50+ Messages / Page

  ACT For America · [email protected]
July 15, 2020 at 1:55 PM

Back The Blue Rallies Nationwide

  ‘Back the Blue’ rallies spreading nationwide despite ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Defund the Police’ rhetoric Law Enforcement Today All across America, we are seeing rally’s being organized in support of law enforcement. This comes at a time when policing has come under fire after the de…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
July 14, 2020 at 9:31 AM

BLM in Public Schools Teaches Marxism

  Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into Little Marxist School systems across the country are adopting BLM curriculum at an alarming rate, indoctrinating our children to achieve Marxist objectives.   By Sloan Rachmuth and Katie Jensen The Federalist  New York City is…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 9:43 AM

The Fragility of the Woke

  The Fragility of the Woke Victor Davis Hanson The Daily Signal A TikTok video that recently went viral on social media showed a recent Harvard graduate threatening to stab anyone who said “all lives matter.” In her melodrama, she tried to sound intimidating with her histrionics. Sh…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
July 3, 2020 at 11:06 PM

Launching Our Wall of Heroes

Dear John, Our freedom has never meant more to patriotic Americans today than any other time in our recent history. America is divided between those who hate her and want to transform her and those of us who want to preserve her and celebrate her as a shining city on a hill. Since Amer…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 10:37 AM

America Does Not Need a New Revolution

  America Doesn’t Need a New Revolution Can the country confront its current problems with its traditional can-do spirit? We have barely four months to figure out how.   By Ayaan Hirsi Ali The Wall Street Journal   Outrage is the natural response to the brutal killing of George Floyd.…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
June 24, 2020 at 9:25 AM

Back the Blue Campaign

Dear John,   America is at a crossroads.  Either we let lawlessness and chaos continue to divide our great nation or we will stand up for law and order.    ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are broadly painting all police officers as enemy number one and want to abolish the police.    We r…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
June 19, 2020 at 9:28 AM

Abolishing the Police - A Terrorist Dream Come True

Abolishing the Police  A Terrorist Dream Come True by Patrick Dunleavy IPT News            What began as a sincere cry for justice in the tragic killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has evolved into a critical examination of policing in the United States…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
June 12, 2020 at 9:42 AM

We Did It...

  Dear John,   We did it, we finally did it!   The radical left-wing violent group known as ANTIFA has been officially labeled a Domestic Terror Organization by President Trump and his Department of Justice. Click here to watch this important message!   As a member and supporter of ACT…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
June 5, 2020 at 9:16 PM

We Did It...

  Dear John,   We did it, we finally did it!   The radical left-wing violent group known as ANTIFA has been officially labeled a Domestic Terror Organization by President Trump and his Department of Justice.   As a member and supporter of ACT for America, you know how long this road has…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
May 29, 2020 at 10:45 AM

We Are Shaking Up Social Media!

  Dear John,  While the rest of the world has been in crisis mode the last few weeks, Act for America has been shaking up social media.  For those of you who do not follow us, here is a glimpse of our activities just in the last 6 days for your reading pleasure. Social Media Report    …
  ACT For America · [email protected]
May 25, 2020 at 3:18 PM

Memorial Day Tribute. We Honor and Remember.

  Dear John,   Today we honor and remember every American soldier who died in combat, may their sacrifice never be in vain.   Watch ACT for America Founder and Chairman, Brigitte Gabriel's Memorial Day Tribute by clicking on the image below. Click Here to Watch Video Copyrig…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
May 22, 2020 at 10:44 AM

Defining Moment in America"s Destiny

  Dear John,   This Memorial Day 2020, is a very special day. Today, we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life, fighting for our freedom, our most valued and precious right, the cornerstone of what is America.   This Freedom which they died to defend and protect is o…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
May 14, 2020 at 10:46 AM

Urgent Action Alert - Congress Votes Tomorrow

  Dear John,   We are in the midst of dealing with one of the worst pandemics in the last 100 years. Over 30 million people are currently out of work, and our nation has the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression.   America is at a tipping point, and guess what Speaker Nan…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
May 8, 2020 at 9:49 AM

Made in the USA National Directory

  Dear John,   ACT for America proudly launched the most extensive list of "Made in America" companies who manufacture products in the USA from start to finish. We believe "Made in the USA" is a National Security Priority.   Click Here to View ACT for America's Made in the USA List   W…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
May 1, 2020 at 9:44 AM

Support Made in the USA this Mothers Day!

