50+ Messages / Page

  Carole King · [email protected]
December 28, 2019 at 12:17 AM

please read. don’t delete.

I just need 3O seconds of your time: Will you join me and chip in $1 to protect and expand our Democratic Majority and all the progress they continue to fight for? Watching our Democrats fight bravely every day to pass bills For The People while holding Trump accountable makes me…
  Madeleine Albright · [email protected]
December 27, 2019 at 9:58 PM

RE: I say this without hesitation

  I’ll be brief -- I’m asking for $1 and your help before the End of Year Deadline in 96 hours.    I need you to face the facts:   Donald Trump is the most undemocratic president in modern American history.   As a refugee, a Secretary of State, and a proud American, I’ve watched in …
  Adam Schiff · [email protected]
December 27, 2019 at 8:24 PM


I’ll be direct. I’m counting on your help and your $1 before our final deadline of the year hits in just 96 hours. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this past year has meant to me.  Standing alongside our Democratic Majority to:  -- fight for common sense gun violence prev…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 27, 2019 at 4:48 PM


I’m reaching out because we’re only 96 hours away from my End of Year Deadline, and I urgently need 35,OOO more gifts before my deadline. >>   I respect you too much to sugarcoat this, so I’ll be blunt:   Republicans have never been more motivated to steal my Majority out from u…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 23, 2019 at 6:20 PM

📎 NOT asking for money

Quickly: Will you take my December Priorities Survey and let me know how you’re feeling?   OFFICIAL PELOSI PRIORITIES SURVEY: FOR: [email protected] Before my most important survey yet closes at midnight, I’m counting on you to share your thoughts with me. Quickly: Will you t…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 20, 2019 at 10:15 PM

as of 4pm:

I emailed yesterday morning. I emailed yesterday afternoon. I emailed earlier this afternoon.   Now I’m emailing you again because this moment is too critical to not be a part of!   President Trump is raking in money at an absolute historic pace -- and I worry he could be on his way t…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 20, 2019 at 5:45 PM

I’m insulted

I emailed you yesterday. Now I’m emailing you this afternoon.    That’s how unprecedented President Trump’s latest temper tantrum is!   I’ve told you before that Trump’s insults will never bully my Majority and me into failing on our sacred promise to provide real results to the Ameri…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 20, 2019 at 12:28 AM

RE: Donald Trump

I’m coming to you right now to implore you for your help and your $1.   At this critical time, I’m finding myself deeply concerned.   A pro-Trump dark money group just announced a $2.5 MILLION advertising blitz against members of my Majority.   That’s in addition to $8.5 MILLION these…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 10:36 PM

RE: President Trump

Time is short so I’ll keep this quick:   FIRST: A pro-Trump dark money group rushed $2,5OO,OOO to flood the airwaves with attack ads against members of my Majority.   THEN: President Trump raised a whopping $5,OOO,OOO on the heels of our Democrats holding him accountable for his abuse…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 5:56 PM

RE: Donald Trump

Last night, President Trump took the stage at a rally in Michigan where he hurled insults at my Majority and me.   This morning, I just got word his campaign announced raising $5 MILLION in under 24 hours. That level of unprecedented fundraising could be disastrous for my important w…
  IMPEACHMENT BREAKING (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 3:55 AM


We know it’s late, but all of us at Democratic Headquarters had to reach out to you one final time:   On this historic day, we need our grassroots Democrats to step up in historic numbers to protect and expand our Majority.   Donald Trump just became the third president to be impeache…
  BREAKING IMPEACHMENT (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 19, 2019 at 2:50 AM

as of 8:30pm:

MSNBC: Trump becomes the third president to ever be impeached   Our Democrats just took historic action to hold Trump accountable for his bribery and abuses of power.   All the while:    --Trump hurled slurs at Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our Majority at a MASSIVE rally outside Detroit …
  IMPEACHMENT UPDATE (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 11:58 PM

as of 6pm:

“Nancy and her minions should be ashamed of themselves” - Donald Trump   Trump’s latest attacks on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our Democrats disgust us.    Unfortunately, his insults are working -- and firing up his base in a way we’ve NEVER seen before. NO!   Trump’s biggest fans are r…
  IMPEACHMENT URGENT (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 10:38 PM

Nancy Pelosi INSULTED

In just a few hours, President Trump will take the stage at a rally in Michigan where he will undoubtedly hurl insults at Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our Democratic Majority.   During Trump’s petty and childish attacks at our Majority, our Democrats will take a grave step to hold the pre…
  IMPEACHMENT ALERT (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 8:07 PM

this is urgent. please read.

