50+ Messages / Page

  AEC Research · [email protected]
September 20, 2024 at 1:46 AM

Quick Priority Survey >> [email protected]

Hi there, John.  Our research team here at AEC has been tasked with gathering issue information for Pro-Popular-Vote candidates as they build their campaign infrastructure and organizations. Today we're simply asking:Finish this Sentence: Abortion Services Should be Safe, Legal and Available... Al…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 19, 2024 at 10:46 PM

Hear this!! Hillary Clinton's EC warning:

Did you see Hillary Clinton's Electoral College warning, John?? Because she is 100% RIGHT. And for the good of Americans everywhere, we are working to do just that. But we need YOUR help to keep our momentum moving forward.  🔴 We CAN stop the Electoral College from depressing voter turnout — (by …
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 19, 2024 at 7:46 PM

Electoral College making things WORSE...

John, we'll keep this short and sweet: Unless we END the Electoral College and enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, the future danger to our Democracy will only get worse. ❌ New reports warn that the 2024 Election will be decided by less than 6% of voters in a tiny handful of "bat…
  AEC · [email protected]
September 19, 2024 at 4:46 PM


Wow, John. Wow wow wow — the dam is finally breaking!! Former President Bill Clinton. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Senators like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker. House Reps like Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.  Democrats EVERYWHERE are cal…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 19, 2024 at 1:46 PM

Rep. Raskin's URGENT warning — this is serious

John, as we barrel toward an Election that threatens to put the levers of power back into Donald Trump's hands, Jamie Raskin's warning to Americans rings truer than ever before! Check it out ⬇⬇⬇⬇ John, it is urgent that Democrats ACT.  Thanks to supporters like you, our movement is closer than …
  Electoral College Alert · [email protected]
September 18, 2024 at 10:46 PM

An absolute FACT

John — Robert Reich is right.  It's an absolute fact: ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇The time has finally come.  And with YOUR help we are going to ENACT the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and END the Electoral College, once and for all. We are making progress in key Swing-States. We are making progress in state…
  Electoral College Alert · [email protected]
September 18, 2024 at 7:46 PM

New York Times — The Electoral College is a threat!!

John — Nothing has changed. We are more committed than EVER to advancing the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.  Because the risk of sticking with The Electoral College is far too great.The time has finally come. We are making progress in key Swing-States.  We are making progress in key st…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 18, 2024 at 4:46 PM

Threatening Our Democracy

We aren't going to sugarcoat this.  We are hurtling toward a Presidential Election where: 🔴 The Republican Party has bent the knee to a convicted felon.  🔴 Congressional Republicans are openly attacking our Judicial System.  🔴  And Top Republicans are unanimously declaring that they will not resp…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 18, 2024 at 1:47 PM

this is our TOP PRIORITY, John!!

John — we know your time is precious, so we'll keep this short and sweet.   Our TOP PRIORITY is to enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, and end the Electoral College for good.   And we are making incredible progress!!  Just in the past year, Maine and Minnesota joined states like C…
  AEC · [email protected]
September 17, 2024 at 10:46 PM

Pete Buttigieg: The Time has COME

John, it's this simple:  Pete Buttigieg knows that the only way we're going to get truly Democratic Elections in America is to END the Electoral College, once and for all.  And we are closer to that goal than ever before!! Hurry! Chip in $20 now and help us crush our fundraising goals so we can s…
  Electoral College Update || Team AEC · [email protected]
September 17, 2024 at 7:47 PM

we can overcome their BLOCKADE!

John, We need you to know these 3 key facts:  1️⃣ — Popular support for ending the Electoral College is at an all time high!  2️⃣ — In key states like Pennsylvania, Arizona and Virginia, recent surveys shows that support now tops 70%!!!  3️⃣ — But despite this overwhelming support, legislation to …
  Electoral College Alert · [email protected]
September 17, 2024 at 4:46 PM

this is OUR moment!!

John — The list goes on and on:  ✔ Maine✔ Minnesota ✔ Nevada✔ New York ✔ Illinois✔ California ✔ Washington  State after state is finally recognizing the undemocratic danger posed by the Electoral College, and signing onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to finally eliminate it, once …
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 17, 2024 at 1:46 PM


John, we cannot wait a moment longer. The Electoral College is a threat to our Democracy, and we are ready to END it, for good. 🔵 END the Electoral College — to make every vote COUNT! 🔵 END the Electoral College — to make every voice HEARD! 🔵 END the Electoral College — to preserve American Demo…
  AEC Research · [email protected]
September 17, 2024 at 1:46 AM

Voter Poll: vote in 2024?

John, this nation cannot afford another 4 years of Donald Trump in the White House.  It is not hyperbolic to say that 2024 will be the most important election of our lives. And as we prepare for this massive undertaking, our Strategy Team is collecting voter data to plan for our turnout operation…
  AEC · [email protected]
September 16, 2024 at 10:46 PM

Pete Buttigieg: 100% ON BOARD!

