50+ Messages / Page

  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 17, 2023 at 3:36 PM

Alerta: La Corte Penal Internacional emite orden de detención contra Putin

También incluye a la comisionada presidencial Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova   La Corte Penal Internacional emite orden de detención contra Putin La Corte Penal Internacional ha emitido órdenes de detención contra el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, y la comisionada presidencial para …
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
March 15, 2023 at 4:03 PM

Eva Longoria reveals what she discovered on her new CNN show ‘Searching for Mexico’

Plus, you can sign up for a companion newsletter featuring her recipes and more View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 🇲🇽 Eva Longoria explores Mexico’s hidden treasures Eva Longoria helps a member of the Muxe community prepare Zapotecan cuisine in Oaxaca…
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
March 11, 2023 at 1:06 PM

Zoo babies, a yoga retreat and joyful color

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     March 11, 2023 In honor of Women's History month, I'd like to discuss a very eye-opening list shared by author Kristy Sedgman on Twitter. It's a list of ways an 11th-century Benedictine monk saw fit to …
  Life But Better · [email protected]
March 11, 2023 at 1:03 PM

Mediterranean and MIND diets reduced signs of Alzheimer's in brain tissue, study finds

03.11.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    Mediterranean and MIND diets reduced signs of Alzheimer's in brain tissue, study finds People who most closely followed the plant-based Mediterranean and MIND diets had f…
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
March 10, 2023 at 5:03 PM

A Parting Gift 🎁

This is our final edition of the Keep Watching newsletter. View in browser   Featured This Week: A goodbye message from our writers. Eva Longoria flaunts her mixology skills. The daughter of Alexey Navalny speaks out. Our CNN newsletter recommendations.     Thanks for Reading …
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
March 10, 2023 at 4:29 PM

New titles for Prince Edward, Harry and Meghan’s kids

Prince Edward's birthday present from the King and confirmation of Sussex children's titles   View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster and Lauren Said-Moorhouse in London When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had their first child, Archie, he wasn't granted a…
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
March 8, 2023 at 5:05 PM

He went to Paris to surprise his girlfriend. She wasn't there. And a CNN Travel series was born

How these "Chance Encounters" stories come to life, thanks to CNN's Francesca Street. View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account ✈️  She captures travelers' crazy love stories From fostering far-flung friendships to navigating the unexpected, CNN Travel’s Ch…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 7, 2023 at 3:25 PM

Alerta: Hallan muertos a dos de los estadounidenses secuestrados en México

Así lo informó el gobernador de Tamaulipas   Hallan muertos a dos de los estadounidenses secuestrados en México El gobernador de Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal, confirmó este martes que dos de los cuatro estadounidenses secuestrados en México fueron hallados muertos. Durante una llamada te…
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
March 4, 2023 at 1:53 PM

Bright lights, puppet dreams and scary whales

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     March 4, 2023 Last weekend I was in Walt Disney World for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, dressed, as always, like the geodesic wonder that is the Epcot Ball.   See, a fun thing about long r…
  Life But Better · [email protected]
March 4, 2023 at 1:01 PM

11 minutes of daily exercise could have a positive impact on your health, large study shows

03.04.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    11 minutes of daily exercise could have a positive impact on your health, large study shows Just 11 minutes of aerobic activity daily could lower your risk of chronic dis…
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
March 3, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Are you smarter than an HQ Trivia player?

A list of HQ Trivia's hardest questions. Plus, an exclusive Q&A with the mobile app's former host. View in browser   Featured This Week: What HQ Trivia's "Quiz Daddy" is up to now.The hardest questions from HQ Trivia. The guests featured on tonight's Navalny special.     WAT…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 3, 2023 at 3:28 PM

Alerta: Condenan a cadena perpetua a Alex Murdaugh

Se le impusieron dos cadenas perpetuas por asesinar a su esposa y a su hijo   Condenan a Alex Murdaugh a cadena perpetua, sin libertad condicional, por matar a su esposa e hijo Alex Murdaugh, exabogado prominente de Carolina del Sur, fue condenado este viernes a dos cadenas perpetuas conse…
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
March 3, 2023 at 1:24 PM

The King's controversial meeting

One of the British monarch's audiences this week has raised questions over his impartiality.   View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster and Lauren Said-Moorhouse in London Royals speak through actions more than words, which often leaves royal commentator…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 3, 2023 at 12:35 AM

