[[link removed]]Dear John,
We now have a new Government and very soon they’ll start putting their manifesto
pledges into action – which include ‘updating’ the Human Rights Act.
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Given the Conservative Party’s recent history of attempting to scrap the Act,
editing it can only mean one thing: some rights for some people some of the
[[link removed]]For 20 years, the Human Rights Act has been used by ordinary people – soldiers,
people in care, journalists, disabled people, workers, children – to defend
their rights and hold the powerful to account.
It’s protected our right to protest and pray, to think what we like and say what
we think, and to keep our private lives private. It’s forced the police to do a
better job investigating crime and helped people like the Hillsborough families
uncover the truth and fight for justice.
Its protections apply to all of us, all of the time. They are fundamental. Any
revision of any of the rights in the Act is unthinkable and must be resisted.
It’s never been more vital to know and celebrate your rights. This is why we’re giving away our pocket-sized guide to the Human Rights Act
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Know your rights: stand up to power.
Best wishes,
Martha Spurrier
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