want to quit, and many make quit attempts each year. In 2020, slightly more than half of current adult smokers (56%) made a quit attempt, and in 2021 one-third of current e-cigarette users reported an attempt to quit vaping. Quitting disparities exist among certain populations, including communities with lower income and education, racial and ethnic minority groups, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Strong tobacco policies are needed to address these disparities and raise awareness about resources to help people quit.
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Tobacco and the environment ([link removed])
Tobacco doesn’t just negatively impact the health of individuals, it also endangers the health of the environment. E-cigarette and cigarette waste can make its way into the environment where it pollutes water, air, and land with toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and residual nicotine. An estimated 766,571 metric tons of cigarette butts make their way into the environment every year, and according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, at least five disposable e-cigarettes are being thrown away every second in the United States ([link removed]) , amounting to 150 million devices per year – which together contain enough lithium for about 6,000 Teslas.
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3 important things to know about quitting nicotine during times of stress ([link removed])
Nicotine addiction – whether through smoking or vaping – can increase stress levels, and quitting nicotine can improve mental health. Stress can present challenges for people who want to quit nicotine, but these challenges are manageable, especially if you know the facts about nicotine and stress. Here are three important things to keep in mind about quitting nicotine during times of stress.
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Minneapolis, Minnesota - The city council is considering an ordinance to increase the minimum price of a pack of cigarettes to $15, prohibit discounts and coupons, prohibit the sale of cigars in packages of 3 or less, and set a minimum price for other tobacco products.
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Ohio – A judge issued a temporary restraining order allowing restrictions on tobacco sales to remain in effect in the short term in the 14 Ohio cities. The order bars the state from enforcing the law, which effectively prohibits local tobacco regulations, against the cities and will remain in effect until May 17 when he will decide whether to continue to hold on the law while the underlying suit is pending.
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