From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: Litigation Works! (Again!) AmRen Conference Going Ahead—Peter Brimelow To Speak!; etc. (78 items)
Date February 3, 2020 11:13 PM
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[Litigation Works! AMERICAN RENAISSANCE Conference Going Ahead—Our Peter Brimelow to Speak]([link removed])! ([register here]([link removed])); and [Based Bill Barr Defies The Kritarchy]([link removed]), etc. (78 items, 01/29/2020)

Art history cancelled! Starting off the top five, Steve Sailer alerts: “[Yale Art History Department To Stop Teaching Famous Intro Course Because White Men Painted Too Many Great Pictures]([link removed]).” No, [it’s not OK to be white]([link removed]).

Next[, “France Sentences Renaud Camus To Jail For Calling Mass Immigration An ‘Invasion’ Unless He Pays Anti-European Groups,”]([link removed]) James Kirkpatrick reminds us that, while France is a ‘collaborationist government,’ Americans still have the First Amendment, so we say it plainly: [“Mass immigration is an invasion.”]([link removed])

In third: Jack Dalton is delighted to be wrong! Despite [his earlier warning]([link removed]), Dalton is pleased to announce: “[VA Second Amendment Rally An Invigorating (And Implicitly White) Success]([link removed])!”

In fourth place is the tragic news of [“Matthew Carter: White 17-Year-Old High School Senior Murdered In Carjacking ‘Gone Wrong’ By Two Black Teenagers Aged 13 And 14”]([link removed]) Paul Kersey asks, “What were you doing when you were 13 or 14 years old?” Were you participating in a carjacking “gone wrong?” Or perhaps a [robbery “gone wrong?]([link removed])”

And lastly, Brenda Walker digs under relentless [impeachment coup]([link removed]) coverage to tell us “[How The Biden Family Got Rich]([link removed]).” See also: “[How Socialist Bernie Sanders Became A Millionaire By Scamming Government]([link removed]).”

Featured Articles

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[ICE Fights Back Against New York’s Anarcho-Tyranny—Trump MUST Make Sanctuary Cities Key 2020 Issue]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: Red China's Infection of US Classrooms]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Allan Wall

[SAID IN SPANISH: Showdowns On The Suchiate, Falling Border Crossings—Trump Forcing Mexico To Block The Central American Immivasion]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Kevin MacDonald

[The Trump Impeachment: A Clash Between America’s Competing Elites?]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Lance Welton

[Pete Buttigieg And Psychology—Commander In Chief-Worthy Or Not?]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[John Derbyshire: America Catches Coronavirus Panic]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author Jared Taylor

[Litigation Works! Patriot Conference Going Ahead!]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Allan Wall

[SAID IN SPANISH: Guatemalans Who Don’t Speak Spanish: LA OPINION Warns Illegals Where Not To Go; Chapo’s Daughter Launches El Chapo Beer; ETC. (4 ITEMS)]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter On Impeachment Week: It’s OK To Be Bored; Not OK To Be White]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Sanders Hard Left Creeps Up On Complacent Trump GOP]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER ARTICLES]([link removed])

Blog Posts

Wednesday January 29, 2020

Author Audacious Epigone

[Out of Touch Media Elite Punches Down At "Boomer Rubes"]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Sailer On HUMAN DIVERSITY: THE BIOLOGY OF GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS: “Charles Murray Goes Meta”]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Federale

[It’s Super Bowl Time And ICE SVU Isn’t Arresting Illegal Aliens]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Hampton, VA Won’t Be 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Because NAACP Says Gun Crime Is A Black Thing]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[CNN Gives Free Ad To Trump Campaign—Watch How Media Elites Hate You]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[PROFILES IN CORRUPTION: Peter Schweizer Explains How Socialist Bernie Sanders Became A Millionaire By Scamming Government]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Future of the American Wokeplace: Buttigieg "Staff Members of Color" Rant About Microaggressions]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Federale

[Based Bill Barr "Berated" By Bozos On Bench—Bars Budging]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Federale

[Kritarchs Ordering Already-Deported Illegals Returned]([link removed])

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Federale

[Kritarchy Fail: Immigration "Judges" Confess Bias And Flee EOIR]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Federale

[Supreme Court Upholds Public Charge Rule, Tells Lower Court Judges To Stay In Their Lane, Stop Trying To Obstruct ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Trump Administration Wins 5-4 In Supreme Court That America Has The Right To Choose Better Immigrants Over Worse Immigrants]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Who Has More Diversity Pokemon Points: A Blonde Becky Or A Bi Black Male?]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Federale

[CBP Ignores Judge's Attempt To Order Iranian Into The US, Because The Relevant Law PROHIBITS Judicial Review]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[USA TODAY Attacks Trump's National Security Team as "Too White"—Thus Illegitimate in Our Enlightened Age of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[The Sob Story That Failed: New Book Fails To Satisfy Diverse Immigration Enthusiasts Because Its Author Is White]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[GOP Establishment Tries To Stifle DeSantis’s America First Agenda In Florida]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Henry McCulloch

[Defending American Citizenship: Trump Tackles Birth Tourism]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Profiles in Courage: WASHINGTON POST Suspends Reporter for Tweeting Link to a #MeToo Story About Kobe Bryant]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Israeli High Court Allows DNA Testing to Prove Judaism]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Christian McCaffrey Only White NFL Player in Top 100 Total Yards Seasons of All Time]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

["Death Threat" On Car: Hate or Hoax?]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Adam Rutherford: How to Fight Racism Using Science]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Audacious Epigone

