I'm running for Congress to build a Minnesota for all of us - where every family gets a fair shot at an outstanding education, the career training or retraining for a good job, and a chance at a better life. I know how lucky I've been. And I'd like to repay that debt by serving my community.

50+ Messages / Page

  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
July 26, 2024 at 4:56 PM

momentum on a stock trading ban for Congress

Dear John,   As many of you know, I’ve long believed that Members of Congress should work for the best interests of their constituents – not Members’ own personal interests. That’s why since I was sworn into Congress in 2019, I’ve been working on proposals to ban Members of Congres…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
July 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

My 67th town hall

Dear John,   I want to start by condemning the horrific assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life last weekend. My thoughts go out to those killed and injured.  Political violence is unacceptable and un-American, and I am relieved that former President Trump was…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
July 12, 2024 at 7:33 PM

Reforming Washington

Dear John,   I hope you and your families had a safe and enjoyable July 4th holiday. When I got back to Washington this week, I was looking forward to getting back to work for the American people to address the issues impacting their everyday lives.    Unfortunately, this week the H…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
July 6, 2024 at 9:01 PM

Happy Fourth of July!

Dear John,   I hope you and your families enjoyed July 4th! The 4th of July is a day to remember and celebrate the sacrifice and dedication it took to build our nation - and how we must continue our work to protect our fundamental ideals of life, liberty & the pursuit of happine…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
June 28, 2024 at 6:20 PM

Supporting the flooded areas in the South Metro

Dear John,   Earlier this week I spent time in Waterville and Northfield to survey the flooding damage with Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith, and offer my support to the communities affected – both as a neighbor and a representative. The floods have destroyed family homes and …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
June 21, 2024 at 6:55 PM

My plan to block pay raises for Members of Congress

Dear John,   Another week in the books – we've been as busy as ever, so I’m excited to share some updates with you all.   Late last week, we got some great news: my push to block a pay raise for Congress was successful. I truly believe that Congress needs to be reformed in order …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
June 14, 2024 at 6:15 PM

New investments in the South Metro

Dear John,   I want to start by taking a moment to honor the life and service of Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell, who died in the line of duty and was laid to rest in Maple Grove this week. This loss is felt by Jamal’s family and the law enforcement community and serves a…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
June 7, 2024 at 4:27 PM

the latest on the post office

Dear John,   First, I want to acknowledge the 80th Anniversary of D-Day yesterday, a day to remember and honor the brave servicemembers who fought to bring an end to World War II in Europe. We will never forget their sacrifice and bravery as they fought to protect America and our a…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
May 31, 2024 at 8:02 PM

New investments in the South Metro

Dear John,   I hope you and your families had a safe and restful Memorial Day.   Memorial Day is an opportunity for us to recognize the sacrifice of the brave men and women who have lost their lives in service to our country. We can never truly understand the level of sacrifice d…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
May 24, 2024 at 5:46 PM

Working toward a bipartisan Farm Bill that works for Minnesota family farmers

Dear John,   I fought to get back on the House Agriculture Committee this Congress because I recognize the essential role Minnesota’s family farmers and producers play in feeding and fueling our nation.   That’s why I introduced 12 bipartisan bills in a good faith effort to deliv…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
May 17, 2024 at 4:50 PM

My new bill will help keep Minnesota’s police officers safe

Dear John,   This week is National Police Week – a time to honor and celebrate the law enforcement officers who work hard day-in and day-out to keep Minnesotans safe. This Police Week, we are keeping the memory of Officers Matthew Ruge and Paul Elmstrand and Firefighter/Paramedic A…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
May 10, 2024 at 10:36 PM

Pushing the President to restore order at the border

Dear John,   It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week, so I want to start out by saying thank you to Minnesota’s educators for all that you do to support our students! Each of you has dedicated your career to providing young Minnesotans with the knowledge, support and tools they need…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
May 3, 2024 at 7:20 PM

My bipartisan bill to cut wasteful spending is gaining momentum!

