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Wednesday, May 10th, 2023
** Humanity and Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End of Our Species as We Know It? ([link removed])
Gary D. Barnett
** UK Media Regulator OfCom Goes After Me, Mark Steyn, for Telling the Truth ([link removed])
Dr Naomi Wolf
** Drone Strike on Kremlin Absolutely Insane ([link removed])
Dr. Joseph Sansone
** Decent Into Débâcle: Pyrrhic Victories, Lies and Strategic Miscalculations ([link removed])
Alastair Crooke
** The New Immigration Bill Is a Trojan Horse for E-Verify and Is a Threat to All Americans ([link removed])
Ryan McMaken
** Why Do We Keep Feeding the Merchants of Death? ([link removed])
Dr. Joseph Mercola
** The Army We Don’t See ([link removed])
Andrea Mazzarino
** Rise to Rebellion – A Fourth Turning Perspective ([link removed])
Jim Quinn
** Once Trust Has Been Lost, There’s No Going Back ([link removed])
Charles Hugh Smith
** Renowned Catholic Philosopher Warns Pope Francis Is ‘Destroying the Foundations of Faith and Morals’ ([link removed])
Andreas Wailzer
** Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset ([link removed])
Matthew J.L. Ehret
** The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America ([link removed])
Victor Davis Hanson
** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* A Kingly Proposal: Letter from Julian Assange to King Charles III ([link removed])
* Serbia, China observe anniversary of NATO bombing of embassy, killing of citizens ([link removed])
* We Found Photos of Ten Subways Around the Globe That Show Just How Far America Has Fallen ([link removed])
* State of California Found Guilty of Gross Human Rights Violations ([link removed])
* US Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots ([link removed])
* Banks Report Tighter Lending Standards and Weaker Demand for Loans ([link removed])
* RFK Jr.’s Two Hour Interview on All In Podcast ([link removed])
* Is China’s Huawei a Threat or Is US Snooping the Real Phone Threat? ([link removed])
* Col Douglas Macgregor On Ukraine by RFK Jr Podcast ([link removed])
* Fox’s settlement of the Dominion case ([link removed])
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* America’s Untold Stories: Gov. John Connally: Victim or Conspirator? ([link removed])
* Tucker is Back! ([link removed])
* Biden Bars New York Post From White House – What’s He Afraid Of? ([link removed])
* What Are Your Detailed Thoughts and Reaction to Two of the Biggest, Most Impactful Documented Stories of the Decade? ([link removed])
* How the “Straussians” Confuse the U.S. Constitution with the Soviet Constitution ([link removed])
* Axios: “Tucker Carlson Ready to Torch Fox News” ([link removed])
* Forget Ukraine! DC Hawks Dragging NATO Into Taiwan War ([link removed])
* New CDC Target: The Healthy “Sick” ([link removed])
* What Has QE Wrought? ([link removed])
* As Below, So Above: The Secret Religions of the West, Session 3 of 3 — James Lindsay ([link removed])
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