50+ Messages / Page

  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
May 5, 2024 at 4:28 PM

Mike Johnson GONE!?

  John, please read this very closely: I watched House Republicans plot to CUT Social Security. I watched them threaten a full government SHUTDOWN to do it. I watched them elect the most RADICAL Speaker in history to finish Social Security off once and for all. Now, we’re going to …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
May 4, 2024 at 3:23 PM

Hillary, Michelle, Nancy, John xxxxxx

  Did you see what Michelle and Hillary said, John? FIRST → Michelle Obama warned that we “cannot take this Democracy for granted.” THEN → Hillary Clinton agreed that Trump’s anti-Democracy threats should “scare every American.” NOW → I’m joining Michelle and Hillary’s call to acti…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
May 3, 2024 at 4:29 PM

Membership #103397370 for John xxxxxx

  I have to be crystal clear about what we’re up against, John. – Republicans raised a whopping $112 MILLION to expand their extremist MAGA Majority. – If they win, Republicans vowed to BAN abortion, DECIMATE Social Security, SLASH Medicare, and REPEAL the Affordable Care Act. – It…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
May 2, 2024 at 3:18 PM

humbly asking, John

  John, I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out. FIRST: Mike Johnson raised $33 MILLION to buy himself another term in power. THEN: Donald Trump raised a terrifying $50.5 MILLION to do the same. NOW: I refuse to let election-denying extremists OUTRAISE our Democrats and DESTR…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
May 1, 2024 at 4:29 PM

JUST asking for $1 (really)

  $1. That’s the donation I’m asking you to make before midnight. Yes, just $1. $1 to respond to the ad blitz MAGA Republicans just launched against 35 (!!!) House Democrats. $1 to compete with the $38 MILLION extremist Republicans raked in from their MEGA donors. $1 to stop Trump …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 30, 2024 at 11:08 PM

My final ask

  I’m sorry to bother you again, but I’m asking you for the last time this month. I just need 1 more gift from your ZIP code before my End of Month Deadline – one of the FIRST major milestones of the 2024 election – to hit my goal. If Democrats like you step up, we’ll have the reso…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 30, 2024 at 3:23 PM


  John, I need you to read this very closely: – I watched Mike Johnson lead the charge to OVERTURN the 2020 election. – I watched him and 80% of Republicans plot to SLASH Social Security and Medicare. – I watched him rush to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring and spread his election L…
  Hillary Clinton’s STUNNING announcement (via Nancy Pelosi HQ) · [email protected]
April 29, 2024 at 3:26 PM

Hillary Clinton has HAD IT, John

  You’re going to want to see this, John. Hillary Clinton just called on EVERY Democracy-loving American to help us win this monumental election. After EVERYTHING Trump and Republicans put Hillary through, we CANNOT let her down now. Which is why Speaker Pelosi is calling on all he…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 28, 2024 at 9:09 PM

CNN just reported:

  John, I want you to see this. CNN just revealed that two TOP Republican Senators could LOSE their seats in the next election! – Ted Cruz could LOSE in Texas. – Rick Scott could LOSE in Florida. I need you to understand what this means, John. If Democrats spring into action to F…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 28, 2024 at 2:24 PM

Trump fundraiser BACKFIRES

  I know you’ve heard from me a lot recently, but this is crucial. Trump raised a record-breaking $50.5 MILLION in a single night near Mar-A-Lago (!!!) to retake the White House. That’s almost DOUBLE what Biden, Obama, and Clinton just raised at their historic joint-fundraiser. Joh…
  John xxxxxx, Team Pelosi · [email protected]
April 27, 2024 at 3:27 PM

MARY TRUMP is frightened:

  WOW, John — did you see what Mary Trump just said? She just EXPOSED her uncle as a “frightened little boy” – and called on EVERY Democracy-loving American to join the fight against him. We know that Speaker Emerita Pelosi agrees that Trumpism is an existential threat to our Democ…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 26, 2024 at 3:23 PM

NPR just reported

NPR: DEMOCRATS HAVE SIX MONTHS TO BOOST THE YOUTH VOTE. Did you see this? FIRST: The New York Times released a brand new poll showing Republicans DEFEATING our Democrats    N  P  R  DEMOCRATS HAVE SIX MONTHS TO BOOST THE YOUTH VOTE John, did you see this? FIRST: The New York…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 25, 2024 at 9:08 PM

Democrats Deliver: Jobs – Revitalizing U.S. Manufacturing!

