50+ Messages / Page

  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
April 24, 2020 at 7:29 PM

NY schools are facing threats of more cuts

Hi John, When lawmakers voted on the state budget on April 1, they handed unprecedented power to Governor Cuomo, giving him three opportunities throughout the year to alter the state budget with minimal input from legislators. Incredibly, just a few short weeks later, the firs…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
April 20, 2020 at 9:13 PM

Education Budget Recap: The Challenges Ahead

Hi John Last week, the AQE team took a moment to rest after a complete transitioning to online engagement and relentless advocacy during the final stages of the New York State budget process. This week, we return energized and ready to plan our next steps — but first we want…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
April 10, 2020 at 8:50 PM

The Fight Is Far From Over

Hi John, The 2020-2021 state budget was voted on just a week ago, but the fight is far from over. The enacted budget included nothing to address our children’s educational, social and emotional needs, especially amidst the devastation that COVID-19 is spreading in our communit…
  Maria Bautista · [email protected]
April 9, 2020 at 3:28 PM

Reminder: Virtual Education Budget Debrief Tonight

Hi Education Champions, The budget negotiations are over, and we've landed on a final education budget that is unjust and will continue to perpetuate educational racism. Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 5:30PM for a virtual budget debrief to go over the dynamics of the final …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
April 6, 2020 at 2:01 PM

Outcome of the NYS budget

Hi John, The upcoming school year will mean difficult days for New York’s students and communities. Last week Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature passed the most secretive budget in our state’s history — and the consequences will be devastating. Instead of taxin…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 3:36 PM

Tell your legislators to vote NO on the budget

Hi John, April 1st — it's budget day. Most of the budget bills are out, but we're still missing some key bills. What we know so far, this budget is devastating. This budget will cut funding for schools that are in urgent need or more resources, not less. It could cut fundin…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 31, 2020 at 6:48 PM

The Fight Isn’t Over Yet

Hi John, Thank you to each and every one of you who helped make yesterday’s #CantStopWontStop Emergency Virtual Rally a huge success. Because of your hard work, we achieved.. 42,000 impressions on Twitter 971 Retweets on Twitter 250 actions taken on Instagram 1,200 peop…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 30, 2020 at 8:01 PM

REMINDER: Emergency Virtual Rally Begins in 1 hour!

  Hi John, Over the last few days, it's become clear that New York's students are facing an even greater crisis. Governor Cuomo wants to cut funding to schools. In September when students go back to thei…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 30, 2020 at 5:43 PM

Emergency Virtual Rally Toolkit - 5 PM TODAY

  Hi John, Over the last few days, it's become clear that New York's students are facing an even greater crisis. Governor Cuomo wants to cut funding to schools. In September when students go back to thei…
  Alliance for Quality Education · [email protected]
March 30, 2020 at 2:30 PM

TODAY: Emergency Rally for New York's students!

  EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION   Monday, March 30 at 5 PM Add to Google Calendar | Add to Apple Calendar   Over the weekend, it has become clear that New York's stud…
  Alliance for Quality Education · [email protected]
March 28, 2020 at 4:16 PM

MONDAY: Emergency Rally for New York's students!

  EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION   Monday, March 30 at 5 PM Add to Google Calendar | Add to Apple Calendar   Over the last few hours, it has become clear that New York…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 27, 2020 at 5:29 PM

Governor Cuomo Says to Prepare for School Cuts

Hi John, New York State is facing a moral reckoning: will we take away from children and their families, or ask the ultra-wealthy to pay a little more? Right now, our leaders are debating this very question, as they negotiate the State budget. But the reality is that there s…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 26, 2020 at 4:44 PM

Students need Medicaid too!

