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Weekend Edition, April 8-9, 2023
** Imperial Washington — The New Global Menace ([link removed])
David Stockman
** From Goldsmiths to Central Banks: Degradation of the Banking System ([link removed])
Doug Casey
** Market Risk, Financial Risk, and the Downfall of the Dollar ([link removed])
Gary D. Barnett
** The Hero’s Journey ([link removed])
James Howard Kunstler
** EVs and Incandescent Bulbs ([link removed])
Eric Peters
** Why I Don’t Believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus ([link removed])
Dr Mike Yeadon
** Davos Runs Into the OPEC+ Buzzsaw ([link removed])
Tom Luongo
** The West Has Been Planning To Crush China for a Very Long Time ([link removed])
Caitlin Johnstone
** US Congress: A Conduit For The Banking & Military Cartels ([link removed])
Helena Glass
** Time To Trash Triffin ([link removed])
Alasdair Macleod
** The Gathering Storm ([link removed])
Julie Kelly
** Is Netanyahoo (Again) Looking for War? ([link removed])
Moon of Alabama
** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Germans Overwhelmingly Fed Up with Move to Green Energies as Massive Costs Loom ([link removed])
* Chairman Musk imposes Great Firewall upon Substack ([link removed])
* Fatal Massive Multiorgan Inflammation in a Teenager after COVID-19 Booster ([link removed])
* Turley Defamed By ChatGPT ([link removed])
* Why crippling Substack links on Twitter is dumb ([link removed])
* Female Swimmer Assaulted by Trans Activists in SF ([link removed])
* The German pandemic ends as scheduled ([link removed])
* Job Openings Plunge From Dizzy Heights, How Much is Still Real? ([link removed])
* Are Covid Skeptics Targeted by a Clandestine Operation? ([link removed])
* Don’t Talk About Nord Stream ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* The Tom Woods Show Ep. 2312 The Trump Indictment, with Attorney Robert Barnes ([link removed])
* Where’s the “Virus?” Missing since: Forever ([link removed])
* Covid, Imaginary Pandemic of the Brainwashed ([link removed])
* Patriotism: Good or Evil? ([link removed])
* “Secession is the Only Path Forward for American Christians” ([link removed])
* Excellent In-Depth Analysis of the Trump Indictment, The War in Ukraine, and Many Other Major Geopolitical Issues ([link removed])
* Life Navigation with Austrian Economics ([link removed])
* ‘President Kennedy’? ([link removed])
* Historian Brion McClanahan on The Truth About the Iranian Hostage Crisis ([link removed])
* Biden Can’t Get China To Pick Up The Phone… ([link removed])
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