50+ Messages / Page

  Feminist Majority Foundation · [email protected]
May 12, 2020 at 9:31 PM

Ms. Magazine Needs Your Vote!

The Feminist Majority Foundation, proud publisher of Ms. Magazine, is very excited to announce that Ms. Magazine's Summer 2019 cover has been nominated for the 2020 Best Cover award by the American Society of Magazine Editors! Ms. readers have been quick to show their support for this power…
  Feminist News Digest · [email protected]
May 8, 2020 at 11:32 PM

Feminist News Digest: Week of May 4-8

The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today EDUCATION EQUITY | VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Betsy DeVos Release…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
May 5, 2020 at 5:28 PM

#GivingTuesdayNow: Protect Clinics During the Pandemic

Dear John, Today is #GivingTuesdayNow, and nonprofits everywhere are asking our supporters to pitch in and help us with the important work we are doing. We need you to join us in protecting independent abortion clinics, who provide nearly 60% of abortions nationwide. State…
  Feminist News Digest · [email protected]
May 1, 2020 at 8:08 PM

Feminist News Digest: Week of April 27-May 1

The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today GLOBAL | HEALTH Women Psychologists in Herat Terrified for Th…
  Feminist News Digest · [email protected]
April 24, 2020 at 8:03 PM

Feminist News Digest: Week of April 20-24

The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today ABORTION PROVIDERS | CLINICS Historic Coalition of Women’s an…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
April 23, 2020 at 5:09 PM

Protect Clinics From Extremists During Pandemic

Dear John, We need to rush emergency funds to abortion clinics targeted by extremists. We are two-thirds of the way to our goal of sending $31,500 to targeted clinics to help them increase their security. I’m depending on you to chip in and help meet this emergency goal. A…
  Feminist News Digest · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 8:06 PM

Feminist News Digest: Week of April 13-17

The Feminist News Digest is back! We will be bringing you interesting and relevant feminist news every week.The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
April 17, 2020 at 5:39 PM

Extremists Use Pandemic to Terrorize Abortion Clinics

Dear John, Disgusting. Frightening. Sickening. These are just a few of the words describing the repulsive actions of anti-abortion extremists at clinics across the nation. AND NOW…in the midst of the pandemic they’ve resorted to the despicable tactic of fake coughing on wo…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
April 14, 2020 at 4:49 PM

Extremists Menace Abortion Clinics Using COVID-19

Dear John, We urgently need to raise $31,500 in the next six days to protect abortion clinics under siege. I hope I can count on you to do your part to meet this emergency. Let me explain. I've received an urgent call from duVergne Gaines, Director of our National Clinic…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
April 10, 2020 at 5:19 PM

Extremists Menace Abortion Clinics Using COVID-19

Dear John, We urgently need to raise $31,500 in the next six days to protect abortion clinics under siege. I hope I can count on you to do your part to meet this emergency. Let me explain. I've received an urgent call from duVergne Gaines, Director of our National Clinic…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
April 8, 2020 at 5:16 PM

Extremists Menace Abortion Clinics Using COVID-19

Dear John, We urgently need to raise $31,500 in the next eight days to protect abortion clinics under siege. I hope I can count on you to do your part to meet this emergency. Let me explain. I just received an urgent call from duVergne Gaines, Director of our National Cl…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 5:16 PM

Equal Pay Day: Healthcare Workers Deserve Equal Pay (And Then

Dear John,   Women in healthcare are on the frontlines of the response to COVID-19 and are risking their safety every day to save the lives of those who are critically ill right now. Women make up 78% of the healthcare field overall, but consistently make less than their male counterparts a…
  Campus Team · [email protected]
March 19, 2020 at 5:09 PM

Tell Congress: Make Universal Paid Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave Permanent

John- The COVID-19 (a.k.a. coronavirus) pandemic has exposed the injustice that millions of workers--mostly women--in the U.S. are unable to take time off because they do not have any paid sick or family medical leave. This pandemic is a public health crisis and we must enact mandatory paid …
  Eleanor Smeal & Toni Van Pelt · [email protected]
March 18, 2020 at 2:47 PM

POSTPONED: Feminist Majority and NOW Fired Up Ready to Vote! Conference

Dear John,   In these difficult and unusual times, the potential spread of COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus, is forcing organizations across the country to make difficult decisions on whether to move forward with conferences, events and in-person meetings. The Feminist Ma…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 3:27 PM

Tell Congress: Make Universal Paid Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave Permanent

Dear John, The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, pandemic has exposed the public injustice that millions of workers, mostly women, in the U.S. face. They are unable to take time off because they do not have one day of paid sick leave or paid family medical leave. Tell Congress to pass un…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 16, 2020 at 5:35 PM

Tell Congress: Make Universal Paid Sick Leave and Family Medical Leave Permanent

Dear John, The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, pandemic has exposed the public injustice that millions of workers, mostly women, in the U.S. face. They are unable to take time off because they do not have one day of paid sick leave or paid family medical leave. Tell Congress to pass un…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 8, 2020 at 11:06 AM