Hi John, Governor Cuomo has positioned himself on the podium as a national leader in a time of global crisis. But as our state hurtles into the global center-point of the pandemic, we’re also fast-approaching our state budget deadline on April 1. And behind the closed doors of…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 25, 2020 at 12:49 PM

Our Schools Can't Wait

Hi John, In the midst of a looming budget crisis, Senate democrats still have not committed to raising revenue to support our most vulnerable New Yorkers through this crisis. We know the COVID-19 shutdown will impact the finances on New York State. Our state leaders can either…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 24, 2020 at 5:10 PM

Remote learning: Is it working?

  Hi John,   Schools in New York could remain closed for the rest of the school year. Mayor de Blasio made this announcement yesterday just as parents, teachers and students in New York City began to ada…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 23, 2020 at 1:54 PM

Protect Children, Not Billionaires

  Hi John​, The COVID-19 pandemic makes it increasingly likely that we are a matter of days, not weeks, away from New York State finalizing the budget. AQE will go live daily from our social media accoun…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 3:15 PM

REMINDER: Virtual Rally begins in one hour!

The Virtual Rally for New York's public schools begins in one hour! Check out the plan for the day below ahead of time, or you can always find all the details and updates on AQE's website. We will be sharing information…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 1:13 PM

TODAY! Virtual Rally for New York's Schools

  Hi John,   While state leaders are working rapidly to respond to COVID-19, they are also working to finalize a budget before April 1st. For eight years, New York has passed State budgets favoring billi…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 16, 2020 at 3:38 PM

JOIN US for a Virtual Rally Tuesday March 17th

Hi John, JOIN US for a virtual rally: Because the fight for education justice #cantstopwontstop The state budget process is moving quickly and due to the COVID-19 pandemic the NYS Capitol is closed to the general public. Even though we can’t be in the Capitol we will make our…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 13, 2020 at 6:21 PM

We can't stop, won't stop fighting for students

Hi John, In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, AQE has canceled our upcoming in-person events. We all share in the collective responsibility of slowing down the spread of the virus, and we decided that this is a necessary precaution to ensure everyone stays safe. But the work can…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 9, 2020 at 6:11 PM

Our children's futures are on the line

Hi John, By April 1st, Governor Cuomo and the New York State Assembly and Senate will come to an agreement on New York's $170 billion state budget. This means we have just a few days left to tell our Senators and Assemblymembers that they need to fight harder than they ever …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
March 2, 2020 at 5:54 PM

NY's budget needs to put students first

Hi John, Governor Cuomo's fighting for a budget that would severely shortchange our public schools. But the Governor cannot pass a budget alone. Next week, New York State legislators will release their state budget proposals. Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
February 24, 2020 at 4:26 PM

We demand #BudgetJustice for students

Hi John, New York is home to more billionaires than anywhere else on the planet. Yet just blocks from the center of the epicenter of the global financial universe, students are going to public schools that are barely scraping by. New York has enormous wealth, but we also hav…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
February 10, 2020 at 6:38 PM

It's time to #FundNYSchools

    Hi John,   Governor Cuomo's budget proposal is grossly inadequate to meet the needs of New York's students — just one-third of what our schools need, according to the Board of Regents. You can compar…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
February 3, 2020 at 8:13 PM

Tax the rich, fund our schools

Hi John, Once again Governor Cuomo has proposed a budget that would maintain systemic racism in education funding. By underfunding the Foundation Aid formula, Governor Cuomo is ensuring that Black, Brown and low income children will have limited opportunities for educational s…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
January 18, 2020 at 1:01 PM

Honoring Dr. King's Legacy of Justice

Hi John, As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, we are reflecting on Dr. King’s relentless pursuit for racial and economic justice. Dr. King fought to end extreme segregation in the South. We have made progress, but there is still so much more work to be done. Today, New…
  Marina Marcou-O'Malley · [email protected]
January 13, 2020 at 6:39 PM

Urgent action for New York's children!

