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** Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 24 March
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* MSP criticises churches for stopping Sunday services due to coronavirus
The member for the SNP suggested that parishioners should "take risks and trust in Jesus".
Premier Christian News
* Coronavirus legislation altered after religious communities raise concern over cremation <[link removed]>
The change came amid a mounting backlash among MPs and religious leaders.
The Telegraph
* Free Presbyterian Church in U-turn over public services during coronavirus crisis <[link removed]>
The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland has performed a U-turn over holding public services during the escalating coronavirus crisis, having initially they would continue indefinitely throughout the pandemic.
The Scotsman
* Two members of ultra-Orthodox Jewish community die of coronavirus <[link removed]>
Two members of London's ultra-Orthodox community died of coronavirus at the weekend, the Board of Deputies of British Jews said. But in Stamford Hill, an area of north-east London with a large Haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, population, some synagogues are still open.
The Guardian
* Coronavirus: Muslims repeat calls for mosque closures <[link removed]>
Muslim groups have repeated calls for mosques to close during the coronavirus crisis after some held Friday prayers.
BBC News
* Religious group ignore social distancing rules claiming they're immune <[link removed]>
Followers are flouting social distancing rules and have held an 11-day meeting, at the Best Western Bell Hotel in Driffield, East Yorkshire.
The Mirror
** In case you missed it...
* Don’t add faith testing to admissions, NMFS campaign warns council <[link removed]>
The NMFS campaign has told a council that proposed changes to its school admission arrangements would disadvantage non-Catholic families.
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