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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 10 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


‘Our approach to tackling anti-Muslim prejudice must be reconsidered’ – NSS letter

NSS chief executive Stephen Evans responds to the Labour party's decision to suspend Trevor Phillips.

The Times (£)


Jewish school rapped for issuing own-brand qualifications instead of ‘uncensored’ GCSEs – NSS quoted

An Orthodox Jewish independent school has been rapped for making pupils sit qualifications of "no value" which result in the school issuing its own certificate – because leaders would have to break exam rules and "censor" GCSEs.

Schools Week


Calls for 'buffer zones' around abortion clinics in Birmingham after protests

The government is being urged to implement a buffer zone to protect staff and patients at abortion clinics in Birmingham from being targeted by protesters.

Birmingham Live


Labour leadership candidates silent over Trevor Phillips suspension

Trevor Phillips has called on the three Labour leadership candidates to pick a side as senior party figures on Monday condemned the decision to suspend him over alleged Islamophobia.

The Telegraph


‘Trevor Phillips’s suspension shows how far Labour has fallen’

James Bloodworth says Labour MP Khalid Mahmood is right to call Trevor Phillips' suspension "outlandish".



‘Trevor Phillips’s fate should scare us all’

Hardeep Singh says the suspension of Phillips shows that those who criticised the APPG definition of 'Islamophobia' were right.

The Spectator


‘We won’t eradicate FGM if we keep misunderstanding its history’

With a proper understanding of the history behind FGM, it need not take another century to finally eradicate this global problem.

The Guardian


‘Why we didn’t circumcise our second son’

Yagi Morris, a secular Israeli Jew, reflects on her and her husband's decision not to circumcise their second son.



UN rapporteur blasts Iran’s execution of gays based on Islamic morality

The newly released UN report of the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has condemned Iran's lethal homophobia.

The Jerusalem Post


Ministers preparing new law on free speech in universities

Ministers are preparing a new law on freedom of speech in universities.



Latest from the NSS


Ofsted: Jewish school teaching creationism and censoring resources

An independent Jewish school is teaching creationism as science and refusing to enter pupils for GCSEs, according to an Ofsted report.


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