John, while Donald Trump and his MAGA allies pushed for tax cuts for billionaires and the biggest corporations…     John, while Donald Trump and his MAGA allies pushed for tax cuts for billionaires and the biggest corporations… Democrats helped bring back American Manufactu…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 25, 2024 at 3:28 PM

BREAKING: New York Times poll

  John, I’ll be blunt: This is the most important ask I have ever made of you. The New York Times just released one of their FIRST polls of the 2024 election – and this race is a complete TOSS-UP. I need a historic response – 2,000 gifts before midnight – to protect our Democratic …
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 24, 2024 at 3:13 PM

Thanks in advance for your first $9 donation, John

  John, I want you to know how critical you’ve been in our effort to take back the House. This is tough for me to ask, but I just checked my 2024 records, and I was disheartened to see you hadn’t yet made a donation to help Democrats win this historic election. As of 11am, Democrat…
  MICHELLE OBAMA ANNOUNCEMENT (via Nancy Pelosi HQ) · [email protected]
April 23, 2024 at 4:04 PM

Michelle Obama’s CONCERNING plea:

  WOW, did you see what Michelle and Barack Obama said? Our beloved former first lady said she is "terrified about what could possibly happen" in November. Democrats only need to win FOUR seats to take back the House from MAGA Mike Johnson and extremist Republicans. But Republicans…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 22, 2024 at 8:57 PM

Trump announcement BACKFIRES

  This is pressing, John. FIRST: The Washington Post reported that Mike Johnson is “HAULING IN” millions of dollars to buy another term in power. THEN: Fox News reported that Trump raised a whopping $50.5 MILLION in ONE SINGLE NIGHT to win back the Presidency. NOW: We face a terr…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 21, 2024 at 9:37 PM

begging you, John

  I need you to understand what we’re up against, John. – Mitch McConnell helped raise $95 MILLION to take back the Senate. – Mike Johnson raised $5.4 MILLION in a single week to expand his MAGA Majority. – Donald Trump brought in $50.5 MILLION (!!!) to bulldoze his way back into t…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 21, 2024 at 3:53 PM

New York Times just reported:

  NEW YORK TIMES: Mike Johnson was “ARCHITECT” of plot to overturn 2020 election I need you to see this, John. The New York Times just reported that Republicans’ Speaker Mike Johnson was an “ARCHITECT” of the plot to overturn the 2020 election. I’ll be blunt: Someone who tried to …
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 20, 2024 at 4:01 PM

I just checked ActBlue:

  John, I need to make things abundantly clear before my midnight deadline. I told you MAGA donors FLOODED Republicans’ war chest – with $50 MILLION! I told you swing-district Republicans are OUTRAISING our Democrats – by almost 30%! I told you Democrats need to step up if we’re …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 19, 2024 at 3:50 PM

massive loss

  I hate to interrupt your weekend again, so I’ll keep this quick. I want to pull back the curtain and explain why I need your $15 before the upcoming End of Week Deadline. 1. Donald Trump just raised $75 MILLION to buy his way back into the White House. 2. House Republicans rais…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 18, 2024 at 3:46 PM

incredible defeat

  John, I’m about to ask you to rush $15 before midnight, but first, I need to pull back the curtain and explain how everything – EVERYTHING – just changed in the race to take back our House. >> I need to tell you what I just learned, John:  – Experts just shifted EIGHT races…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 17, 2024 at 9:38 PM

Democrats Deliver

Joe Biden and our Democrats are delivering for the American people. We’ve delivered over 15 MILLION jobs since the Republican recession and cut unemployment in HALF.   John, if you haven’t noticed already… Joe Biden and our Democrats are delivering for the American people. …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 17, 2024 at 3:54 PM

please, John

  You need to see this, John. FIRST: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton hosted a HISTORIC event to re-elect President Biden and defeat Donald Trump for good. THEN: Trump pledged to embarrass our beloved Presidents by DOUBLING their haul at a fundraiser of his own. NOW: I just learned th…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 16, 2024 at 3:51 PM

