One year ago today, I worked with a bipartisan group of members of Congress to pass a bill that would make background checks required on all gun purchases.
Where is that bill now? Sitting in Mitch McConnell’s “legislative graveyard” of bills that he refuses to bring for a vote in the Senate.
If we lose in November and the House falls back into Republican control, we’ll lose the progress we made towards making universal background checks a reality. Universal background checks aren’t a radical idea. The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support background checks on all gun purchases.
Can you contribute to my campaign for Congress before our end-of-month deadline on Saturday?
Every day, approximately 100 people die from gun violence. One year of inaction from the Senate is far too long. And we can’t afford to have a new Congress roll back our progress in passing H.R. 8.
Can you contribute $10, $25, or anything you can before our end-of-month deadline to help me stay in office and continue working to prevent gun violence?
Thank you for standing with me.

Susan Wild