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** Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 10 March
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* ‘Our approach to tackling anti-Muslim prejudice must be reconsidered’ – NSS letter <[link removed]>
NSS chief executive Stephen Evans responds to the Labour party's decision to suspend Trevor Phillips.
The Times (£)
* Jewish school rapped for issuing own-brand qualifications instead of ‘uncensored’ GCSEs – NSS quoted <[link removed]>
An Orthodox Jewish independent school has been rapped for making pupils sit qualifications of "no value" which result in the school issuing its own certificate – because leaders would have to break exam rules and "censor" GCSEs.
Schools Week
* Calls for 'buffer zones' around abortion clinics in Birmingham after protests <[link removed]>
The government is being urged to implement a buffer zone to protect staff and patients at abortion clinics in Birmingham from being targeted by protesters.
Birmingham Live
* Labour leadership candidates silent over Trevor Phillips suspension <[link removed]>
Trevor Phillips has called on the three Labour leadership candidates to pick a side as senior party figures on Monday condemned the decision to suspend him over alleged Islamophobia.
The Telegraph
* ‘Trevor Phillips’s suspension shows how far Labour has fallen’ <[link removed]>
James Bloodworth says Labour MP Khalid Mahmood is right to call Trevor Phillips' suspension "outlandish".
* ‘Trevor Phillips’s fate should scare us all’ <[link removed]>
Hardeep Singh says the suspension of Phillips shows that those who criticised the APPG definition of 'Islamophobia' were right.
The Spectator
* ‘We won’t eradicate FGM if we keep misunderstanding its history’ <[link removed]>
With a proper understanding of the history behind FGM, it need not take another century to finally eradicate this global problem.
The Guardian
* ‘Why we didn’t circumcise our second son’ <[link removed]>
Yagi Morris, a secular Israeli Jew, reflects on her and her husband's decision not to circumcise their second son.
* UN rapporteur blasts Iran’s execution of gays based on Islamic morality <[link removed]>
The newly released UN report of the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has condemned Iran's lethal homophobia.
The Jerusalem Post
* Ministers preparing new law on free speech in universities <[link removed]>
Ministers are preparing a new law on freedom of speech in universities.
** Latest from the NSS
* Ofsted: Jewish school teaching creationism and censoring resources <[link removed]>
An independent Jewish school is teaching creationism as science and refusing to enter pupils for GCSEs, according to an Ofsted report.
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