From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation
Date December 12, 2023 9:35 AM
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Tuesday, December 12th, 2023


** Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation ([link removed])

Ron Paul, MD

** The November BLS Report—Another Jobs Show About Nothing ([link removed])

David Stockman

** There, Fixed It For You! ([link removed])

Karen Kwiatkowski

** Friedman Versus Rothbard ([link removed])

David Gordon

** TikTok Bans Glenn Greenwald ([link removed])

Adam Dick

** What Were Romans Thinking as They Watched Rome Collapse? ([link removed])

Paul Craig Roberts

** What Just Happened? ([link removed])

James Howard Kunstler

** A Shameful Ruling Class That Shamelessly Shames Good Americans ([link removed])

J.B. Shurk

** Could America Have a French-Style Revolution? ([link removed])

Charles Hugh Smith

** Choline in Eggs Reduces Inflammation ([link removed])

Dr. Joseph Mercola

** Pope Francis: How Much Lower Can We Sink? ([link removed])

Henry Sire

** Texas Is Suing Pfizer ([link removed])

Brandon Campbell

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Tucker’s Streaming Service Goes Live ([link removed])
* Jewish religious leader reveals how he feels about Israeli aggression in Gaza. ([link removed])
* I’m The Criminalization of U.S. Foreign Policy ([link removed])
* Javier Milei ([link removed])
* Bombing countries: good. Restricting immigration from those countries: bad. ([link removed])
* Establishment Alarmism in Overdrive ([link removed])
* Marlow: LinkedIn Billionaire Reid Hoffman’s Dark Money Behind Clandestine ‘Good Information Foundation’ ([link removed])
* Darlene Love’s “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” Supercut | Letterman ([link removed])
* Washington’s Entrenched War Machine: David Stockman ([link removed])
* ‘Elites want to break the sovereignty of nations’ | Steve Bannon talks Trump, Farage, & Dublin Riots ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* A Farewell to Virology, Part 2 of 3 Part Video Series. A Must Watch. ([link removed])
* French Farmers Dump Manure On Govt Buildings To Protest Climate Hysteria ([link removed])
* Natural Law vs. The Nihilistic Empire of Lies ([link removed])
* AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb: Some Migrants Getting $5,000 VISA Cards (12.7.23) ([link removed])
* Brett Tolman: Hunter Biden Indictment a Smokescreen to Protect Both Hunter and Joe Biden (12.7.23) ([link removed])
* Desperation? Biden Warns Trump To Rule As ‘Dictator’ ([link removed])
* If a Man Can Identify As a Woman, then Why Can’t a White Man Identify As Chinese? ([link removed])
* Heritage Foundation VP Loves Henry Kissinger ([link removed])
* Shock Poll: MOST Americans Support PERMANENT Gaza Ceasefire! ([link removed])
* New Self-Amplifying Vaccines Present Crazy Unpredictable Dangers ([link removed])
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