This International Women's Day Don't Forget Afghan Women

Dear John, Today is International Women’s Day, a holiday that celebrates the goal of women’s equality here and worldwide. The Feminist Majority Foundation has been closely involved in the fight for women’s rights in Afghanistan for over 20 years. Despite Afghan women and girls’ gains and th…
  duVergne Gaines & Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 4, 2020 at 5:40 PM

Independent Clinics Need Your Support Now More Than Ever

Dear John, Today the United States Supreme Court heard arguments in the Louisiana case June Medical Services v. Russo. The court will once again review an unnecessary and harmful state law that requires doctors performing abortions to have hospital admitting privileges near their clinic.  …
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
March 3, 2020 at 3:59 PM

Louisiana could become the first state without abortion access

Dear John, Tomorrow the Supreme Court will hear a case that could have devastating consequences for abortion access in Louisiana and would set a dangerous precedent that could undermine Roe v. Wade and endanger women’s lives across the country. At the center of the litigation is Louisiana's Act 6…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
February 27, 2020 at 8:56 PM

Stand with Afghan Women

Dear John, Secretary of State Pompeo recently announced that a deal has been reached between the United States and the Taliban and that an agreement would be signed on February 29th, “if a significant reduction in violence across Afghanistan was achieved” between February 22-29th. The U.S. …
  Eleanor Smeal & Toni Van Pelt · [email protected]
February 19, 2020 at 5:26 PM

Don't delay--register now for our 2020 National Conference!

Dear John, We are excited to report that planning for our special 2020 joint national conference with the National Organization for Women is going beautifully.You can now register for the 2020 Feminist Majority-National Organization for Women (FM/NOW) joint conference! Our 2…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
February 14, 2020 at 9:47 PM

VICTORY: U.S. House Removes ERA Time Limit!

Dear John, I am so thrilled to share this news with you!  Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.J.Res. 79 removing the arbitrary timeline on the Equal Rights Amendment by a vote of 232-183, with five Republicans voting in favor of the resolution. This was the first time the ERA h…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
February 10, 2020 at 8:46 PM

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Remove the Timeline on the ERA

Dear John, Finally, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has been ratified by three-fourths of the states needed to enshrine it in the U.S. Constitution.  Last month, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA. Now it’s time to remove the arbitrary timeline in th…
  Ellie Smeal · [email protected]
February 5, 2020 at 6:22 PM

The ERA--Next Steps

Dear John, I've waited a long, long time to personally write you with these words: “At last!  At last!” That day has finally come!   The Virginia House and Senate have taken the final step in ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This makes Virginia the 38th and final state necessary to rati…
  Ellie Smeal · [email protected]
January 30, 2020 at 5:06 PM

Exciting ERA news!

 Dear John, I've waited a long, long time to personally write you with these words: “At last!  At last!” That day has finally come!   The Virginia House and Senate have taken the final step in ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). This makes Virginia the 38th and final state necessary to rati…
  Feminist Majority · [email protected]
January 28, 2020 at 11:22 AM

At last! At last!

Dear John, I've waited a long, long time to personally write you with these words: “At last!  At last!” That day has finally come!   Yesterday, the Virginia House and Senate took the final step in ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in a crossover procedure where each house …
  Feminist Campus · [email protected]
January 24, 2020 at 2:00 PM

URGENT: Will we see you there?

Dear John, Did you receive our previous email? Join Feminist Campus NOW for a counter-protest to the annual March for Life on Friday, January 24 at 11AM! We’re Sarah and Carolyn, and this spring we are interning with Feminist Majority. As college women, we understand the importance …
  Feminist Campus · [email protected]
January 23, 2020 at 3:09 PM

URGENT: Stand against anti-abortion protesters tomorrow

Dear John, Tomorrrow, January 24th, anti-abortion protesters will descend upon Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life. Each year, these individuals assemble in Washington D.C. to espouse their dangerous agenda to dictate and control our bodies. We must stand strong for aborti…
  Feminist Majority · [email protected]
January 16, 2020 at 3:58 PM

2020 National Conference Early Bird Registration: 72 Hours ONLY

Hi John! We're pushing this reminder to the top of your mailbox because we don’t want you to miss out on this special rate for our 2020 conference in Washington, DC. It will only be available until 11:59 p.m. on January 17th! Hope to see you in DC!  For women's lives and equ…
  Feminist Majority · [email protected]
January 15, 2020 at 5:10 AM

2020 National Conference Early Bird Registration: 72 Hours ONLY

Dear John, The early bird catches the worm—and changes the face of politics.  That’s why for the next 72 hours only, you can register for the 2020 Feminist Majority-National Organization for Women (FM/NOW) joint conference at the Early Bird Discount Rate of just $60—a super-lo…
  Feminist Majority Foundation · [email protected]
December 4, 2019 at 3:39 PM

BREAKING: Feminist Majority Foundation Files Brief in Support of Abortion Providers

In a Climate of Violence against Abortion Providers, Louisiana Abortion Law Could Wipe Out Abortion Access for Women The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), the National Organization for Women (NOW) Foundation, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Women’s Law Project filed an amicus brief i…
  Feminist Majority Foundation · [email protected]
December 2, 2019 at 12:15 PM

Cyber Monday Deals from the Feminist Store!