The news we just got made our jaws drop to the floor: And we’re counting on your help and your $1 to fight back immediately.   Trump just sent a panicked plea to his base where he lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi and our Majority -- all while BEGGING them to rush in cash to defeat …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 18, 2019 at 3:32 PM

as of 10am:

I’m deeply concerned -- that’s why I’m reaching out to you for the fourth time in 48 hours for your help and your $1.   FIRST: I told you President Trump raked in a historic $1O MILLION in just one week.   THEN: I just learned Trump’s recruitment network has been growing at an unprece…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 17, 2019 at 10:19 PM

RE: Donald Trump

I’m deeply disturbed.   I just got word that top political experts are saying President Trump has a path to victory -- one that could propel Republicans into ripping my Majority right from under me.   Make no mistake: Trump could win next year -- and it’s all thanks to the whopping $1…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 17, 2019 at 4:31 PM


I’m coming to you urgently this morning to ask you to renew your 2O2O Democratic Membership before it expires in just two short weeks. The news I just received has made me gravely concerned. Donald Trump’s campaign just announced they’ve raked $1O MILLION in one week alone. Trump a…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 16, 2019 at 8:42 PM


I’ll get right to the point: I need your help and your $1 straight away.   Thanks to the 1O2,476 grassroots Democrats who completed my December Priorities survey, it’s clear to me that you’re deeply concerned about President Trump’s abuses of power.   Every day, my Democrats go to wor…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 15, 2019 at 7:07 PM

I need 3 more responses from your area before midnight:

Please, will you take 3O seconds of your Sunday and tell me what’s on your mind? Don’t delay -- my survey closes at midnight. 89,285 grassroots Democrats have completed my critical December Priorities Survey -- my final survey of the entire year!   But my team just checked our record…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 14, 2019 at 9:54 PM

📎 NOT asking for money

Before tomorrow night, my Democrats and I need your thoughts on what’s most important to you. Will you take my Priorities Survey and tell me what’s on your mind? >> 8O,498 grassroots Democrats have completed my critical December Priorities Survey -- my final survey of the ent…
  REPLY REQUESTED (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 14, 2019 at 6:03 PM

📎 NOT asking for money

Will you rush in your survey responses before midnight tomorrow? 4O,OOO URGENT RESPONSES NEEDED:    Don’t miss your FINAL chance to tell Nancy Pelosi what’s on your mind before year’s end.   Will you rush in your survey responses before midnight tomorrow? YES! →   NO → …
  Cheri Bustos · [email protected]
December 13, 2019 at 10:49 PM

14 signatures from your area needed:

QUICKLY: Will you take Nancy Pelosi’s MOST important survey of the year and help me fortify our Majority for years to come? >> 1OO,OOO URGENT RESPONSES NEEDED:   Speaker Nancy Pelosi just launched her final and most important survey of the year.   So now I’m asking you dire…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 13, 2019 at 8:03 PM

📎 need input, NOT money

Will you make sure to add your input right away on my FINAL survey of the year straight away? >> YOUR URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED:   My final survey of the year is underway.    As one of my very best grassroots supporters, I’m counting on your input straight away.   Will you reco…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 12, 2019 at 10:18 PM

1OO,OOO responses required:

I need your help finalizing our winning strategy for 2O2O. Will you give your input right away?   1OO,OOO URGENT RESPONSES NEEDED:   I just launched my final survey of the year.    I need your help finalizing our winning strategy for 2O2O. Will you give your input right away? …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 12, 2019 at 7:57 PM

as of 2pm:

