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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
March 16, 2020

Daily Briefing of Media News share on Twitter

In Today's news:   Fox Business host Trish Regan removed from prime-time slot after dismissing the coronavirus, Google offers clarifications on the COVID-19 information website it is building, and local media addresses the challenge of election-year misinformation.
Top Stories

Fox Business benches Trish Regan after outcry over coronavirus comments

Google will make a coronavirus site—but not like Trump said

Election-year spread of misinformation challenges local news


Cleveland’s double crisis — coronavirus and a shrinking number of reporters to cover it

ESPN scrambling to figure out programming while live sports shut down indefinitely

How the coronavirus could hurt the news business

Pinterest is blocking coronavirus searches, and people are very happy about it

Election 2020

Pandemic forces CNN into a debate unique to campaign cycle

Newspaper News

High school students fill gap in coverage of their Minneapolis neighborhood through community-driven newspaper

Online Media

Knewz vowed to diversify the news. Has it?

Deadspin relaunches in Chicago as sports leagues shut down over coronavirus

Media Business

Public radio stations weigh whether to fundraise during coronavirus pandemic


As China cracks down on coronavirus coverage, journalists fight back


The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.