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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 6 March
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* Orthodox Jewish independent school fails fifth Ofsted inspection in a row – NSS quoted <[link removed]>
An independent Orthodox Jewish school in Stamford Hill in north London has failed its fifth Ofsted inspection in a row.
Hackney Gazette
* Muslim parents raise concerns over relationships and sex education at Stoke-on-Trent primary school <[link removed]>
Muslim families are being encouraged to air their views with a Stoke-on-Trent school over relationships and sex education.
Stoke Sentinel
* Muslim Council of Britain urges investigation into Conservative Party <[link removed]>
The Muslim Council of Britain has renewed its call for an independent inquiry into accusations of 'Islamophobia' in the Conservative Party.
* Protesters in Nigeria demand state action against alleged ‘blasphemer’ <[link removed]>
Scores of youth demanded the state act against a singer for alleged 'blasphemy' in Nigeria on Wednesday – and in response police said they were making efforts to arrest the singer.
Premium Times
* ‘What The Satanic Temple is and why it’s opening a debate about religion’ <[link removed]>
A court case in the US state of Arizona has prompted a judge to ask what a religion is.
The Conversation
* ‘This gay, atheist, leftist is taking on Poland’s right-wing government — by running for president’ <[link removed]>
Robert Biedron has made a string of secularist pledges as he tries to become president of Poland.
Los Angeles Times
** Latest from the NSS
* Don’t extend exemptions to same-sex marriage laws in NI, NSS warns <[link removed]>
The NSS has warned that allowing providers of wedding services to opt out of serving same-sex couples would undermine equality law.
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