[Gun Ownership by Party Over Time—A Culture War The Right Is Winning]([link removed])

Sunday January 26, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[His Name Is Matthew Carter: White 17-Year-Old High School Senior In Louisiana Murdered In Carjacking "Gone Wrong" By Two Black Teenagers (Aged 13 And 14)]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

["A Pile Of White Dudes"—The Growth of Racist Headlines]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[More Reviews Of Christopher Caldwell's THE AGE OF ENTITLEMENT: AMERICA SINCE THE SIXTIES]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Goldman Sachs Declares War on White Men: Refuses IPOs for Companies Lacking "Diversity," Whose Directors Are All Straight White Men]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Biden Responds to Joe Rogan's Endorsement of Bernie Sanders (I Think)]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Just Make It Illegal To Give Blacks A Ticket: lllinois Reinstates 55,000 Suspended Licenses For Unpaid Parking Tickets Because Of "Disparate Impact" On Blacks]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Black Woman Gets Angry At A Becky, Blames It On Trump]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Global Future Of "Civil Rights": China, India Crushing Free Speech In America]([link removed])

Saturday January 25, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Consumer DNA Testing Hits Down Market—Most People Know "Who They Are"]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Yale Art History Department to Stop Teaching Famous Intro Course Because White Men Painted Too Many Great Pictures]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Latest Crisis ..."Swastikas Found" In Boston College Dorm]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[PROFILES IN CORRUPTION: How The Biden Family Got Rich]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author James Fulford

["America First" Candidates That "" Doesn't Like...I.E. Patriots Who Want An Immigration Moratorium]([link removed])

Friday January 24, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[African-American Racial Genetics And The Great Migration]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Extinct "Ghost Modern" Race Of Africa And The Bantu Expansion Genocide]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Former Veep Joe Biden Praises Illegal Aliens, Even When They Drive Drunk]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Radio Derb Transcript Up For January 17: The Guest-Workers' President, Disparate Impact, Western VA, And Taiwan, Etc.]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Another "Leaded Law" Black Mass Shooting In Seattle: 1 Dead, 7 Wounded, 3 Suspects]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Allan Wall

[Chicken Pox Outbreak Among Central Americans on Mexican Side of the Border.]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Might Somali Scammer Rep. Ilhan Omar Be Deported?]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[The Old, Weird Africa: Ancient Pygmy DNA Uncovered By David Reich]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Washington Watcher II

[WTF? Trump Campaign Manager Claims POTUS Doesn’t Need To Run On Immigration]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Update: "Snohomish County Man" Who Brought Coronavirus Home From China Is Chinese Immigrant With Green Card]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[After 26 Years Of Black Rule, South Africa Experiencing Nationwide Blackouts As Electricity Grid Collapses]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Author Christopher Caldwell Tackles the Roots of Voter Anger: "The Civil RIghts Act Transformed America"]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[France Sentences Renaud Camus To Jail For Calling Mass Immigration An "Invasion" Unless He Pays Anti-European Groups]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

["Civil Rights Gone Wrong" — Sailer Review Of Christopher Caldwell's THE AGE OF ENTITLEMENT]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Is "Snohomish County Man" Who Brought Coronavirus Home From China American, Chinese, Or Chinese-American?]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Brenda Walker

[Second Amendment Supporters Gather For PEACEFUL Virginia Rally, And Laura Ingraham Is There]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Federale

[Deep State ICE SVU In Seattle Protecting Illegal Aliens In Courtrooms]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Paul Kersey

[Black Criminal, Legally Barred From Owning A Gun, Shoots Fifteen People, Killing ONE In Mass Shooting At Black Night Club In Kansas City]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Steve Sailer

[Is the Per Capita Black / White Murder Offender Ratio Not 7.4X But 11.7X?]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Post-America: New York City May Let Non-Citizens Vote]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Eugene Gant

[King And Gandhi—Two Of A Kind (Not In A Good Way)]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[December Brainteaser Solution, And "No Such Thing As A Bad Math Student"]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author James Fulford

[Amy Klobuchar Forced Denounce Official English At “Iowa Brown and Black Forum”]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Tuesday January 28, 2020

Author Reader

[A Canadian Reader Reports Local Chinese (A) Wearing Anti-Coronavirus Masks (B) Complaining Of Racism]([link removed])

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Reader

[A Reader Has A New Theory On The "Leaded Law"—Black Criminals Using Bad Ammunition]([link removed])

Wednesday January 22, 2020

Author Reader

[A Black Reader Claims HIS Ancestors Won The Civil War]([link removed])

Tuesday January 21, 2020

Author Reader

[An Anonymous Patriot Suggests Second Amendment Sanctuary Virginia Counties Join West VA.]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Radio Derb

Friday January 24, 2020

Author John Derbyshire

[Hysteria Goes Viral, Great 2nd Amendment Rally, South Sudan Basket Case, And Canada's Mini-SPLC, Etc.]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER RADIOS]([link removed])

Syndicated Columns

Monday January 27, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Impeachment—Destroying Democracy In Order To Save It?]([link removed])

Thursday January 23, 2020

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Hillary Puts Bernie Into Her Basket of Deplorables]([link removed])


Author Lawrence Auster

[Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism]([link removed])

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right]([link removed])

Author Michelle Malkin

[Open Borders Inc.]([link removed])

Author Peter Brimelow

[Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster]([link removed])

Author Samuel Huntington

[Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity]([link removed])

Author Byron M. Roth

[The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER BOOKS]([link removed])

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