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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 6 March


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Orthodox Jewish independent school fails fifth Ofsted inspection in a row – NSS quoted

An independent Orthodox Jewish school in Stamford Hill in north London has failed its fifth Ofsted inspection in a row.

Hackney Gazette


Muslim parents raise concerns over relationships and sex education at Stoke-on-Trent primary school

Muslim families are being encouraged to air their views with a Stoke-on-Trent school over relationships and sex education.

Stoke Sentinel


Muslim Council of Britain urges investigation into Conservative Party

The Muslim Council of Britain has renewed its call for an independent inquiry into accusations of 'Islamophobia' in the Conservative Party.



Protesters in Nigeria demand state action against alleged ‘blasphemer’

Scores of youth demanded the state act against a singer for alleged 'blasphemy' in Nigeria on Wednesday – and in response police said they were making efforts to arrest the singer.

Premium Times


‘What The Satanic Temple is and why it’s opening a debate about religion’

A court case in the US state of Arizona has prompted a judge to ask what a religion is.

The Conversation


‘This gay, atheist, leftist is taking on Poland’s right-wing government — by running for president’

Robert Biedron has made a string of secularist pledges as he tries to become president of Poland.

Los Angeles Times


Latest from the NSS


Don’t extend exemptions to same-sex marriage laws in NI, NSS warns

The NSS has warned that allowing providers of wedding services to opt out of serving same-sex couples would undermine equality law.


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