50+ Messages / Page

  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 17, 2021 at 7:25 PM

War on Terror comes home

Dear Patriot, The unholy alliance between Big Tech and Big Government certainly has taken an interesting turn in the last two weeks. Now Big Tech is attempting to silence a sitting President, while squashing competition for people who wish to move to alternative platforms. And if you mis…
  Heather D · [email protected]
January 15, 2021 at 9:01 PM

FWD: Who will be banned next?

Dear Patriot, Dr. Paul is very concerned about taxpayer-subsidized Big Tech tyrants who are silencing those who don’t toe the line. He asked me to reach out to you and urge you to sign the petition to stop this anti-liberty cronyism before it goes any further. Your member of Congress and …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 14, 2021 at 9:01 PM

Who will be banned next?

Dear Patriot, Is free speech too dangerous for the Big Tech Oligarchs and the political class they prop up? They certainly are acting that way. Congress sure has made a lot of noise about reining in Big Tech recently, calling them in for hearings, but not much progress has been made, i…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 13, 2021 at 2:53 PM

Banned on Facebook

Dear Patriot, In the latest swift move towards censorship of dissenting opinions, Facebook locked me out of my account on Monday, with no warning and no truthful explanation. I wasn’t able to post anything to the official “Ron Paul” page, which I’ve had since 2007. In 13+ years, we’ve ne…
  Heather D · [email protected]
January 10, 2021 at 6:16 PM

The Great Reset

Dear Patriot, Just over a week into the new year and we’ve already seen anger erupt all over the country, including the major breach at the U.S. Capitol. Later in the week, President Trump was permanently suspended from Twitter and Facebook, which certainly were a big part of his electi…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 7, 2021 at 10:22 PM

Capitol Chaos

Patriot, Politics is messy business. One thing I’ve always made clear in my decades of political involvement is that we MUST implement change through non-violence and peaceful persuasion. As I watched the events unfold yesterday in D.C., I was first encouraged by the hundreds of thousands…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 5, 2021 at 10:28 PM

Covid concentration camps

Patriot, They want you in camps. Is it any surprise that after a year of runaway tyranny in places like New York that went virtually unchecked, their political class is now proposing that the “undesirables” be put into Covid Concentration Camps? We could certainly just write this off as far …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
January 3, 2021 at 7:43 PM

The real scandal

Dear Patriot, As we start a new year, I wanted to be sure you saw my recent column about the recent spending bill that totaled 5,593 pages and was given to members of Congress just hours before they had to vote on it. Given the fact that there wasn't much opposition from either party, i…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 31, 2020 at 8:19 PM

No turning back

Patriot, I first wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for Campaign for Liberty in an extremely challenging year. All the damage to liberty and our Republic has left us with a lot of work to do. So much focus has been on the economic damage of the Coronavirus “lockdowns” and …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 30, 2020 at 9:54 PM

Urgent message from Dr. Paul

Patriot, I wanted to make sure this message was delivered to you before we lose any more time. This has been a year like no other in our lifetimes. And 2021 is gearing up to be Campaign for Liberty’s most critical year. We are currently $18,358 short of our funding goal to take on all…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 29, 2020 at 9:25 PM

Bad News

Patriot, I’ve told you about everything Campaign for Liberty has on our plates in the new year. 2020 has been a terrible year for liberty, which means that 2021 presents many opportunities to put the statists back on their heels on multiple fronts. They have certainly over-reached, wh…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 28, 2020 at 10:35 PM

Did I do something wrong?

Patriot, I’m starting to get worried. According to my records, you still haven’t renewed your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2021. If you sent it in through the mail, and I just haven’t received it yet, thank you so much! But if you haven’t yet renewed for 2021, it’s absolutel…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 24, 2020 at 9:01 PM

Merry Christmas Wishes

Patriot, I want to thank all the supporters of Campaign for Liberty who have kept us going all year long with your generosity and action. Despite the circumstances of 2020, we have much to be hopeful about. And there’s much to be thankful for in the fight for liberty. Now more than ev…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 23, 2020 at 9:46 PM

Veto it

Patriot, They can’t be serious. After year of unprecedented abuses of the American public, Congress is trying to buy you off with $600, while they give their buddies $Billions more in the latest round of their “stimulus,” which we’ve watched fail for 12 straight years. Why stop when y…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 20, 2020 at 8:11 PM

Will Biden Follow the Science?

