Questions pages
There's a whole new way of browsing the Council Climate Action Scorecards site: now you can investigate the data question by question, giving access to a wealth of insights.
For example, it's now easy to see which councils are reporting on their own emissions; which councils have lobbied the government for climate action; and which have scored well on everything from peat-free landscaping to not building new motorways or airport extensions. See how to access these new views of the data here.
New features on CAPE
There's also a lot to enjoy on our Climate Action Plans site CAPE, including new features and data you might not have seen before. Dive in and find out everything about your own local council's climate action.
Making local climate data more useful for everyone
We continue to advocate for joined-up data, in the belief it will make the climate transition easier and better-informed. Our recent event with the Blueprint Coalition brought together councillors and data users from the third sector, to examine the issue from every angle. You can rewatch it here.