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Tuesday, December 12th, 2023


Biden, Media Gaslight People About Inflation

Ron Paul, MD

The November BLS Report—Another Jobs Show About Nothing

David Stockman

There, Fixed It For You!

Karen Kwiatkowski

Friedman Versus Rothbard

David Gordon

TikTok Bans Glenn Greenwald

Adam Dick

What Were Romans Thinking as They Watched Rome Collapse?

Paul Craig Roberts

What Just Happened?

James Howard Kunstler

A Shameful Ruling Class That Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

J.B. Shurk

Could America Have a French-Style Revolution?

Charles Hugh Smith

Choline in Eggs Reduces Inflammation

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Pope Francis: How Much Lower Can We Sink?

Henry Sire

Texas Is Suing Pfizer

Brandon Campbell

Political Theatre

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