Dear Fellow Patriot, Did you see my recent weekly column regarding Joe Biden and his coronavirus taskforce? With all the current threats to your liberty, you should most certainly care about this. The reality is we face many challenges in the coming weeks and months. Come late January, we …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 17, 2020 at 10:59 PM

Liberty is the only answer

Patriot, I think it’s safe to say that just about everyone is looking to close the book on 2020. Washington, D.C. is in utter chaos, business owners across the country are desperately trying to stay open, and authoritarian governors are looking for any way possible to clamp down on thei…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 16, 2020 at 11:18 PM

Back to normal?

Patriot, We are closing in on 2021 and this may be the most important email you read before the new year. Nearly all of our plans to fight the unprecedented tyranny that has been rolled out this year hinge on your generous donation right now. Please consider the most generous donation yo…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 15, 2020 at 11:18 PM

Back to normal?

Patriot, 2020 was the year that “collectivism” ran wild in America. State and city governments across the country seized an unprecedented amount of power and now it’s up to you and me to stand up and take it back. You know they won’t give it up willingly now that they have it. Of co…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 14, 2020 at 11:36 PM

Not fake news

Patriot, 2020 has been a year like no other in my lifetime. Before we turn the chapter on this unforgettable year, I thought you might want to read some other chapters. . .  about how liberty wins! I’ll be giving away a copy of one my books of your choice — End the Fed, Liberty Defined…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 13, 2020 at 8:43 PM

Your signed book

Patriot, 2020 has been a year like no other in my lifetime. If we ever doubted the state’s ability to shut our economy down with fear and dishonesty, they sure proved what they’re capable of. At least temporarily…. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily controversies during unprece…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 10, 2020 at 9:34 PM

FWD: Vaccine papers please?

Patriot, Did you see my message from Tuesday? Your governor needs to hear from you immediately! Major corporations and overreaching health bureaucrats are poised to start requiring vaccines in order to access services like air travel, in-store shopping, attending school, and maybe even e…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 8, 2020 at 11:27 PM

Vaccine papers please?

Patriot, With the COVID vaccines brought to us at “warp speed” about to become available for certain members of the public, anxiety is rising over whether it will be made mandatory by governments or corporations. The first to float this idea very publicly have been two international air…
  Heather D · [email protected]
December 6, 2020 at 9:02 PM

They crossed a line

Patriot, This year, Americans have been forced to live under the most tyrannical rules we’ve ever seen, while the rule-makers are hypocritically out living it up and breaking them. That would be bad enough, but they’re also playing favorites with the big corporations, while they destroy…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
December 3, 2020 at 10:58 PM

The coming weeks look like trouble

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  Heather D · [email protected]
December 2, 2020 at 9:33 PM

I object!

Patriot, Did you see Dr. Paul’s email below? Unless good Americans like you stand up NOW and assert your rights, Congress may tie future airline bailout money to a vaccine mandate. You see, the airlines are struggling mightily due to nine months of lockdowns. And they’re searching for a …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 30, 2020 at 11:49 PM

Thinking about traveling?

Dear Patriot, Millions of Americans traveled for Thanksgiving last week to see family and friends, which was a great thing to see. This is all despite the fact that governors across the country tried to shame and even block them from doing so . . . and then hypocritically traveled to fa…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 25, 2020 at 8:20 PM

Thanksgiving 2020

Dear Patriot, I thought we’d take a break from the usual and bring back an old favorite now that Thanksgiving is upon us. There's enough bad news every single day from shutdowns, lockdowns, governors and mayors compelling you to tattle on your neighbors, and other big government nonsens…
  Heather D · [email protected]
November 23, 2020 at 9:05 PM

FWD: We don't stop

Dear Patriot, We haven't heard back from you and we are busy preparing for what could be one of the worst attacks on liberty in modern history in 2021. You and I have beat the statists and tyrants before, and we can do it again. Patriot, if you are in this fight with us, we need to know N…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 22, 2020 at 7:05 PM

We don't stop

Dear Patriot, 2020 has been a disastrous year for liberty, truth, and even confidence in our election system. All of that means what we face in 2021 is that much more important. We have no choice but to take back lost ground from the tyrants across the country who have used the corona…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 20, 2020 at 7:36 PM

Are you with us?

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  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 17, 2020 at 10:17 PM

Are you with us?