Dear John,   I hope you have all had a wonderful week! Last week, I shared a bit about a new bill I introduced with my Republican colleague from Florida, Representative Gus Bilirakis. Our bipartisan LIVE Beneficiaries Act will prevent the federal government from issuing Medicaid p…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
April 26, 2024 at 5:49 PM

Lakeville's new public safety training facility

Dear John,   I had a great week here in the South Metro! It was great to connect with so many of you, and I’m grateful to everyone who took the time to meet with me, give me a tour or attend my Town Hall.   Monday was a big day in Lakeville! I joined Mayor Luke Hellier, Police Ch…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
April 19, 2024 at 8:29 PM

America must stand with Ukraine

Dear John,   I’m writing to you from Washington, DC today – where tomorrow the House is scheduled to vote on a series of national security supplemental funding bills – including long-needed support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza - among…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
April 12, 2024 at 5:02 PM

Arizona’s 1864 abortion ban

Dear John,   I want to take a moment to write about what happened in Arizona this week. On Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court revived a law from 1864 that completely bans abortion in that state except when required to save the life of the mother. This Civil War-era law also crimina…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
April 5, 2024 at 4:30 PM

$1 million for Dakota County law enforcement

Dear John,   It’s been a busy week here in the South Metro – and from visiting MASH in Savage to reading to kindergartners in Apple Valley to meeting with mayors from across Dakota County, it's been a great time! I wanted to take a few moments to tell you about an exciting event I …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
March 29, 2024 at 7:02 PM

Thank you, Chief Tate!

Dear John,   Well after another chaotic month in Washington, it was great to be back in Minnesota meeting with constituents and stakeholders all week! I wanted to thank each and every one of you who attended Monday’s town hall – my 63rd since taking office. My town hall is one of t…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
March 22, 2024 at 8:07 PM

My END FENTANYL Act just got signed into law

Dear John,   I hope you all had a great week! I’ve been calling on congressional leadership and the Biden Administration to take action on the fentanyl crisis for a long time now. On Monday, President Biden signed my bipartisan END FENTANYL Act into law. The signing of this bill me…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
March 15, 2024 at 4:57 PM

Holding public officials to the gold standard

Dear John,   Happy Friday! If you have watched the news recently, you may have seen reports concerning the federal bribery and corruption charges being brought against New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. These reports have been particularly disturbing to me. Public officials should be…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
March 8, 2024 at 8:40 PM

What I heard from the President last night

Dear John,   It was State of the Union week here in DC and it was busy, busy, busy! My guest for the President’s address last night was Brian Peters, Executive Director of the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA). MPPOA represents over 10,000 rank-and-file law en…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
March 1, 2024 at 5:59 PM

Burnsville strong

Dear John,   On Wednesday of this week, the state came together to honor the lives and service of Burnsville Police Officers Matthew Ruge and Paul Elmstrand and Firefighter/Paramedic Adam Finseth. Over 10,000 Minnesotans showed up to remember Paul, Adam and Matthew and to support t…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
February 23, 2024 at 8:05 PM

Remembering Officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge and Firefighter/Paramedic Adam Finseth

Dear John,   My heart is heavy today. We are a community in mourning. We are grieving the tragic loss of Burnsville Police Officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge and Firefighter/Paramedic Adam Finseth and we are praying for the recovery of Police Sergeant Adam Medlicott. It’s h…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
February 16, 2024 at 4:59 PM

Tapping the energy potential here in the South Metro

Dear John,   I hope you all had a great week!   Our district is home to thousands of family farms. And I know that the cold months an make summer feel a long way away – but during warmer months, our district is 40% covered in corn and soybeans. We have a strong biofuel sector her…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
February 9, 2024 at 7:09 PM