John, Pete Buttigieg is fully behind this movement to END the Electoral College — and he's putting it in no uncertain terms.  Hurry! Chip in $20 now and help us crush our fundraising goals so we can support the Pro-Popular Vote Democrats working to END the Electoral College in 2024!! John, the t…
  AEC · [email protected]
September 16, 2024 at 7:46 PM

ALL the warning signs

John — as we hurtle toward an Election where not just Donald Trump, but the entire Republican Party is loudly and proudly proclaiming they will not accept the Election results unless they win, Adam Schiff's warning about the Electoral College rings truer than ever before. We have got to keep up…
  AEC · [email protected]
September 16, 2024 at 4:46 PM

State after STATE finally signing on!

We needed to make SURE you'd seen this, John, because we are making incredible progress, but our time is running short!! PLEASE — a future of free and fair American elections is on the line. Pitch in today and help us END the Electoral College, for good!! — Original Message — John, the time ha…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 16, 2024 at 1:47 PM

we need better representation!!

John, it's this simple: The time to END the Electoral College and elect our President by popular vote is long since past. 🔵 Ending the Electoral College would: INCREASE Voter Turnout 🔵 Ending the Electoral College would: Result in BETTER Representation 🔵 Ending the Electoral College would: ENSUR…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 10:46 PM

NO accident

John, it was NO accident.  The Electoral College system invited Trump's lawless attempts to overturn the 2020 Election. And it remains RIPE FOR ABUSE in 2024!! Democrats have got to ACT — URGENTLY. Maine, Minnesota and Nevada have all joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact this year,…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 7:46 PM

Crucial Electoral College Update!!

We are SO close to getting rid of the Electoral College, but we need to support pro-popular vote Democrats across the country to get this across the finish line. Will you rush $20 to help us polish off our $10,246 fundraising goal and support Democrats nationwide who are working to ditch the El…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 4:46 PM

National Security RISK

John, We'll just get right to the point: Our mission to END the Electoral College is being decided right now.  Remember: Our mission is to elect Pro-Popular Vote Democrats in battlegrounds around the country, and then support their efforts to pass the NPVIC in as many states as possible!  And Re…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 1:47 PM

Robert Reich's warning

John, As America hurtles toward the most consequential Presidential Election in modern history, Robert Reich's exhortation about the Electoral College rings truer than ever.  It's this simple, John:   🔵 — On the one hand, America has a principled woman who would protect American Democracy and saf…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 15, 2024 at 1:46 AM

Quick Election Survey >>> John

You've been identified as a top Democrat in your state, and we want you to participate in our Election Poll. Please record your response before 11:59 PM.   John, as we look ahead to the November election and beyond, we're surveying our most committed supporters to find out how they feel about the …
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 14, 2024 at 10:47 PM

it IS this simple

We are SO close to getting rid of the Electoral College, but we need to support pro-popular vote Democrats across the country to get this across the finish line. Will you rush $20 to help us crush our $10,000 fundraising goal and support Democrats nationwide who are ready to ditch the Electoral…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 14, 2024 at 7:46 PM

MASSIVE: President Clinton is ALL IN

John, it's this simple:  The Republican Party is unapologetically in love with a Con-Man and convicted Felon. And they are ready to install him in the Presidency by any means necessary. That's why the urgent warnings from Top Democrats like Bill Clinton are growing louder by the day — the Elector…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 14, 2024 at 4:46 PM

You need to SEE this, John — now

John, as we barrel toward a Presidential Election where the Republican Party has openly declared fealty to a convicted felon, Jamie Raskin's warning rings more urgently than ever before. It's this simple: The Electoral College is a threat to our shared American future.  It disenfranchises MILLI…
  Electoral College Update || Team AEC · [email protected]
September 14, 2024 at 1:46 PM

we CANNOT afford to give up now!

The nearer we draw to Election Day, John, the more critical it becomes that we broaden our movement. And polling shows that is exactly what's happening.  Nearly 70% of Americans now agree: America must enact the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and END the Electoral College, once and for a…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 13, 2024 at 10:46 PM

A national security RISK

John, We'll just get right to the point: Our mission to END the Electoral College is being decided right now.  Remember: Our mission is to elect Pro-Popular Vote Democrats in battlegrounds around the country, and then support their efforts to pass the NPVIC in as many states as possible!  And Re…
  Abolish the Electoral College · [email protected]
September 13, 2024 at 7:46 PM

Electoral College is RIPE for Abuse!!

John, the warnings are growing more urgent by the day. 🚨 Jamie Raskin sounded the alarm. 🚨 Adam Schiff sounded the alarm. 🚨 Even Former President Clinton has gone on the record!  The Electoral College System invited Donald Trump's lawless attempts to overturn the 2020 Election, and it remains rip…
  Electoral College Update || Team AEC · [email protected]
September 13, 2024 at 4:46 PM


Do you hear that, John??? That's the sound of PROGRESS. ☑️ — Maine has signed on. ☑️ — Minnesota has signed up.☑️ — California, New York and Illinois are IN.  Our efforts to advance the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact and eliminate the Electoral College once and for all have reached the t…