🚨Just announced

  This is wonderful, John. FIRST: Election experts declared the race for the House is a complete “TOSS-UP.” THEN: Mike Johnson’s Republicans announced a plan to SLASH Social Security – and they plummeted in the polls! NOW: House Democrats just announced their 17 target districts th…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 15, 2024 at 4:06 PM

I’ll be blunt

  John, I’ll level with you: – I watched Mike Johnson raise $6.2 MILLION to buy another term in power. – I watched Donald Trump raise $50.5 MILLION in one night to snatch back the Presidency. – I watched them scheme to SLASH our Social Security, DECIMATE our freedoms, and UNDO our …
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 14, 2024 at 6:40 PM

I warned you

  John, I need to be blunt before my End of Week Deadline at midnight. I warned you that Trump broke the ALL-TIME record with $50.5 MILLION raised in a single night. I warned you that Republicans are plotting vicious SMEAR campaigns against our Democrats. I warned you that the GOP …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 13, 2024 at 3:47 PM

NYT just reported

  John, I wish I didn’t have to email you again, but things have taken an urgent turn. LAST WEEK, I told you that Donald Trump was set to raise $33 MILLION in one night. NOW, I’m learning he actually raised a record $50.5 MILLION – that’s the largest fundraiser EVER. John, polls sa…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 12, 2024 at 2:47 PM

Mike Johnson just announced

  HAPPENING NOW I need you to see this, John. FIRST: The New York Times reported that Speaker Mike Johnson was an “ARCHITECT” of the plot to overturn the 2020 election. NOW: Johnson and Trump are hosting a press conference TODAY to spread their election-denying LIES even further – …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 11, 2024 at 3:59 PM

Me, Nancy, Barack, Kamala, Hillary

I’ll be honest: I’m about to ask you for just $3. I hope you can take the time to read what our Democratic leaders have to say about this election.   I’ll be honest: I’m about to ask you for just $3. I hope you can take the time to read what our Democratic leaders have to…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 10, 2024 at 9:48 PM

NBC News just reported

  This is incredible, John. NBC News just reported that House Democrats announced their 17 target districts that will decide who wins the House! Let me be clear: – These districts will decide the fate of the House Majority. – If we win them, we win the Majority – it’s as simple as…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 10, 2024 at 3:53 PM

Mitch McConnell GONE

  I can’t believe it, John. A brand new poll shows Democrats are poised to win SIX battleground Senate seats in this election. – Democrats are WINNING in Arizona. – Democrats are WINNING in Michigan. – Democrats are WINNING in Montana. – Democrats are WINNING in Ohio. – Democrats a…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 9, 2024 at 3:55 PM

New York Times just reported

  NEW YORK TIMES: “Social Security and Medicare are on the ballot” This election just fundamentally changed, John. FIRST: Donald Trump called to SLASH Social Security – and imperil the lives of millions of Americans. THEN: Speaker Mike Johnson backed him up – and 80% of Hous…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 8, 2024 at 4:25 PM

John xxxxxx, Barack, Bill, Hillary, Joe

  Here’s what’s happening, John. FIRST: Presidents Obama and Clinton hosted a HISTORIC event last week to re-elect President Biden and DEFEAT Donald Trump for good. THEN: Hillary Clinton stepped up and hosted another legendary event too! BUT NOW: Word just broke that Donald Trump…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 7, 2024 at 9:38 PM

Mike Johnson GONE!?

  John, please read this very closely: I watched House Republicans plot to CUT Social Security. I watched them threaten a full government SHUTDOWN to do it. I watched them elect the most RADICAL Speaker in history to finish Social Security off once and for all. Now, we’re going to …
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 7, 2024 at 3:48 PM


  John, in a moment I’m going to pull back the curtain behind Republicans’ newest attacks on American families. I’d love it if you read this email to learn what’s at stake – but if you’re in a rush, will you rush $15 before our End of Week Deadline to help Democrats FLIP the Hous…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 6, 2024 at 3:57 PM

NBC News just reported

  TODAY: Trump to host $33 MILLION record-breaking fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago I have bad news, John. NBC News just reported that Trump is hosting a record-breaking, closed-door fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago TODAY – and he’s expected to raise a record-breaking $33 MILLION to retake …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 5, 2024 at 4:58 PM