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  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 15, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Do what you're told

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  Heather D · [email protected]
November 10, 2020 at 9:28 PM

ENOUGH already

Dear Patriot, We noticed you didn’t fill out the postcard for your governor, so we wanted to rush this email out to you before it’s too late! Dr. Paul is very concerned about the second round of lockdowns that could be even more damaging than the first! He’s urging you to sign the postca…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 10, 2020 at 1:59 AM

Here they go again

Dear Patriot, The election madness rages on, but what’s happening in the background has me more troubled. States are clamping down with restrictions and business shutdowns again. Nationwide mask mandates are being proposed. The rushed and potentially MANDATED vaccine could be out in…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 6, 2020 at 9:49 PM

A sad state of affairs

Dear Patriot, As I said yesterday, there appear to be a lot of shenanigans going on. And it doesn’t matter if you voted for Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jo Jorgensen, or anyone else on Tuesday. What matters today is that it appears the integrity of the election process which we cherish a…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 5, 2020 at 9:59 PM

Mob rule has arrived

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  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 11:41 PM

It’s not over

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  Ron Paul · [email protected]
November 1, 2020 at 6:05 PM

The coming fights

Dear Patriot, No matter who comes out on top in Tuesday’s elections, we’re in for some very critical fights for liberty, starting immediately after November 3rd. The enemies of liberty do not rest. And neither will we. 2020 has been an odd and unique year, to say the least. And it’…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 29, 2020 at 8:00 PM

The coming lockdowns aren't funny

Dear Patriot, I wish I could say this is a laughing matter. After months of failed “lockdowns” and ridiculous mask mandates, it looks like we may be in for a holiday season full of outrageous behavior by our governors and state bureaucrats. They’ve already proven to be the worst kind…
  Heather D · [email protected]
October 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM

FWD: I'm sick of it

Dear Patriot, We noticed you didn’t fill out the latest survey from Campaign for Liberty about your Health Freedom. Dr. Paul is very concerned about all the rights that are being trampled on during this corona-power-grab! He’s urging you to fill out the survey, so we know how you feel ab…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 27, 2020 at 9:24 PM

You won't have a choice

Dear Patriot,   “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Imagine hearing those words from a government agent at your door, armed with enough syringes for your entire household . . . filled with COVID-19 vaccines they’ll only describe as “pretty safe.” It’s enough to make my sk…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 25, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Is the Fed trying to replace Bitcoin?

Dear Fellow Patriot, The Federal Reserve just can’t stand the thought of anyone competing with their central banking cartel. Since the $6 trillion CARES Act passed and was signed on March 27th by President Trump, the price of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has doubled from around $6,500 to $…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 22, 2020 at 8:32 PM

I'm sick of it

Dear Patriot, Mandated face masking for children to attend school. . . Biochips required for travel. . . Mandated vaccines to access basic services. . . The real “super-spreader” in 2020 is TYRANNY. The political class and Big Pharma are on the war path against your health freedom…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 20, 2020 at 4:42 PM

ACTION: Call to STOP another coronavirus bailout

 Dear Fellow Patriot, “Go big or go home.”  Those are the words President Trump used in a tweet when describing what Congress should do with the latest stimulus bill. I say it’s time for them to go home. Or go back to the campaign trail and take a break from inflating and destroying …
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM

Can the Fed End Racism?

Object.defineProperty(screen, "availTop", { value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(screen, "availLeft", { value: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(screen, "availWidth", { value: 2400 }); Object.defineProperty(screen, "availHeight", { value: 1350 }); Object.defineProperty(screen, "colorDepth", { value: 24 });…
  Heather D · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 7:56 PM

Is this the October surprise?

Dear Patriot, I know you don’t want bureaucrats micro-managing every aspect of your life. But that’s just what could happen if you don’t take action right away. Dr. Paul is very concerned that Congress will pull a backdoor attack on your health freedom by hiding H.R. 666(6)-type contact…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 14, 2020 at 9:19 PM

Congress pulling a back-door attack?

Fellow Patriot, The on-again, off-again, on-again coronavirus bailout 2.0 seems to be back on -- just in time for massive giveaways before the November election. I wish I could say I am surprised. As if the enormous, unprecedented spending wasn’t bad enough, what they may deceptively h…
  Heather Danielowski · [email protected]
October 12, 2020 at 8:19 PM

FWD: H.R. 666(6) means biochips required

Dear Friend of Liberty, Dr. Paul is very concerned about the latest plan for using the overblown virus to strip us all of our medical freedom . . . implantable biochips. He asked me to reach out to you and urge you to sign the petition to stop this madness before it goes any further. Your…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 11, 2020 at 7:19 PM

The COVID passport is almost here

Dear Fellow Patriot, After years of watching “National Security” bureaucrats and authoritarians completely ruin the experience of airline travel, apparently someone didn’t think the job was quite done. Now you must prove you’re not an international terrorist or a virus super-spreader, if…
  Ron Paul · [email protected]
October 8, 2020 at 8:05 PM

H.R. 666(6) means biochips required

“Gov’t (DARPA) funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021” Dear Fellow Patriot, Implanting microchips in people to track them used to be something that only appeared in futuristic movies. Unfortunately, the future is now. These are the kinds of ideas th…