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Weekend Edition, April 8-9, 2023


Imperial Washington — The New Global Menace

David Stockman

From Goldsmiths to Central Banks: Degradation of the Banking System

Doug Casey

Market Risk, Financial Risk, and the Downfall of the Dollar

Gary D. Barnett

The Hero’s Journey

James Howard Kunstler

EVs and Incandescent Bulbs

Eric Peters

Why I Don’t Believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus

Dr Mike Yeadon

Davos Runs Into the OPEC+ Buzzsaw

Tom Luongo

The West Has Been Planning To Crush China for a Very Long Time

Caitlin Johnstone

US Congress: A Conduit For The Banking & Military Cartels

Helena Glass

Time To Trash Triffin

Alasdair Macleod

The Gathering Storm

Julie Kelly

Is Netanyahoo (Again) Looking for War?

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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