  Dear John,   May is usually one of the busiest months of the year. Spring's flowers have arrived, the beaches and parks are typically filled, graduations galore and Mother's Day is just around the corner.   Unfortunately, this year beaches in many states remain closed, public gatherin…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
April 28, 2020 at 9:45 AM

Bring Back Made in the USA!

  Dear John,   ACT for America is proud to announce our Made in the USA Campaign, dedicated to help bring business back to America and promote others to buy products Made in the USA!   Click below to watch ACT for America Founder and Chairman, Brigitte Gabriel, explain why it's a nation…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
April 24, 2020 at 9:46 AM

New York Mosque Still Open for Daily Prayers While Churches Across the Country Face Mandatory Shutdowns!

  New York Mosque Still Open for Daily Prayers While Churches Across the Country Face Mandatory Shutdowns   Originally Published on theBlaze.com By Phil Silver   A mosque in New York is reportedly still open for daily prayers amid the coronavirus pandemic that has forced Christian c…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 10:03 AM

BRIGITTE GABRIEL - U.S. Elites Can Correct Mistakes on China

  U.S. Elites Can Correct Mistakes on China   Originally Published on Breitbart News   By Brigitte Gabriel   Our past leaders, going all the way up to the office of the President, have failed to check China’s brutish rise.   With the mounting number of lies from the People’s Republi…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 9:43 AM

Have You Heard Brigitte on the Radio Lately?

  Dear John,   While the United States has been struggling to deal with the highly contagious and deadly CoronaVirus, our Founder and Chairman Brigitte Gabriel has been working around the clock sounding the alarms on China and the World Health Organization.   In the past few days alone,…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 9:40 AM

A Special Holiday Video Message from Brigitte Gabriel

  Dear John,   As we prepare for Passover and Easter during one of the most challenging times of our nation's history, we want you to know that we are with you and thinking about you.   We hope you enjoy this special message from our Founder and Chairman, Brigitte Gabriel. C…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
April 7, 2020 at 9:40 AM

THANK YOU Health Care Professionals & First Responders

  Dear John,   During these trying times, we are grateful to all the incredible patriots across the country who are sacrificing so much to help save lives.   To the millions of Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Lab Technicians, Social Workers, and health care p…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
April 3, 2020 at 9:40 AM

FW - Now More Than Ever...

  Dear John,   With everything going on in the world today about the Corona Virus, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to see the email I sent earlier this week!   During these dire times ACT for America needs your support more than ever before. Please read the email below and forwar…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 9:40 AM

Now More Than Ever...

  Dear John,   During these times of crisis and financial uncertainty, ACT For America needs your support and dedication to our mission now more than ever before.   Our world has come to a screeching halt due to the CoronaVirus, but the threats facing our country remain, and our work co…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
March 27, 2020 at 7:40 AM

Chinese CoronaVirus Will Not Slow ACT Down!

