Dear John,

Facing imprisonment for your way of life should be unthinkable, but it’s exactly what will happen to Gypsy and Traveller communities in the UK if we don’t act now. 

The Government is looking for feedback on proposals to criminalise trespassing and ‘unauthorised encampments’ – plans which threaten Gypsies’ and Travellers’ way of life and will provide justification for the persecution and discrimination they face.  

You have until 11.59pm on Wednesday 4 March to respond to the consultation. 


The plans give police powers to ban communities from returning to a specific area for a year – disrupting access to education and healthcare – and to seize property, meaning they could confiscate Gypsy and Traveller homes, leaving them at risk of homelessness and destitution. 

The police have said they don’t want these powers and the consultation even acknowledges that the real problem is the lack of authorised sites. But instead of solving this issue, the Government is treating an entire community with contempt. 

And the proposals are framed so broadly that it could also scoop up peaceful protests, for instance environmental protests where participants camp out.

The right to protest is a fundamental right and essential to our democracy – another reason trespass must not be criminalised.


There are only a few days left to respond to the consultation. You can use our prepared response to reply to the Government quickly and easily make sure these sinister plans never see the light of day. 

Or if you are a member of the Gypsy and Traveller community, Friends Families and Travellers is providing specific guidance and assistance with responding to the consultation.  

Please make your voice heard today.

Thank you for your support.


Martha Spurrier

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