We can’t play politics with our national security

Dear John,   Well, I certainly wish I could stop writing to you with the update that it was a chaotic week in DC. You know, I thought I’d seen it all – but this week took the cake. The only way anything gets done in DC is through compromise. And that’s how I think it should be. Our…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
February 2, 2024 at 5:32 PM

A tax cut for working families & securing our southern border

Dear John,   We were back in for another legislative session in DC this week – and a productive one at that! On Wednesday, we passed a bipartisan tax reform package that will cut taxes for families and small businesses. Our bill will expand the Child Tax Credit and the Low-Income Ho…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
January 27, 2024 at 10:23 PM

A tax cut for seniors & answers from USPS... finally

Dear John,   What a week to be back in Minnesota! Hope everyone got to enjoy the warm weather these past few days.   Social Security is a promise we made to the American people – that if you work hard and play by the rules, the dignity of a secure retirement will be within your r…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
January 19, 2024 at 6:18 PM

Calling for a statewide USPS investigation

Dear John,   Today wraps up our second week of session – and what a week it was!    Yesterday, the House passed the temporary bipartisan legislation we needed to keep the government open and funded. It was important that we took this step to avert a government shutdown – but we n…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
January 12, 2024 at 4:59 PM

We can’t keep kicking the can down the road on government funding

  Dear John,   Well, we finally got our snow in Minnesota this week – and I know we are slated to get a lot more in the next few days, so please stay safe! Just a few days ago, we heard the encouraging news that a topline budget agreement had been struck between House Speaker Mike…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
January 5, 2024 at 4:55 PM

A 2024 preview

Dear John,   Happy New Year! I hope you all were able to celebrate the start of 2024 with your friends and family. The start of a new year offers an opportunity to reflect anew on the work we still have ahead of us on behalf of working families across Minnesota. Congress kicks of…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
December 22, 2023 at 8:15 PM

Happy holidays, MN-02!

Dear John,   Well, we are officially in the last stretch of 2023 – and what a year it’s been!   2023 has been a year full of challenges, surprises and the unexpected – but I’m so grateful to count you all as partners in this important work to make Minnesota a better place to live…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
December 15, 2023 at 6:05 PM

How we keep Minnesotans safe

Dear John,   I hope you had a wonderful week! We wrapped up our last week of session here in DC for the year. As we finished our final legislative week in DC, I wanted to share a bit about two bills I’ve been focused on these past few weeks. As I’m sure is the case for many of you,…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
December 8, 2023 at 5:58 PM

The big 6-0

Dear John,   Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful week.   I wanted to touch on one thing before I get started with my regular update. On Wednesday, the IRS announced that they will be taxing the rebate checks sent to Minnesotans earlier this year. This decision shocked me…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
December 1, 2023 at 6:15 PM

Thank you, Thomas and Jack

Dear John,   I think it’s safe to say that winter officially began in the South Metro earlier this week! I hope you’re gearing up for another Minnesota winter. I wanted to share a special moment from this week. On Wednesday, I had the honor of delivering the stories of two U.S. Army…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
November 24, 2023 at 5:22 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear John,   I wanted to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving offers a natural point of reflection – it’s a time to think about our greatest blessings in life. I always say Minnesota’s Second District is home to the best of the best – and…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
November 17, 2023 at 6:43 PM

Working together to keep the government open

Dear John,   This week, it felt like the United States House of Representatives was finally back to normal – or as normal as it could ever be. Committees were meeting, votes were happening. But when I got to Washington this week, I was worried. The bill we passed in late September …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
November 10, 2023 at 6:42 PM

Honoring Minnesota’s veterans in the way they deserve

Dear John,   This week was a tremendously challenging one in the House of Representatives. We were presented with two very difficult votes related to the Israel/Hamas war and related issues. I believe that elected officials have a responsibility to be transparent with their constit…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 6:59 PM

It’s time to act on the border

Dear John,   I want to start out my update this week with an important reminder: open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act’s 2024 health care coverage plans is open! That means if you get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace – you can now sign up for a n…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
October 27, 2023 at 9:09 PM