  Dear John,   While organizations across the country are scrambling and struggling to stay connected to their members due to canceled meetings and quarantine, ACT For America is reaching millions of people with our influential presence and dominance on social media.   Thanks to our str…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 24, 2020 at 7:39 AM

The Effect of Coronavirus on the Global Economy

  The Effect of Coronavirus on the Global Economy     By Dr. Frank Musmar   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 2020 outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) will go down in history for its massive impact on the global economy and on public health, both physical and psychological. At some point…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 20, 2020 at 5:32 PM

Vital Safety Updates & Links

  Dear John, ACT For America continues to work closely with the White House and partners within the administration to keep Americans safe through this challenging time. We have always prioritized keeping you informed with the latest information as it relates to national security so that…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 11:22 AM

ICYMI: Working Through The Panic

Dear John,  Despite the onset of coronavirus panic ascending upon the nation's capital, ACT For America remained undeterred and continued working hard on your behalf. This is a critical year of national security for our country. The globalists may not want patriots like you to have a se…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 13, 2020 at 8:53 AM

You Were Heard

Dear John,  While coronavirus panic ascended upon the nation's capital, ACT For America remained undeterred and continued working hard on your behalf. Appropriations week at capitol hill may have been rocked by the arrival of coronavirus, but that didn't stop ACT For America from making…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 10, 2020 at 11:48 AM

Shocking Statistics

Dear John, Young Americans are spending 9 hours a day on their smartphones!  James Steyer, CEO, and founder of Common Sense Media says that that statistic "shows you that kids spend more time with media and technology than they do with their parents, time in school or any other thing. T…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 6, 2020 at 11:03 PM

Activists Surge in February

  Dear John, Something great is happening in our country!   Patriotic Americans are energized all over the nation and waking up to fight for our nation and its values. ACT for America is leading the way in organizing and mobilizing them.   We have added 572 new activists in the month of…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
March 3, 2020 at 11:55 AM

A History of Violence

  Dear John, It's time to face the harsh reality: socialism is on the rise. Despite the long history of violence that comes with socialism, it has emerged as the prefered philosophy of the far left. The threat of socialism is a national security matter as gangs, instability, and lawless…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 26, 2020 at 9:20 PM

3&10: Help The Trump Admin!

  Dear John, Don't miss an opportunity to help the Trump administration reform the way bureaucratic arms of the government treats its citizens.  The President recently signed two executive orders guided toward increasing transparency and requiring a certain amount of consideration for t…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 25, 2020 at 1:28 PM

Upcoming Surveillance Fights Matter

  Dear John, Congress is gearing up for a high-profile fight over reauthorizing a handful of controversial surveillance programs months before the 2020 elections. Lawmakers now have 14 working days to figure out if and how they will reauthorize expiring provisions of the USA Freedom Act…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 9:47 AM

3&10: The RADICAL Bill No One Is Talking About!

  Dear John,   Here are three things you can do in under 10 minutes to make a difference for our country, while sipping your cup of coffee.   Please take action and share this email with all your friends!   Copyright © 2020. ACT for America, All rights reserved. 1300 Penns…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 18, 2020 at 9:53 AM

New Dangerous Bill Introduced to Congress

Dear John, There is a new bill making its way now through Congress with 42 co-sponsors that if passed, has the potential of transforming our country. It’s the New Way Forward Act. In order to defeat any chance of this bill passing, we need you to put the pressure on your elected offici…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
February 12, 2020 at 11:50 AM

Re-litigating the Holy Land Foundation Trial?

Hamas Linked "Bridge Initiative" wants to re-litigate the Holy Land Foundation Trial   Dear John,   The ultimate goal of the Bridge Initiative is to remove Hamas/CAIR and other radical Islamic organizations from the designated terrorist list. The Bin Talal Center claims that the terror…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 8, 2020 at 8:31 PM

Brigitte Gabriel Responds to Pelosi - A Must Watch

Dear John, We realize that not all our members are on social media so many of you may have not yet seen this video response message from our Founder and Chairman Brigitte Gabriel to Nancy Pelosi. This video had garnered one million views in 24 hours and has reached almost 2 million peop…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
February 6, 2020 at 10:49 AM

Fwd: Coronavirus - A Serious Threat

  Dear John, We have been inundated with emails about the Coronavirus spreading in America and what is our government doing about it.   We’ve been monitoring the Coronavirus situation very closely and working with the White House on the latest updates. As of now, 20,704 cases have bee…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 12:11 AM

3&10: Help Us EXPOSE Terror-Tied CAIR!!