Fwd: CNN just reported:

  John, you need to see this. Last week, I told you CNN reported that Democrats could DEFEAT Rick Scott and FLIP his Senate seat blue. Now, I’m telling you that there will be a reproductive freedom initiative on the ballot in Florida – and experts say our odds to win this seat AR…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 4, 2024 at 3:58 PM

MSNBC (SHOCKING announcement)

  This is the most important email I have ever sent you, John. -- I watched Mike Johnson and Republicans in Congress plot – AND FAIL – to overturn the 2020 election for Trump. -- I watched Republicans launch 400+ voter suppression bills nationwide to keep Democrats from ever winnin…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 3, 2024 at 4:04 PM

Membership #103397370 for John xxxxxx

  I have to be crystal clear about what we’re up against, John. – Republicans raised a whopping $112 MILLION to expand their extremist MAGA Majority. – If they win, Republicans vowed to BAN abortion, DECIMATE Social Security, SLASH Medicare, and REPEAL the Affordable Care Act. – It…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 2, 2024 at 2:59 PM

Trump announcement BACKFIRES

  I need you to see this, John. MSNBC just reported that Trump raised a whopping $75 MILLION (!!!) to retake the White House. John, we now face a terrifying reality. If we don’t pick up the fundraising pace – NOW – this kind of cash could buy Trump the presidency. I am doing ever…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
April 1, 2024 at 4:08 PM

JUST asking for $1 (really)

  $1. That’s the donation I’m asking you to make before midnight. Yes, just $1. $1 to respond to the ad blitz MAGA Republicans just launched against 35 (!!!) House Democrats. $1 to compete with the $38 MILLION extremist Republicans raked in from their MEGA donors. $1 to stop Trump …
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 31, 2024 at 9:42 PM

My final ask

  I’m sorry to bother you again, but I’m asking you for the last time this quarter. I just need 1 more gift from your ZIP code before my End of Quarter Deadline – the FIRST major milestone of the 2024 election – to hit my goal. If Democrats like you step up, we’ll have the resour…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 31, 2024 at 4:23 PM

Happy Easter!

In this season of renewal, families and communities celebrate Easter Sunday in San Francisco, across America and around the globe. In that spirit, I am writing to thank you for your friendship and support to make a positive difference in the world.   Dear Friends, In this s…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 30, 2024 at 9:39 PM

Thank you in advance for your first $5 donation, John

John, I want you to know personally how essential your support is to take back the House Majority.   John, I want you to know personally how essential your support is to take back the House Majority. When I think about our most important supporters, I don’t think about how m…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 30, 2024 at 4:01 PM

please, John

  I emailed Thursday. I emailed Friday. I emailed Saturday. Now, I’m reaching out again — because this couldn’t be more critical. John, our FIRST End of Quarter Deadline of the year is in just 24 hours. Our Democrats are just FOUR seats away from taking back our House Majority — …
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 29, 2024 at 10:43 PM

MSNBC reported

  MSNBC: MIKE JOHNSON “REACHES NEW, EMBARRASSING LOW” It’s sad to witness, John. MSNBC reported that Speaker Mike Johnson has somehow reached an even “new” low. Even after the New York Times called him an “architect” of Trump’s plot to OVERTURN the 2020 election… Even after…
  John xxxxxx, Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 29, 2024 at 4:09 PM

Trump announcement BACKFIRES

  This is beyond concerning, John. FIRST: News broke that Donald Trump raised $6 MILLION from mega donors in one single night. NOW: My team is telling me he just raised another $1.3 MILLION to win back power. I am doing everything in my power to ensure this twice-impeached, disgrac…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 28, 2024 at 9:42 PM

massive loss

  I hate to interrupt your Thursday again, so I’ll keep this quick. I want to pull back the curtain and explain why I need your $15 before the upcoming End of Quarter Deadline. 1. Donald Trump just raised $75 MILLION to buy his way back into the White House. 2. Mike Johnson raise…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
March 28, 2024 at 3:43 PM

please read. don’t delete.

  $10.6 MILLION. That’s how much Mike Johnson has raised from his right-wing donors since becoming Speaker. $30.5 MILLION. That’s how much Donald Trump has in his coffers to buy another term in power. $19 That’s the average donation made to our campaign – and the amount I’m asking …