I needed to come to you straight away.   Every day, my Majority and I are fighting tooth-and-nail for the American people -- and I’m so proud that we just passed a bill to lower prescription drug costs for hundreds of MILLIONS of Americans.   But I need you to know that unfortunately …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 12, 2019 at 5:12 PM


I emailed you Monday morning. I emailed you Monday evening. I emailed you Tuesday. I emailed you yesterday -- three times!   That’s how much I’m depending on your support during this historic moment.    I’m watching President Trump rake in cash at an unprecedented pace -- all to crush…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 11, 2019 at 9:52 PM

ABC News just reported:

Have you seen the latest from ABC News?   Donald Trump just launched a digital ad campaign spreading lies about members of my Majority and me -- all to rile up his base and rake in even more cash.   Donald Trump is committed to defeating my Majority because I’m working around the cloc…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 11, 2019 at 6:55 PM

I’m livid

I’m livid.   Last night, Trump stood in front of his right-wing base and threw insult after insult at members of my Majority and me.   I hate to say it, but his attacks are working.   I just got word that Trump’s House Republicans have raked in an unprecedented $21 MILLION online this…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 11, 2019 at 4:23 PM


“House Democrats Unveil Articles of Impeachment Against Trump” -- The New York Times   Quickly:   I’m coming to you for the second time in 24 hours because I’m counting on you to commit to protecting my Majority with your $1.   I’ve told you how committed I am to making sure Presiden…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 10, 2019 at 4:48 PM

no time. please read.

Time is short, so I’ll keep this brief: I’m coming to you for the third time in just 24 hours because I’m counting on you to renew your Democratic Membership straight away.   I just huddled with my team and got my hands on some truly heart-stopping news.   President Trump has raked i…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 9, 2019 at 11:39 PM

I’m deeply insulted:

I emailed. My team at Democratic Headquarters emailed. And now I’m emailing again -- that’s how important this is!   At a top secret fundraiser over the weekend, President Trump not only raked in MILLIONS of dollars to defeat Democrats, but he spent an hour of his time hurling insults…
  Nancy (1), Me · [email protected]
December 9, 2019 at 9:12 PM

RE: my heart just sank

Nancy Pelosi just reached out to you.   That’s because Trump’s historic fundraising is jeopardizing Nancy Pelosi’s chances of protecting and expanding her fragile Majority.   QUICKLY: Will you answer Nancy Pelosi’s urgent call for help by renewing your 2O2O Democratic Membership? >…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 9, 2019 at 5:41 PM

kiss everything goodbye

I’m coming to you first thing on my Monday because I need your immediate help and your $1.   What I just heard made my stomach drop.   CNN just reported Donald Trump raked in $3 MILLION at one lucrative fundraiser last week.   I’ve told you how motivated Trump is to completely decimat…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 7, 2019 at 6:34 PM

I’m deeply disturbed

Quickly -- can you be sure to renew your Democratic Membership with $1 before midnight? >> It’s very clear to me that President Trump is worried about all the work our Democrats are doing to hold him accountable.   Just last night he lashed out, accusing me of trying to “brainw…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 6, 2019 at 9:04 PM

my heart just sank:

I’m personally asking you (for the fourth time this week!) to renew your 2O2O Democratic membership before midnight. The startling news I just heard made my heart sink.   Donald Trump has raked in an unprecedented $11 MILLION in Texas alone.   I’ve told you how important Texas is to …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 5, 2019 at 10:35 PM


I’m reaching out for the third time in two days because I’m counting on you and your $1.   President Trump just threw a juvenile temper tantrum -- and spewed personal attacks at members of my Majority and me (again!).   And I’ll be frank: I’m insulted.   But I refuse to let this bully…
  IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY BREAKING (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 5, 2019 at 7:40 PM

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “my warning”

This moment is critical, so we’re counting on your help and your $1 straight away. >>   Speaker Nancy Pelosi just emailed you.   She told you personally about the unprecedented fundraising from Trump and his Republicans -- they’ve already raised a THIRD more than our Democrats. …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 5, 2019 at 4:14 PM

as of 1Oam:

I’m asking you personally: Will you renew your 2O2O Democratic Membership with $1? I’ll see that it's triple-matched until midnight tomorrow. >> I hate to come to you again so soon for your help. But I’d certainly fail you if I didn’t warn you that my Democratic Majority is up…
  Nancy (1), Me · [email protected]
December 4, 2019 at 10:31 PM

MASSIVE setback

We’re coming to you with the worst possible news:   Trump’s Republicans have raised 34.2% more than our Democrats this year.   This kind of cash haul could spell complete disaster for Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic Majority. We need grassroots Democrats to step up like never before …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 4, 2019 at 7:53 PM

my majority DEMOLISHED

This email is so important, and I need you to read the whole thing.   As I type this, President Trump and his Republicans are crisscrossing the country to rake in MILLIONS to demolish my Majority.   - Vice President Mike Pence just touched down in Michigan to woo Trump voters - Trump …
  IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY URGENT (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 8:53 PM

8 signatures from your area before midnight:

BEFORE MIDNIGHT: Sign on immediately to CONDEMN Trump >> BEFORE MIDNIGHT: Sign on immediately to CONDEMN Trump >> Tomorrow is the day Jerry Nadler announced.   It marks a new phase in our Democrats’ impeachment inquiry -- and the first hearings in front of the Judi…
  IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY ALERT (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 3, 2019 at 6:31 PM

📎 NOT asking for money

Will you add your name to CONDEMN Donald Trump’s corruption and abuses of power? 3OO,OOO URGENT SIGNATURES NEEDED TO HOLD TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE:   Will you add your name to CONDEMN Donald Trump’s corruption and abuses of power? YES! →   NO → We’re reaching out to you tod…
  IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY UPDATE (via DCCC) · [email protected]
December 2, 2019 at 5:53 PM

Donald Trump just announced:

Will you sign on to condemn Trump’s abuses of power? BREAKING: Donald Trump REFUSES to participate in Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry hearings   3OO,OOO URGENT SIGNATURES NEEDED:   Our Democrats just took another decisive step in their impeachment inquiry.   Now we nee…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
December 1, 2019 at 3:09 AM


I’m coming to you for the 5th and final time this week because I urgently need your help before our most important End of Month Deadline hits in just 3 hours.   I told you Trump’s Republicans have a staggering $42 million lining their coffers.   I told you Trump was lobbing childish i…
  Hillary (1), Nancy, Adam, Me · [email protected]
December 1, 2019 at 12:52 AM

our Majority GONE

Adam Schiff emailed. Hillary Clinton emailed. Nancy Pelosi emailed -- FOUR TIMES!!   Top Democrats are all reaching out because we’re at a hugely important moment.   Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight projections just showed that Democrats' lead has fallen to five points against the Republ…
  [email protected] · [email protected]
November 30, 2019 at 9:54 PM

AUTO-CONFIRM: [Member Status (11/3O/2O19)]

You have 5 MISSED MESSAGES TO RENEW YOUR DEMOCRATIC MEMBERSHIP. This is your FINAL NOTICE to renew your Membership before tonight’s critical End of Month Deadline.   [email protected] NOVEMBER DEMOCRATIC MEMBERSHIP: PENDING Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Hillary Clinton are …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
November 30, 2019 at 7:38 PM

frankly, I’m insulted

I’ll keep this quick: I’m urgently counting on your $1 before midnight. While our Democrats work tirelessly to fight for the American people and hold President Trump accountable, Trump is spending his time spewing childish insults at members of my Majority and me. And frankly, I’m …
  Hillary Clinton · [email protected]
November 30, 2019 at 4:58 PM

as of 11am:

I’m reaching out to you for the first time since Nancy Pelosi took back the Speaker’s gavel because we are at a crossroads in history. So I won’t waste a second more: I’m asking you personally to contribute $1 to protect and expand our Democratic majority.   I am grateful to Spea…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
November 29, 2019 at 10:09 PM

RE: President Trump

I emailed you Wednesday. I emailed you this morning.   Now I’m emailing again because I’m about to throw in the towel.   I just checked my team’s fundraising numbers (again!), and things aren’t looking good for me at all.   I can’t sugarcoat this for you. I’m still behind on my critic…