Alerta: declaran culpable a Alex Murdaugh por los asesinatos de su esposa e hijo

El jurado fue unánime en su decisión.   Declaran culpable a Alex Murdaugh por los asesinatos de su esposa e hijo Los miembros del jurado declararon culpable al exabogado Alex Murdaugh por los asesinatos de su esposa e hijo, tras llegar a un veredicto este jueves apenas unas horas después …
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 1, 2023 at 8:43 PM

Alerta: apagón en Argentina afecta varias partes del país

El sistema interconectado de electricidad registra “varias fallas”   Apagón en Argentina afecta varias partes del país Un apagón afecta Argentina la tarde de este miércoles. La Secretaría de Energía informó que el sistema interconectado de electricidad del país registra “varias fallas” y …
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
March 1, 2023 at 5:05 PM

Donie O’Sullivan on the rabbit hole of misinformation and conspiracy theories

“I wanted to get out and talk to people … and that was pretty eye-opening.” View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 🎤 Q&A with Donie O’Sullivan Donie O'Sullivan during a live shot at the US Capitol in January 2022. Donie O’Sullivan always wanted to…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
March 1, 2023 at 2:38 AM

Alerta: choque de trenes en Grecia deja al menos 26 muertos y 85 heridos

El tren de pasajeros viajaba de Atenas a Salónica   Choque de trenes en Grecia deja al menos 26 muertos y 85 heridos Al menos 26 personas murieron y más de 85 se encuentran heridas luego de que dos trenes chocaran en el norte de Grecia la noche de este martes, según el Servicio de Bombero…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 27, 2023 at 11:07 PM

Alerta: México recibe solicitud para extraditar a Ovidio Guzmán a EE.UU., dice fuente del gobierno mexicano

El hijo del Chapo fue capturado en enero   México recibe solicitud para extraditar a Ovidio Guzmán a EE.UU., dice fuente del Gobierno mexicano Una fuente del Gobierno de México con conocimiento del caso le dijo a CNN este lunes que la Fiscalía General de la República recibió una solicitud …
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 27, 2023 at 9:48 PM

Alerta: Messi y Putellas triunfan en The Best

La FIFA entregó los premios correspondientes a 2022   Messi y Putellas triunfan en The Best  Lionel Messi y Alexia Putellas se llevaron los reconocimientos a mejor jugador y jugadora en la entrega de los premios The Best de la FIFA, que se realizó este lunes en París. Encuentra aquí a los …
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
February 25, 2023 at 1:06 PM

Chirpy birds, genius sisters and aromatic chiles

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     February 25, 2023 Hey! Scottie Andrew here, subbing in for our dear AJ. Let's dive in!   Have your neighborhood birds seemed especially enthusiastic this week? The tiniest chirpers have some of the loud…
  Life But Better · [email protected]
February 25, 2023 at 1:03 PM

Sleep this way to add almost 5 years to your life

02.25.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    Sleep this way to add almost 5 years to your life People who followed five sleep tips added nearly five years to their lives, a new study found. Read on CNN    Ca…
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
February 24, 2023 at 5:03 PM

Content Overload 🍿

CNN lines up its weekend programming schedule with a special report on Ukraine and a look at former President Obama's time in the White House. View in browser   Featured This Week: Behind the scenes of CNN's HQ Trivia film. Navalny wows at the 2023 BAFTA Awards. Honoring Black His…
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
February 24, 2023 at 12:41 PM

King pays tribute to Ukraine's 'courage and resilience'

The British monarch commends the people of Ukraine as the war enters its second year.   View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster and Lauren Said-Moorhouse in London Britain's King Charles has commended the people of Ukraine for showing "truly remarkable …
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
February 22, 2023 at 5:08 PM

How guests are booked on CNN

Monica Serrano explains how she reaches the people at the center of the news View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 🎤 She travels across the country and finds the guests who appear on CNN  Monica Serrano, in Rockport, Texas, covers Hurricane Harvey dev…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 22, 2023 at 4:51 PM

Alerta: Gobierno de Biden sanciona al Cartel de Sinaloa por abastecer y operar laboratorios de fentanilo

EE.UU. sancionó a una red de sus miembros y a entidades asociadas   El Gobierno de Biden sanciona al Cartel de Sinaloa por abastecer y operar laboratorios de fentanilo   El Departamento del Tesoro de EE.UU. sancionó a una red de miembros del Cartel de Sinaloa por proporcionar productos …
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 22, 2023 at 1:52 AM

Alerta: EE.UU. concede la extradición del expresidente Alejandro Toledo, informa Fiscalía de Perú