Dear John, Governor Cuomo made NO proposals in his January 8, 2020 State of the State address to strengthen or support child care. He also made contradictory remarks on K-12 education funding. We have one week to make clear to the Governor that the Executive Budget MUST cont…
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
January 3, 2020 at 9:37 PM

AQE: 20th Year of Education Advocacy

Hi John, The new decade marks the 20th anniversary of AQE. Twenty years of determination and commitment to educational justice for the students of New York. As the new executive director of AQE, I’m excited to lead an organization with such a strong legacy and focus on our mos…
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
December 24, 2019 at 3:31 PM

AQE's take on the Grinch, ft. Governor Cuomo

Hi John, In the spirit of the holiday season, we wanted to share something more light-hearted with you to get ready for the year ahead of us. Why is it that Governor Cuomo opposes funding for public education, year after year? Our friends at the Broadway Advocacy Coalition ha…
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
December 23, 2019 at 2:15 PM

Let's #FundNYSchools

An organizing toolkit designed for you! Hi John, In a few short weeks, the New York State legislature will return to Albany to decide the state budget for the next year. New York currently owes public schools $3.8 billion. There is no greater budget priority for New York this …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
December 10, 2019 at 9:04 PM

Spare Our Students, Fund Rochester's Schools!

Hi John, Last week in New York City, state elected leaders listened to advocates and school administrators at a hearing to debate the way New York State funds schools. The State Senate wanted to answer the question: is the Foundation Aid formula working? Should we change it? …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
December 6, 2019 at 3:39 PM

Thank you for joining us!

Hi John, Our sincerest thank you to everyone that came to celebrate with us on Tuesday as we honored Billy Easton's 14 years of leadership, and the beginning of a new chapter for AQE. Looking around the room, we were humbled to be joined by so many leaders in the fight for ed…
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
November 11, 2019 at 3:02 PM

You're Invited to Our Education Champions Celebration!

Our Education Champions: Honoring AQE's Present & Future Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Join us honoring Billy Easton for his 14 years of leadership, and welcoming Jasmine Gripper as the incoming executive director in 2020 on Tuesday, December 3rd at 1199SEIU 330 West …
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
November 7, 2019 at 8:48 PM

You're Invited to Our Education Champions Celebration!

Our Education Champions: Honoring AQE's Present & Future Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Join us honoring Billy Easton for his 14 years of leadership, and welcoming Jasmine Gripper as the incoming executive director in 2020 on Tuesday, December 3rd at 1199SEIU 330 West …
  Billy Easton · [email protected]
October 9, 2019 at 2:11 PM

Important and Exciting News from AQE

Dear John, I write to you today to share some very important and exciting news about changes here at AQE. After more than 14 years serving as the Executive Director of AQE, I will be stepping aside at the end of 2019 and Jasmine Gripper, our current Legislative Director, will …
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
October 3, 2019 at 7:34 PM

Save the date! AQE's Annual Gala

SAVE THE DATE AQE's Annual Gala Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Come celebrate with the Alliance for Quality Education on Tuesday, December 3rd at 1199SEIU 330 West 42nd Street in New York City. Mark your calendar now, invitation coming soon! Cocktail reception at 6 PM & pro…
  Marina Marcou-O'Malley · [email protected]
August 15, 2019 at 5:44 PM

How much do school supplies cost you?

Hi John, It's back to school season, and parents around the country are taking a look at their children's school supply lists — lists with everything from pencils or paper to $100 graphing calculators, classroom tissues, and other classroom essentials. Items that together can …
  Jasmine Gripper · [email protected]
July 1, 2019 at 6:50 PM

End of session recap

Hi John, Last week, New York State legislators concluded their business for the year and returned to their districts having helped push through several victories that advocates have been fighting for for years: housing justice, voting reforms, drivers licenses for immigrants …
  Alliance for Quality Education, AQENY.org · [email protected]
June 28, 2019 at 4:40 PM

Thanks for taking action!

John, Thanks for taking action. Now, can you spread the word to keep up our momentum? Click here to share this form on Facebook. Click here to share this form on Twitter. Or you can send your friends this link: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/newsletter-signup-3?sour…