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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 24 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


MSP criticises churches for stopping Sunday services due to coronavirus

The member for the SNP suggested that parishioners should "take risks and trust in Jesus".

Premier Christian News


Coronavirus legislation altered after religious communities raise concern over cremation

The change came amid a mounting backlash among MPs and religious leaders.

The Telegraph


Free Presbyterian Church in U-turn over public services during coronavirus crisis

The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland has performed a U-turn over holding public services during the escalating coronavirus crisis, having initially they would continue indefinitely throughout the pandemic.

The Scotsman


Two members of ultra-Orthodox Jewish community die of coronavirus

Two members of London's ultra-Orthodox community died of coronavirus at the weekend, the Board of Deputies of British Jews said. But in Stamford Hill, an area of north-east London with a large Haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, population, some synagogues are still open.

The Guardian


Coronavirus: Muslims repeat calls for mosque closures

Muslim groups have repeated calls for mosques to close during the coronavirus crisis after some held Friday prayers.

BBC News


Religious group ignore social distancing rules claiming they're immune

Followers are flouting social distancing rules and have held an 11-day meeting, at the Best Western Bell Hotel in Driffield, East Yorkshire.

The Mirror


In case you missed it...


Don’t add faith testing to admissions, NMFS campaign warns council

The NMFS campaign has told a council that proposed changes to its school admission arrangements would disadvantage non-Catholic families.


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