  Dear John,   Here are three things you can do in under 10 minutes to make a difference for our country, while sipping your cup of coffee.   Please take action and share this email with all your friends! Copyright © 2019. ACT for America, All rights reserved. 1300 Pennsyl…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 27, 2020 at 10:01 PM

They Are Coming After You

Software Company PolicyEngage Denies Service to Brigitte Gabriel and ACT For America Due to SPLC Smears!   If companies are going to censor conservatives based on the SPLC's opinion, who's next? Is anyone safe? Originally Published on Breitbart News By Allum Bokhari   PolicyEngage, …
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 24, 2020 at 5:05 PM

Urgent Action Email to the Senate

  Dear John,   Click the image below to watch an urgent message regarding Impeachment, from ACT for America Founder & Chairman, Brigitte Gabriel. Copyright © 2019. ACT for America, All rights reserved. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NWSuite 190, #614Washington, DC 20004United St…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 22, 2020 at 7:18 PM

Tell Your Senators to Vote for Acquittal!

  Dear John,   It's our job as ACT for America activists to speak out about the pressing national security issues facing our country!   Here are 3 ways you can take action in 10 minutes or less! P.S. - As a grassroots organization, we rely on patriots like you to help spread our mess…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 21, 2020 at 8:32 PM

Warren, Klobuchar, Omar support advocacy group with possible terror ties

  Warren, Klobuchar, Omar support advocacy group with possible terror ties By: Donna Rachel Edmunds Originally Published on JPost More than 120 members of Congress wrote private letters of support to an Islamic-American advocacy group that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has slamme…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
January 17, 2020 at 8:57 PM

FW - Making an Impact

  Dear John,   I wanted to make sure you saw this very important email ACT for America sent you earlier in the week!   2020 is going to be a battle for ages, and we need all hands on deck, read the email below and forward it to everyone you know!   Always Devoted,       Dear John,   …
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 16, 2020 at 10:28 PM

Thank President Trump for Taking Out Soleimani!

  Dear John,   It's our job as ACT for America activists to speak out about the pressing national security issues facing our country!   Here are 3 ways you can take action in 10 minutes or less! P.S. - As a grassroots organization, we rely on patriots like you to help spread our mess…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 15, 2020 at 8:43 PM

Making an Impact

  Dear John,   2020 started with a bang - literally. Iran, and its threat to world peace and national security has dominated the news cycle for the last two weeks.   We thought this is the perfect time to thank you, our members, and activists, and show you all the Federal bills regardin…
  Brigitte Gabriel · [email protected]
January 10, 2020 at 8:48 PM

Lame Missile Attack Underscores Importance of Trump’s Decision

  Lame Missile Attack Underscores Importance of Trump’s Decision   By Brigitte Gabriel Originally Published by Western Free Press   In the aftermath of President Trump’s decision to target Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in a precision airstrike …
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 9, 2020 at 7:58 PM

Tell Speaker Pelosi to STOP Playing Games!

  Dear John,   The radical left CONTINUES to play games with their ridiculous impeachment scam!   Speaker Pelosi knows that the Senate will never uphold the House Articles of Impeachment, so she is refusing to send the articles to Senate Majority Leader McConnell, in an attempt to dicta…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
January 8, 2020 at 6:03 PM

How Obama Impacted the Military

  How Obama Impacted the Military       By Janet Levy American Thinker   Radical changes imposed on our military by progressives, begun in earnest during the Obama administration, are negatively impacting our combat readiness and jeopardizing the lives of our men and women in uniform a…
  ACT For America · [email protected]
December 31, 2019 at 8:42 PM


  Dear John,   ACT for America is eternally grateful to have a generous donor who is matching up to $100,000 donated before TONIGHT at 11:59 PM.   That’s right! You have just 12 HOURS LEFT to make a 100% tax-deductible donation that will be automatically DOUBLED.   Don’t miss out on thi…