From Vdare Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: Media Applauds AntiFa Assault In Portland; ETC. (65 Items)
Date July 2, 2019 7:28 PM
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Blue-Check Journalists Support Attack That Put Andy Ngo In Hospital With Brain Bleed<[link removed]>; Good News For Trump—Debate Shows Dems CRAZY On Immigration<[link removed]>; ETC. (65 ITEMS, 7/1/19)

Featured Articles
Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

U.S. Corporations Sabotaging Immigration Law—But The Tweeter-In-Chief Could Stop Them<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Lance Welton

Yoram Hazony And His Israeli Ethnostate—Sorry, "Proposition Nation"!<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Good News For Trump—Debates Show Democrats REALLY Crazy About Immigration<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor On CNN’s “The State of Hate”<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

The Overdose Crisis Is An Immigration Crisis—Time To Bomb Mexico, Not Middle East?<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter On Kobach: The Swamp In Action<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

National Data | An OK Month for American Worker Displacement, A Great Year For Immigrants—And Illegal Border Crossings at 7-Year High<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Nicholas Stix

Neither Justice Nor Mercy For James Fields—And It's His Lawyers' Fault<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Allan Wall

MEMO FROM MEXICO: Mexican Media Elites Lighten Up On Trump—Rank-And-File Mexicans Agree With Him And Want Guatemala Border Closed!<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

The Fulford File: George Will (Or The Intern Who Wrote His Book) Denies His Past<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER ARTICLES<[link removed]>

Blog Posts
Sunday June 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

Left-Wing Blue-Check Journalists Support Attack That Put Andy Ngo In Hospital With Brain Bleed<[link removed]>
Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

How Bazelons Raise More Bazelons<[link removed]>
Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

San Francisco to Spend Up to $875,000 to Cover Up a Communist Mural for Being Racist<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Jared Taylor

“Why is White Nationalism on the Rise?” The Op-Ed CNN Backed Out Of Running<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Federale

Antifa Terrorists Moving To Dox, Attack DHS Agents And Officers—With Encouragement From The NEW YORK TIMES<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Science Denialism Down Under: “Indigenous Arrival Has No Date”<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

Portland Mayor Refuses To Protect Journalist, Public, From Antifa Rioters<[link removed]>
Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers In India<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

In Tijuana, Migrants Are Trying To Buy Children To Use As Border Tickets<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Hawaii: Land of the Half-Blood Princes<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Harri Honkanen

Anthropologist Ed Dutton Gets YouTube Ban Because Race Denier Angela Saini's Book Is Above Criticism<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author James Fulford

Nigerian Immigrant Arrested In Mackenzie Lueck Murder—Wanted To Construct Soundproof Dungeon In House<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

From "Diversity Is Our Strength" to "Diversity Is Your Punishment"<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Landscape Water Features Rotting in the Rockies<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Kamala Vs. Joe On World War B: Busing<[link removed]>
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Robin Nelson In NATURE: Angela Saini's SUPERIOR Is Not Politically Correct Enough<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Robert Epstein's Warning: Big Tech Can Move 15 Million Voters to the Left in 2020<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

An Immodest Proposal For Ending The Opioid Crisis<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

White-On-White Hate In The WASHINGTON POST<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

Who CARES If Five Of The Last 12 Nobel Peace Prize Winners Were Muslim?<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

In Italy, the Nigerian Mafia Is Doing the Jobs the Sicilian Mafia Just Won't Do<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Caitlin Flanagan Explains Why Quaker Schools Have the Most Vicious Parents<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Raj Chetty: Move to Dubuque<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Immigrant Mass Murder: Vietnamese Murders Four In-Laws in San Jose<[link removed]>
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Cory Booker Explains the Democratic Worldview, C. 2019: "We Do Not Talk Enough About Trans Americans, Especially African-American Trans Americans..."<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript For June 21: Trump's Deportation Threats, 2020, Ignoring Iran, & The Reparations Clown Show, Etc.<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

More Fauxcohontases Uncovered<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

WASHINGTON POST Bashes Conservatives for Noticing Muslims' "Brutal Killings" Of Scandinavian Girls<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Democrat Border Insanity: A Tucker Carlson Analysis<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer In TakiMag: White and Bright...And "Underrepresented"<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

How Soon Until Woke AI Replaces Grievance Studies Interns in the Media?<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Larry Summers' Apology Just Made Liberals and Women Demand His Punishment More<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

African Population Growth vs. Charismatic Megafauna<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author James Fulford

Peonage In America: Guatemalan Victim Means Guatemalan Perps<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Race Doesn't Exist, Except in Cancer Cell Lines<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Florence King Writes a Bodice-Ripper<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author James Fulford

Litigation Works: Confederate-American Wins Reinstatement, $160K In Civil Rights Suit<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Knitting Community Bans Trump Supporters In Name of Inclusivity<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

E. Jean Carroll's Rape Fantasy<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Democrats' Coalition of the Fringes Comes Unglued Over Stuyvesant HS<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Hate Hoax: Police Body Cam Footage of Jussie Smollett with Noose Around His Neck<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Automation: Robot Dishwasher Promises Less Need For Immigrant Labor In Restaurants<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

NYT: Africans Are Pouring Into Portland, Maine for the Welfare, But That's a Good Thing! Maine NEEDS Congolese<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Clayton Bishop

"Climate Justice"—Just Another Form Of Race-Based Wealth Redistribution<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Are There ANY Right-Wing Sociologists?<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Ilhan Omar's Family Values: Marrying Her Brother For Immigration Fraud Purposes?<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

Indian Immigrant Convicted Of Child Molesting In Pennsylvania<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Are Democrats Good Because They Are More Nonwhite or Are Nonwhites Good Because They Are More Democrat?<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Tucker Carlson Sorts Out Koch Brothers Aims<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

CNN: Late-Breaking Noose News!<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER POSTS<[link removed]>

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Reader

A Patriot Lawyer Says The Supreme Court’s Gerrymandering Decision May Have Bought America Ten More Years To Pass Patriotic Immigration Reform<[link removed]>
Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Reader

A Jewish Reader Is Skeptical (From Experience) About Yoram Hazony, Notes HA'ARETZ Expose<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER LETTERS<[link removed]>

Daily Video Digest
Friday June 28, 2019

Author Wilson Hewlett

Shillicon Valley, and Democratic de Beto - Daily Video Digest<[link removed]>
Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Wilson Hewlett

Maine Attraction, and On Student Bondage - Daily Video Digest<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Wilson Hewlett

Repaying in Full, and Unleavened Nationalism - Daily Video Digest<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER VIDEOS<[link removed]>

Radio Derb
Friday June 28, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb: Nuestra Democracia (Speak English, Debaters!) Progressivism Inc. Crackup, De Blasio's Mask Slips, Etc.<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER RADIOS<[link removed]>

Radio Vdare
Friday June 14, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

VDARE Radio: California, Rat Infested Tunnel Edition<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER RADIOS<[link removed]>

Syndicated Columns
Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Memo to Trump—Trade Bolton for Tulsi<[link removed]>
Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Anti-Trump Crafters—A Decade-Long Unraveling<[link removed]>
Monday June 24, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump—War President or Anti-Interventionist?<[link removed]>


Author Peter Brimelow

Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster<[link removed]>

Author Michael H. Hart

The Rise and Fall of the United States of America<[link removed]>
SEE OTHER BOOKS<[link removed]>

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