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US Signs Historic Agreement With Taliban for Troop Withdrawal ([link removed]) The agreement spans 14 months with markers that must be met Listen ([link removed])
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Why Iran is Corona Virus' Best Ally ([link removed]) Mismanagement, religious fanaticism and terror are a lethal combination Listen ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Canada Refuses to Comply With Its Own Terror Law ([link removed]) Is this about Justin's love affair with Iran? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Neo-Nazi Tied to Atomwaffen Arrested for Swatting ([link removed]) Other members arrested for threatening Jews & journalists Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
NJ City Approves Public Broadcast of Muslim Call to Prayer — Should It? ([link removed])
“Can't display the 10 Commandments, menorah or a nativity scene. So, no, either you keep the separation of church and state, or you don't.”
- R.H.
Antifa Blocks Major Commuter Rail Lines ([link removed])
“Antifa, despite the name, is a fascist domestic terrorist group. They should be treated and charged as such.”
- A.S.
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