For more than a month now, the Covid Scare has been dominating the news cycle.
Media, politicians, and special interests are circling the wagons to get everything they can out of this public health crisis.
The media fear mongering is so bad it has pushed many states and their governors to close up shop and send workers home.
The resulting economic panic has been devastating for so many Americans.
But an open border promotes the spread of this dangerous virus.
That's why one of the first steps the president took in response to the Corona Scare was to close our border.
But the border will be opened back up once social distancing and quarantine orders are lifted.
Even despite the order, the threat of illegals entering our country as vesselsĀ of thisĀ virus and other diseases will forever remain.
Illegal aliens will continuing to put our country in perpetual risk unless we do something about it.
Sadly, Congress's response to the Corona Scare threatens to make the problem worse.
That's why President Trump tweeted this: