From mySociety <>
Subject Save the date - TICTeC's back!
Date January 11, 2024 9:02 AM
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Fun things ahead

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** Something to look forward to

** January 2023
Save the date

** It's back, and it's hybrid

** TICTeC, online and in London for 2024
The Houses of Parliament against a blue sky

TICTeC ([link removed]) (The Impacts of Civic Tech) conference brings together academics, practitioners, funders and makers — an exceptional opportunity for those in our field to learn from one another and make new connections.

It's been a while since we ran a full-scale TICTeC — and we know you've missed it!

So we're delighted to put these dates firmly on the calendar: we hope you'll join us - in person in London, or online - on 12 and 13 June 2024. Full details to come soon; but in the meantime you can read all about it here ([link removed]) .
FOI for social change

** Learn how to use Freedom of Information — at no cost

If you're part of a community, campaign or advocacy group pushing for a better world, then we'd love to welcome you at our free masterclasses. We'll be looking at how Freedom of Information can help you uncover data that supports your aims.

Take your pick: attend all of the sessions or just those you find most applicable - sign up on Eventbrite ([link removed]) .
Reserve your space now ([link removed])
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** FOI is for everyone

We've long understood that our audiences are not as diverse as they could be: now we're putting in the work to change that.

The first step was understanding the needs of marginalised groups: read our findings in the new report Using Freedom of Information to Support Social Change ([link removed]) .

Read the report ([link removed])
In case you missed it

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** The big, fat anniversary one

mySociety impact reports tend to be a bit different from the norm: we shy away from dry text and endless statistics.

The test? Some of mySociety staff's octogenarian, definitively offline parents have read this one — and come back to tell us they now understand a lot more about what we do.

This year we've celebrated our 20th anniversary with a bumper report. Longer, but still eminently readable, still extremely informative. Gobble it up here ([link removed]) .

** Your donations help us run projects like these

If you're reading this newsletter, the chances are that you see the value in mySociety's work — thank you.

Donations are part of what makes that possible, so if you're able, please consider making a contribution today.
Donate now ([link removed])
data informs climate action

** New ways to understand climate data

** Questions pages

There's a whole new way of browsing the Council Climate Action Scorecards site: now you can investigate the data question by question, giving access to a wealth of insights.

For example, it's now easy to see which councils are reporting on their own emissions; which councils have lobbied the government for climate action; and which have scored well on everything from peat-free landscaping to not building new motorways or airport extensions. See how to access these new views of the data here ([link removed]) .

** New features on CAPE

There's also a lot to enjoy on our Climate Action Plans site CAPE, including new features and data you might not have seen before. Dive in and find out everything ([link removed]) about your own local council's climate action.

** Making local climate data more useful for everyone

We continue to advocate for joined-up data, in the belief it will make the climate transition easier and better-informed. Our recent event with the Blueprint Coalition brought together councillors and data users from the third sector, to examine the issue from every angle. You can rewatch it here ([link removed]) .

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** What we're reading (and listening to)
* How does the Right to Information operate in a fragile democracy? OGP uses, Georgia's Alaveteli site, as a case study ([link removed]) .
* There will be many, many new voting suggestion sites springing up in the next few months - here's one ([link removed]) that aims to get people voting in favour of the climate.
* This look at AI in the newsroom ([link removed] ) includes an account of a bot that drafted and submitted its own FOI request...without being asked to.

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mySociety is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) and a limited company (03277032).
Through our trading subsidiary SocietyWorks (05798215) we also provide commercial services.

Image credit: Question marks - ** RMHare ([link removed])
(** CC by-sa/4.0 ([link removed])
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