Litigation Works! AMERICAN RENAISSANCE Conference Going Ahead—Our Peter Brimelow to Speak! (register here); and Based Bill Barr Defies The Kritarchyetc. (78 items, 01/29/2020)


Art history cancelled! Starting off the top five, Steve Sailer alerts: “Yale Art History Department To Stop Teaching Famous Intro Course Because White Men Painted Too Many Great Pictures.” No, it’s not OK to be white.

Next, “France Sentences Renaud Camus To Jail For Calling Mass Immigration An ‘Invasion’ Unless He Pays Anti-European Groups,” James Kirkpatrick reminds us that, while France is a ‘collaborationist government,’ Americans still have the First Amendment, so we say it plainly: “Mass immigration is an invasion.”

In third: Jack Dalton is delighted to be wrong! Despite his earlier warning, Dalton is pleased to announce: “VA Second Amendment Rally An Invigorating (And Implicitly White) Success!”

In fourth place is the tragic news of “Matthew Carter: White 17-Year-Old High School Senior Murdered In Carjacking ‘Gone Wrong’ By Two Black Teenagers Aged 13 And 14” Paul Kersey asks, “What were you doing when you were 13 or 14 years old?” Were you participating in a carjacking “gone wrong?” Or perhaps a robbery “gone wrong?

And lastly, Brenda Walker digs under relentless impeachment coup coverage to tell us “How The Biden Family Got Rich.” See also: “How Socialist Bernie Sanders Became A Millionaire By Scamming Government.”

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