Toledo es acusado en Perú de colusión y lavado de activos   EE.UU. concede la extradición del expresidente Alejandro Toledo, informa Fiscalía de Perú La Fiscalía de Perú informó este martes que el Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos ha concedido la extradición del expresidente de Per…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 21, 2023 at 8:33 PM

Alerta: Declaran culpable a García Luna en juicio en Nueva York

La condena se conocerá en julio   Declaran culpable a García Luna en juicio en Nueva York Genaro García Luna, secretario de Seguridad Pública de México entre 2006 y 2012, fue declarado culpable de los cinco cargos que enfrentaba en un juicio en Nueva York, incluidos varios de participació…
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
February 18, 2023 at 1:06 PM

Small miracles, ancient roads and a different kind of mermaid

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     February 18, 2023 It’s happening. The trees in the grocery store parking lot told me first, with a shy blush of purple over their bare limbs. Then, in the woods, underfoot with the wet leaves and bare gr…
  Life But Better · [email protected]
February 18, 2023 at 1:01 PM

Study finds link between 'free sugar' intake and cardiovascular disease

02.18.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    Study finds link between 'free sugar' intake and cardiovascular disease Eating high amounts of free or added sugars could increase risk for cardiovascular disease, a new …
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
February 17, 2023 at 5:03 PM

Sneak peek at 'Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico'

First look at the trailer for "Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico" coming out Sunday, March 26. View in browser   Featured This Week: Eva Longoria explores her heritage in new series.  How your screen time is affecting your brain. Celebrating Black History Month with CNN.   …
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
February 17, 2023 at 2:59 PM

Decoding the King’s coronation art

The British monarchy is entrenched in symbolism.   View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster and Lauren Said-Moorhouse in London The British monarchy is entrenched in symbolism. Time and again we've seen instances where members of the Windsor clan use subtl…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 16, 2023 at 4:38 PM

Alerta: Publican partes del informe de investigación sobre Trump y las elecciones de 2020

Juez de Georgia publica partes del informe del jurado investigador sobre Trump y las elecciones de 2020   Juez de Georgia publica partes del informe del jurado investigador sobre Trump y las elecciones de 2020 Un juez del condado de Fulton, Georgia, publicó partes de un informe del jurado …
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 16, 2023 at 2:01 AM

Alerta: Tiroteo en El Paso, Texas, deja un muerto y varios heridos

Al menos cuatro personas sufrieron disparos en el centro comercial Cielo Vista.   Tiroteo en un centro comercial de El Paso, Texas, deja una persona muerta y varias heridas   Al menos cuatro personas sufrieron disparos en el centro comercial Cielo Vista en El Paso, Texas, la noche de est…
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
February 15, 2023 at 6:48 PM

He’s been covering the US-Mexico border since the ’90s

CNN’s Ed Lavandera reflects on the root of America’s border crisis View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 🌎 A conversation with CNN’s Ed Lavandera  Ed Lavandera reports live from the US-Mexico border. (Photo credit: Ashley Killough/CNN) Ed Lavandera has…
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
February 11, 2023 at 1:02 PM

Football friends, a photogenic leopard and a historic flight

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     February 11, 2023 If you don't like football or love, this just isn't your weekend! Then again, even the Super Bowl- and Valentine-averse among us can find something to get excited about. Slightly conge…
  Life But Better · [email protected]
February 11, 2023 at 1:01 PM

The one thing that can improve your sex life, according to this couple

02.11.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    The one thing that can improve your sex life, according to this couple Vanessa and Xander Marin set out to write the definitive "how to" book on talking about sex with a …
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
February 10, 2023 at 5:03 PM

The Best of CNN 🏆

CNN kicks off Super Bowl weekend with a marathon of "Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown." View in browser   Featured This Week: Inside America's popular trivia craze. A look at Black Wall Street.  The best of Anthony Bourdain.     New CNN Film documents the rise and fall…
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
February 10, 2023 at 12:07 PM

King holds historic meeting as legal troubles loom for the Sussexes

  View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster, Lauren Said-Moorhouse and Lauren Kent in London King Charles III held a historic meeting at Buckingham Palace with Volodymyr Zelensky this week when the Ukrainian president made a surprise trip to the UK.  The B…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 9, 2023 at 3:40 PM

