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Wednesday, May 10th, 2023


Humanity and Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End of Our Species as We Know It?

Gary D. Barnett

UK Media Regulator OfCom Goes After Me, Mark Steyn, for Telling the Truth

Dr Naomi Wolf

Drone Strike on Kremlin Absolutely Insane

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Decent Into Débâcle: Pyrrhic Victories, Lies and Strategic Miscalculations

Alastair Crooke

The New Immigration Bill Is a Trojan Horse for E-Verify and Is a Threat to All Americans

Ryan McMaken

Why Do We Keep Feeding the Merchants of Death?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Army We Don’t See

Andrea Mazzarino

Rise to Rebellion – A Fourth Turning Perspective

Jim Quinn

Once Trust Has Been Lost, There’s No Going Back

Charles Hugh Smith

Renowned Catholic Philosopher Warns Pope Francis Is ‘Destroying the Foundations of Faith and Morals’

Andreas Wailzer

Global Britain and King Charles’ Great Reset

Matthew J.L. Ehret

The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America

Victor Davis Hanson

Political Theatre

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