Gun safety reform – now

Dear John,   Today, my heart is heavy for those lives forever changed by Wednesday’s horrific shooting in Lewiston, Maine. No one should have to endure the level of heartbreak that has become all too commonplace across Maine and across the United States. It’s time that we stop legi…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
October 20, 2023 at 5:35 PM

The House needs to get back to work

Dear John,   I wish I were coming to you today with better news – but here we are: the House of Representatives has gone nearly three weeks without a Speaker of the House. Republicans are nowhere close to electing a new leader and the House is at a standstill. Right now, we should b…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
October 13, 2023 at 7:06 PM

Bipartisan support for Israel

Dear John,   Last night, I attended a vigil at the U.S. Capitol for the victims of a terrorist attack in Israel.     The depraved violence we’ve seen inflicted on innocent civilians in Israel over the past several days has been nothing short of horrifying. My wife is Jewish. Th…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
October 6, 2023 at 6:50 PM

What’s next for the House of Representatives? Bipartisanship, I hope

Dear John,   A lot has happened since we last spoke. On Saturday, the House passed a temporary bipartisan bill to keep the government up and running while we work on a budget. And on Tuesday, House Republicans called a vote to remove Kevin McCarthy from his role as Speaker of the H…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
September 29, 2023 at 6:24 PM

Two days to go

Dear John,   Today is September 29th. Tomorrow night at midnight, the government will shut down if Speaker McCarthy refuses to put a bipartisan bill on the Floor to fund the government. Like many of you, I am frustrated with the behavior of the House Republican Freedom Caucus and t…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
September 22, 2023 at 5:43 PM

Get it together, Kevin

Dear John,   I’m writing to you after an unbelievably frustrating and disappointing week in Congress. Right now, we are 8 days away from a federal government shutdown. Instead of acting like mature adults who have a responsibility to act in the interest of their constituents, MAGA …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
September 15, 2023 at 7:02 PM

How we get Minnesota law enforcement the tools they need

Dear John,   First and foremost, I wanted to wish a Happy Rosh Hashanah to all those celebrating! I hope each of you can take the time to celebrate the new year with your friends and family.   On a different note, some of you may have heard news about a potential federal government …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
September 8, 2023 at 6:37 PM

Meetings, town halls and groundbreakings – oh my!

Dear John,   Today marks the end of the summer district work period for Congress. Next week, I am headed back to Washington for votes. What a week this past one has been! These past few days have been full of groundbreakings, meetings and tours. We also had some pretty cool happeni…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
September 1, 2023 at 8:47 PM

Honoring International Overdose Awareness Day

Dear John,   With the end of the State Fair in sight and Labor Day right around the corner, we’re wrapping up summer here in the Second District. It’s been a busy one – but I’m grateful to have spent so much time in district, meeting with and hearing from so many of you. Thursday w…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
August 25, 2023 at 6:52 PM

Our work to lower insulin costs continues

Dear John,   Happy, happy Friday – hope you all had a wonderful week! For this week’s newsletter, I wanted to give you an update on an effort I’ve been focused on for quite some time now: lowering the cost of insulin in the United States. Insulin is a drug millions of Americans rely…
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
August 18, 2023 at 4:41 PM

Combating China’s role in America’s fentanyl crisis

Dear John,   As your representative, ensuring the safety and well-being of you and your family is a responsibility that I take very seriously. Right now, fulfilling that responsibility means taking urgent action to address the fentanyl poisoning crisis – a problem that is having a …
  Representative Angie Craig · [email protected]
August 11, 2023 at 5:29 PM

Town Hall #56 in the books!

Dear John,   There is no better time in Minnesota than August – so I hope you have all been able to enjoy some time outside with friends and family this week. The most important job of any elected official is to listen to their constituents, so they can pursue the policies and effo…