The agreement spans 14 months with markers that must be met
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US Signs Historic Agreement With Taliban for Troop Withdrawal
The agreement spans 14 months with markers that must be met
Why Iran is Corona Virus' Best Ally
Mismanagement, religious fanaticism and terror are a lethal combination
News Analysis
Canada Refuses to Comply With Its Own Terror Law
Is this about Justin's love affair with Iran?
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Neo-Nazi Tied to Atomwaffen Arrested for Swatting
Other members arrested for threatening Jews & journalists
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Readers Write
NJ City Approves Public Broadcast of Muslim Call to Prayer — Should It?
“Can't display the 10 Commandments, menorah or a nativity scene. So, no, either you keep the separation of church and state, or you don't.”
- R.H.
Antifa Blocks Major Commuter Rail Lines
“Antifa, despite the name, is a fascist domestic terrorist group. They should be treated and charged as such.”
- A.S.
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