Dear John, This Cyber Monday is your last chance to save 20% when you shop our store!  Get 20% off all merchandise in the Feminist Store today using code PINKFRIDAY19 at checkout! This is your last chance to grab our American made, union guaranteed T-shirts for only $18!  Don't …
  Feminist Majority Foundation · [email protected]
November 29, 2019 at 11:09 AM

PINK FRIDAY SALE: 20% Off the Feminist Store!

Dear John, Get 20% off all merchandise in the Feminist Store through this weekend using code PINKFRIDAY19 at checkout! You do not want to miss out on this chance to grab our American made, union guaranteed T-shirts for only $18! Or feminist finger puppets, perfect stocking stuffer…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
September 30, 2019 at 1:09 PM

Celebrate Alice Cohan, The Virginia Elections, and the ERA!

Dear John, Celebrate Alice The Virginia Elections and The Equal Rights Amendment Join us for a tribute to Alice Cohan: Feminist Majority’s Political Director, former National Organization for Women’s Political Director, and March Director Par Excellence Alice will…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
September 27, 2019 at 2:20 PM

Celebrate Alice Cohan, The Virginia Elections, and the ERA!

Dear John, Celebrate Alice The Virginia Elections and The Equal Rights Amendment Join us for a tribute to Alice Cohan: Feminist Majority’s Political Director, former National Organization for Women’s Political Director, and March Director Par Excellence Alice w…
  Emily Escobar, Feminist Campus · [email protected]
September 23, 2019 at 9:07 PM

Urge Governor Newsom to trust students and sign SB 24!

California Feminists: JOIN US in urging Governor Newsom to TRUST STUDENTS and sign SB 24 today! The College Student Right to Access Act (SB 24), which would mandate all public universities provide medication abortion at their student health centers, is headed to Governor Newsom’s desk!  We n…
  Feminist Campus · [email protected]
September 10, 2019 at 6:10 PM

Feminist School is back in session! Join us. Don't get left behind...

Dear John, Welcome back to campus! As you begin the new semester, we’re excited to get back to work with you--we’d love to hear about what feminist activities you or your group are looking forward to this fall semester. Tell us here! At Feminist Campus, we’re mobilizing for our feminist pres…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
September 3, 2019 at 5:13 PM

Reversing the Trump-Pence Gag Rule: Act Now!

Dear John, By now you’ve heard about the disastrous Trump-Pence Gag Rule that went into effect two weeks ago. Planned Parenthood, many state and local public health clinics, and countless independent family planning clinics have been forced to withdraw from the Titl…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
August 26, 2019 at 9:15 PM

Close the Camps: End the Indefinite Detention of Families

John, The Trump administration published appalling new rules last Friday that allow ICE border officials to jail refugee and migrant children in detention centers indefinitely. This is a violent and cruel decision that will result in children being locked up for mon…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
August 21, 2019 at 8:17 PM

Fight Back Against the Trump-Pence Gag Rule

Dear John, Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood was shut out of Title X funding by the Trump-Pence Gag Rule, which holds reproductive health clinics hostage by dictating what doctors can and cannot say to their patients regarding abortion. The Trump-Pence Gag Rul…
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
August 8, 2019 at 4:50 PM

Gun Violence is a National Emergency

Dear John, Dayton, Ohio. El Paso, Texas. Gilroy, California. In the past two weeks, three mass shootings across the country have resulted in deaths and devastating community losses. That's why we need Mitch McConnell and the Senate to take urgent action right now. …
  Eleanor Smeal · [email protected]
August 7, 2019 at 12:09 PM

251 Shootings in 2019. It's Time to Act.

Dear John, Dayton, Ohio. El Paso, Texas. Gilroy, California. In the past two weeks, three mass shootings across the country have resulted in deaths and devastating community losses. That's why we need Mitch McConnell and the Senate to take urgent action right now. …
  duVergne Gaines · [email protected]
July 19, 2019 at 5:17 PM

Without clinics, there is no choice

Dear John, This week, anti-abortion extremists from all over the country have come to Wisconsin to harass providers and intimidate patients outside of two abortion clinics, emphasizing Affiliated Medical Services, an independent abortion clinic in Milwauk…
  Sue Klein · [email protected]
June 29, 2019 at 1:00 PM

Gender Equity in Education Act introduced!

Dear John, Exciting news! In celebration of the 47th anniversary of Title IX, Sen. Mazie Hirono and Rep. Doris Matsui have introduced the Patsy T. Mink and Louise M. Slaughter Gender Equity in Education Act of 2019 (GEEA). This 2019 version of the initial 2016 GEEA honors former…