Featured Articles

Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

U.S. Corporations Sabotaging Immigration Law—But The Tweeter-In-Chief Could Stop Them

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Lance Welton

Yoram Hazony And His Israeli Ethnostate—Sorry, "Proposition Nation"!

Friday June 28, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Good News For Trump—Debates Show Democrats REALLY Crazy About Immigration

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor On CNN’s “The State of Hate”

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

The Overdose Crisis Is An Immigration Crisis—Time To Bomb Mexico, Not Middle East?

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter On Kobach: The Swamp In Action

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

National Data | An OK Month for American Worker Displacement, A Great Year For Immigrants—And Illegal Border Crossings at 7-Year High

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Nicholas Stix

Neither Justice Nor Mercy For James Fields—And It's His Lawyers' Fault

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Allan Wall

MEMO FROM MEXICO: Mexican Media Elites Lighten Up On Trump—Rank-And-File Mexicans Agree With Him And Want Guatemala Border Closed!

Sunday June 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

The Fulford File: George Will (Or The Intern Who Wrote His Book) Denies His Past

Blog Posts

Sunday June 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

Left-Wing Blue-Check Journalists Support Attack That Put Andy Ngo In Hospital With Brain Bleed

Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

How Bazelons Raise More Bazelons

Sunday June 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

San Francisco to Spend Up to $875,000 to Cover Up a Communist Mural for Being Racist

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Jared Taylor

“Why is White Nationalism on the Rise?” The Op-Ed CNN Backed Out Of Running

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Federale

Antifa Terrorists Moving To Dox, Attack DHS Agents And Officers—With Encouragement From The NEW YORK TIMES

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Science Denialism Down Under: “Indigenous Arrival Has No Date”

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

Portland Mayor Refuses To Protect Journalist, Public, From Antifa Rioters

Saturday June 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers In India

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

In Tijuana, Migrants Are Trying To Buy Children To Use As Border Tickets

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Hawaii: Land of the Half-Blood Princes

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Harri Honkanen

Anthropologist Ed Dutton Gets YouTube Ban Because Race Denier Angela Saini's Book Is Above Criticism

Friday June 28, 2019

Author James Fulford

Nigerian Immigrant Arrested In Mackenzie Lueck Murder—Wanted To Construct Soundproof Dungeon In House

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

From "Diversity Is Our Strength" to "Diversity Is Your Punishment"

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Landscape Water Features Rotting in the Rockies

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Kamala Vs. Joe On World War B: Busing

Friday June 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Robin Nelson In NATURE: Angela Saini's SUPERIOR Is Not Politically Correct Enough

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Robert Epstein's Warning: Big Tech Can Move 15 Million Voters to the Left in 2020

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Hubert Collins

An Immodest Proposal For Ending The Opioid Crisis

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

White-On-White Hate In The WASHINGTON POST

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

Who CARES If Five Of The Last 12 Nobel Peace Prize Winners Were Muslim?

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

In Italy, the Nigerian Mafia Is Doing the Jobs the Sicilian Mafia Just Won't Do

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Caitlin Flanagan Explains Why Quaker Schools Have the Most Vicious Parents

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Raj Chetty: Move to Dubuque

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Immigrant Mass Murder: Vietnamese Murders Four In-Laws in San Jose

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Cory Booker Explains the Democratic Worldview, C. 2019: "We Do Not Talk Enough About Trans Americans, Especially African-American Trans Americans..."

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript For June 21: Trump's Deportation Threats, 2020, Ignoring Iran, & The Reparations Clown Show, Etc.

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

More Fauxcohontases Uncovered

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

WASHINGTON POST Bashes Conservatives for Noticing Muslims' "Brutal Killings" Of Scandinavian Girls

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Democrat Border Insanity: A Tucker Carlson Analysis

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer In TakiMag: White and Bright...And "Underrepresented"

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

How Soon Until Woke AI Replaces Grievance Studies Interns in the Media?

Wednesday June 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Larry Summers' Apology Just Made Liberals and Women Demand His Punishment More

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

African Population Growth vs. Charismatic Megafauna

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author James Fulford

Peonage In America: Guatemalan Victim Means Guatemalan Perps

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Race Doesn't Exist, Except in Cancer Cell Lines

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Florence King Writes a Bodice-Ripper

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author James Fulford

Litigation Works: Confederate-American Wins Reinstatement, $160K In Civil Rights Suit

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Knitting Community Bans Trump Supporters In Name of Inclusivity

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

E. Jean Carroll's Rape Fantasy

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Democrats' Coalition of the Fringes Comes Unglued Over Stuyvesant HS

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Hate Hoax: Police Body Cam Footage of Jussie Smollett with Noose Around His Neck

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Automation: Robot Dishwasher Promises Less Need For Immigrant Labor In Restaurants

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

NYT: Africans Are Pouring Into Portland, Maine for the Welfare, But That's a Good Thing! Maine NEEDS Congolese

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Clayton Bishop

"Climate Justice"—Just Another Form Of Race-Based Wealth Redistribution

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Are There ANY Right-Wing Sociologists?

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Ilhan Omar's Family Values: Marrying Her Brother For Immigration Fraud Purposes?

Sunday June 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

Indian Immigrant Convicted Of Child Molesting In Pennsylvania

Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Are Democrats Good Because They Are More Nonwhite or Are Nonwhites Good Because They Are More Democrat?

Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Tucker Carlson Sorts Out Koch Brothers Aims

Sunday June 23, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

CNN: Late-Breaking Noose News!


Daily Video Digest

Radio Derb

Radio Vdare

Friday June 14, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

VDARE Radio: California, Rat Infested Tunnel Edition

Syndicated Columns

Thursday June 27, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Memo to Trump—Trade Bolton for Tulsi

Tuesday June 25, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Anti-Trump Crafters—A Decade-Long Unraveling

Monday June 24, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Trump—War President or Anti-Interventionist?


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