Alerta: Deportan a más de 200 presos de Nicaragua hacia Estados Unidos

Al menos 222 prisioneros han sido trasladados desde Nicaragua hacia EE.UU.   Nicaragua deportó a más de 200 presos a Estados Unidos, confirmó la Justicia del país centroamericano   Los prisioneros fueron declarados "traidores a la patria", sancionados por diferentes delitos graves e inha…
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
February 8, 2023 at 5:02 PM

A peek behind the TV camera

CNN’s Brian Gierok explains what really happens on the set during a live TV broadcast View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 📹  How CNN's live TV shows come together  Brian Gierok during a live show in Atlanta’s CNN Center. A news program has many parts…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 6, 2023 at 5:01 PM

Alerta: Sentencia en el caso de Fernando Báez Sosa

Tres años después del crimen, dictan prisión a los acusados   Cadena perpetua para cinco de los ocho acusados por el crimen de Fernando Báez Sosa Un tribunal en Argentina condenó a prisión perpetua a cinco de los ocho imputados por matar a golpes a Fernando Báez Sosa en 2020, y a 15 años a…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 4, 2023 at 8:19 PM

Alerta: Derriban el supuesto globo espía de China

Estados Unidos tomó medidas para derribar el presunto globo espía   Estados Unidos derriba el supuesto globo espía de China sobre el Atlántico   Estados Unidos tomó medidas para derribar el presunto globo espía de China sobre el océano Atlántico, informó un funcionario estadounidense. El…
  CNN’s Good Stuff · [email protected]
February 4, 2023 at 1:06 PM

Cockroaches, Super Bowl bros and mischievous fish

All the Good Stuff that happened this week View in browser     February 4, 2023 Just a friendly reminder: It's less than two weeks until Valentine's Day! Just a hint, so you don't end up grabbing a box of candy from the drugstore on the afternoon of the 14th. If yo…
  Life But Better · [email protected]
February 4, 2023 at 1:01 PM

How many times can you wear pajamas, jeans and other clothes without washing them? Experts weigh in

02.04.23 Welcome to your weekly roundup on living well, made simple. Read in browser.    How many times can you wear pajamas, jeans and other clothes without washing them? Experts weigh in Here's how many times you can wear different types of clothing without…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 3, 2023 at 10:51 PM

Alerta: Sentencian a Pablo Lyle a 5 años de prisión y 8 años de libertad condicional

La condena es por el homicidio involuntario de Juan Ricardo Hernández.   Sentencian a Pablo Lyle a 5 años de prisión y 8 años de libertad condicional por el homicidio involuntario de un conductor en Miami El actor mexicano Pablo Lyle recibió una sentencia de 5 años de prisión y 8 años de l…
  CNN Royal News · [email protected]
February 3, 2023 at 5:06 PM

Kate's big week

The Princess of Wales unveiled a public awareness campaign around the importance of early childhood.   View In Browser By CNN Royal Correspondent Max Foster and Lauren Said-Moorhouse in London There had been rumblings and whispers of something big coming from Kensingt…
  CNN Keep Watching · [email protected]
February 3, 2023 at 5:03 PM

Director was chased by drug kingpins

The CNN Film "American Pain" premieres this Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT. View in browser   Featured This Week: Director shares a shocking account of the George twins. CNN honors Black History Month.   WATCH: ‘Nobody put more pills on the streets’: Former FBI agent  Exclusive: Direc…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 3, 2023 at 3:52 PM

Alerta: Blinken pospone su viaje a China en respuesta al vuelo de un supuesto globo espía chino sobre EE.UU.

La decisión marca una nueva fase significativa en las tensiones entre Washington y Beijing   Antony Blinken pospone su viaje a Beijing por un presunto globo espía chino que sobrevuela EE.UU. Tras el vuelo de un supuesto globo espía chino sobre territorio estadounidense, el secretario de Es…
  CNN en Español · [email protected]
February 1, 2023 at 7:16 PM

Alerta: La Fed aprueba el menor aumento de tasas de interés desde marzo

El incremento es de 0,25%   La Fed aprueba el menor aumento de tasas de interés desde marzo La Reserva Federal aprobó este miércoles una suba de 0,25% de las tasas de interés, enlenteciendo el ritmo de sus incrementos en una clara señal de que el banco central está viendo progresos en su b…
  Inside CNN · [email protected]
February 1, 2023 at 5:06 PM

Explaining the news through data and graphics

Visual journalism is more than photos and video, explains CNN’s Anna Brand View in browser An exclusive inside look with your free CNN account 📊 Reporting the news through graphics and data Picture this: A news story is unfolding about a major airline canceling nearly all of its fli…