From Susan Wild <[email protected]>
Subject Universal Background Checks
Date February 27, 2020 11:57 PM
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One year ago today, I worked with a bipartisan group of members of Congress to pass a bill that would make background checks required on all gun purchases.

Where is that bill now? Sitting in Mitch McConnell’s “legislative graveyard” of bills that he refuses to bring for a vote in the Senate.

If we lose in November and the House falls back into Republican control, we’ll lose the progress we made towards making universal background checks a reality. Universal background checks aren’t a radical idea. The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support background checks on all gun purchases.

Can you contribute to my campaign for Congress before our end-of-month deadline on Saturday?

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Every day, approximately 100 people die from gun violence. One year of inaction from the Senate is far too long. And we can’t afford to have a new Congress roll back our progress in passing H.R. 8.

Can you contribute $10, $25, or anything you can before our end-of-month deadline to help me stay in office and continue working to prevent gun violence?

CHIP IN NOW [link removed]

Thank you for standing with me.

Susan Wild

| Paid for by Susan Wild for Congress |

Susan Wild for Congress
1636 N. Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown PA 18104 United States

Susan Wild is running for Congress because she believes we can grow overall economic prosperity while still caring for the vulnerable members of our community. And she knows, now more than ever, it's working-class families that deserve a break in this economy — not big city billionaires and wealthy corporations.

But she needs your support today -- her campaign runs on grassroots donations since she's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. If you can, consider giving anything you can to her campaign today. >>

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