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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
March 16, 2020
Daily Briefing of Media News [link removed]
In Today's news: Fox Business host Trish Regan removed from prime-time slot after dismissing the coronavirus, Google offers clarifications on the COVID-19 information website it is building, and local media addresses the challenge of election-year misinformation.
Top Stories
Fox Business benches Trish Regan after outcry over coronavirus comments ([link removed])
Michael M. Grynbaum / The New York Times / Mar 13, 2020
Google will make a coronavirus site—but not like Trump said ([link removed])
Louise Matsakis / Wired / Mar 15, 2020
Election-year spread of misinformation challenges local news ([link removed])
David Klepper / The Associated Press / Mar 15, 2020
Cleveland’s double crisis — coronavirus and a shrinking number of reporters to cover it ([link removed])
Margaret Sullivan / The Washington Post / Mar 15, 2020
ESPN scrambling to figure out programming while live sports shut down indefinitely ([link removed])
Alex Sherman / CNBC / Mar 13, 2020
How the coronavirus could hurt the news business ([link removed])
Jon Allsop / Columbia Journalism Review / Mar 13, 2020
Pinterest is blocking coronavirus searches, and people are very happy about it ([link removed])
Craig Silverman / BuzzFeed / Mar 13, 2020
Election 2020
Pandemic forces CNN into a debate unique to campaign cycle ([link removed])
David Bauder / The Associated Press / Mar 16, 2020
Newspaper News
High school students fill gap in coverage of their Minneapolis neighborhood through community-driven newspaper ([link removed])
Jeffrey R. Young / Star Tribune / Mar 13, 2020
Online Media
Knewz vowed to diversify the news. Has it? ([link removed])
Pete Brown / Columbia Journalism Review / Mar 13, 2020
Deadspin relaunches in Chicago as sports leagues shut down over coronavirus ([link removed])
Robert Channick / Chicago Tribune / Mar 13, 2020
Media Business
Public radio stations weigh whether to fundraise during coronavirus pandemic ([link removed])
Tyler Falk / Current / Mar 13, 2020
As China cracks down on coronavirus coverage, journalists fight back ([link removed])
Javier C. Hernandez / The New York Times / Mar 14, 2020
The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.
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