We just passed a $2 Trillion bailout to special interests and still no wall funding from Congress. Greetings! For more than a month now, the Covid Scare has been dominating the news cycle. The whole time they've been yapping, our border has remained vulnerable. Media, politicians, and special interests are circling the wagons to get everything they can out of this public health crisis. The media fear mongering is so bad it has pushed many states and their governors to close up shop and send workers home. The resulting economic panic has been devastating for so many Americans. But an open border promotes the spread of this dangerous virus. That's why one of the first steps the president took in response to the Corona Scare was to close our border. But the border will be opened back up once social distancing and quarantine orders are lifted. Even despite the order, the threat of illegals entering our country as vessels of this virus and other diseases will forever remain. Illegal aliens will continuing to put our country in perpetual risk unless we do something about it. That's why we're aiming to complete our FOURTH wall project, even amidst all the chaos. Sadly, Congress's response to the Corona Scare threatens to make the problem worse. That's why President Trump tweeted this: The swamp in D.C. is pushing some very bad policy, putting that old Rahm Emanuel phrase to use: "Never let a crisis go to waste." What does that mean? It means a $2 TRILLION dollar Covid recovery bill passed out of both houses of Congress. You'd think with a spending bill that big, Congress might be able to find maybe $10 or $20 billion dollars to fund the border wall. YOU'D BE WRONG. There's not one red cent earmarked for border security in this budget bill. And the left wing media is basically doing an endzone dance about it. The leftists in Congress and in the media are hammering President Trump for what THEY call his poor response to the crisis. And at the very same time they're working to keep the border open, and American citizens vulnerable to COVID-19! That's why it is more critical now than ever that the hundreds of thousands of Americans who came together to Build the Wall with us over the last year continues to step up to the plate. The economy is taking a hit. But these are the kinds of trying times that Americans step up to the plate. Now is the time we pitch in to help our neighbors in need. This is when we deliver some food to shut-ins who can't get out to get their needed food and supplies. And this is when Americans step up, come together, and pitch in to do the job the Congress is refusing to do -- Sealing our southern border to protect U.S. citizens from the spread of this Virus. This Corona Virus is a real public health issue, and ought not be diminished. But since we can't seem to get any funding for the wall in Congress, we need you to step up and help us get this done. Watch this short video to see how vulnerable our border is at this very moment to the Corona Virus. We're asking for our Wall Partners to pitch in $60 to help us fund our next wall project. There is no time like the present to band together and get another wall project done. For America, Red Cloud Data | 7940 Front Beach Rd , Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Unsubscribe
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