50+ Messages / Page

  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 16, 2023 at 12:00 AM

Your commitment to voting in 2024

**OFFICIAL 2024 DEMOCRATIC TURNOUT POLL** The latest polling shows that Republican voters are highly motivated to turn out to vote in 2024. If Democrats fall in the enthusiasm gap, we could lose the entire election. We're asking voters in your state about how they feel about t…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Crucial dead-heat races

With one year to go until the election, Senate Democrats are counting on us to help defend the majority. These five senators are in crucial dead-heat races. Will you chip in $20 or more to our Senate Majority Fund to defend the Senate? All gifts TRIPLE MATCHED!!! We must these five …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 3:02 PM

the facts:

FACT: The Democratic Senate Majority is hanging on by TWO seats.  FACT: CNN has labeled FIVE of our Democrats as extremely vulnerable!   FACT: Republicans are on offense, and we're on defense. The future of the Senate is in your hands. So we’re PLEADING. Pitch in today for a 300% MATCH to help De…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 15, 2023 at 12:00 AM

Hey, real quick

Jack—We're reaching out one last time today. Democratic support has been so strong that we're increasing today's goal by $10,000. President Biden and Democrats across the country are counting on us. Can you chip in $20? Remember, your gift will be triple matched! Here's your link to …
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 9:01 PM

Obama URGING Dems

Barack Obama is urging Democrats: “We must keep on fighting!” Everything is on the line, and Trump is surging in the polls. Will you listen to Obama’s call to action and give $25 to help Joe Biden win? All gifts 300% MATCHED!    If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donati…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 9:01 PM

Where are our top Democrats?

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 ➜ 3X MATCH! GIVE $35 ➜ 3X MATCH! GIVE $50 ➜ 3X MATCH! GIVE $100 ➜ 3X MATCH! GIVE $250 ➜ 3X MATCH! Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots…
  2024 ALERT · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 6:01 PM

We don’t know how else to say it

Jack –– did you see this URGENT headline? If Democrats ignore this, we are handing Trump the White House. That’s the cold hard truth.We’ve got ZERO room for error. Please RUSH support today and your gift will be TRIPLE MATCHED!!! ---Original Message---Warning signs flash for Biden in recent polli…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Attacks against our top Democratic women in the Senate

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Give another amount   Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 14, 2023 at 12:00 AM

Biden-economy SURGING

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter -- The Washington Post Do you support President Biden's economic agenda? Click an option below to automatically record your response:   YES! NO! President Biden's actions to bounce back the Americ…
  DEMOCRATS · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 9:01 PM


President Biden is sounding the alarm ⤵️ ⤵️ ⤵️MAGA Republicans have declared war on democracy.  They want to control who gets to vote, who gets to count the votes, and who gets to declare the winners. But we can squash them with a resounding victory in 2024.   We cannot lose the White House. Ever…
  DEMOCRATIC HELP · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Trump CANNOT be allowed back in

Jack –– We to ask this, but we're falling short of last week's goal by 18%.  If we can't make up that gap asap, it'll mean we can't send full support into battleground states to help President Biden and Democrats win. Can you chip in $20 or more to help close that gap? President Biden restored th…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 3:00 PM

GOP onslaught

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Give another amount   Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering …
  PLEASE, Jack · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 3:01 AM

(5) of our team need immediate help

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 13, 2023 at 12:00 AM

Following up on Barack Obama's pledge

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to supporting …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 12, 2023 at 9:00 PM

let’s keep defying the odds

Jack, are you tired of the media talking about how Democrats are doomed in 2024?! 🔵 These same pundits said we were going to lose our Senate Majority in 2022. 🔵 Then they said our candidates in Kentucky and Virginia were doomed in this November's election. 🔵 And that Ohio voters had…
  [email protected] · [email protected]
November 12, 2023 at 6:01 PM

🔵 These Democratic women in the Senate are under major attacks from the right-wing

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing …
  Help Dems Win · [email protected]
November 12, 2023 at 12:10 AM

Getting rid of Ted Cruz. FINALLY!

⚪️ LIVE POLL ⚪️Please record your response before 11:59 PMPoll Participant: [email protected]  Response Recorded: [YES] [NO] [PENDING] Ted Cruz is listed as a top 10 senator who could lose his seat in 2024.  Should Democrats do everything we can to defeat Ted Cruz? Click an option below to automat…
  2024 Membership | Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 11, 2023 at 9:00 PM

Take a look at this:

This is an automatic reminder to claim your 2023 Democratic Victory Membership. Your membership donation will help defend our Senate majority and defeat Donald Trump. Rush your $10 donation to get it DOUBLE MATCHED! >>Supporter: [email protected] Membership: PENDINGDonation Match: DOUBL…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Louis DeJoy's USPS chaos

🔵 LIVE POLL 🔵 Please record your response before 11:59 PM Poll Participant: [email protected] Response Recorded: PENDING Donald Trump's Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is still in charge of the Postal Service. His tenure has wrecked havoc on the USPS. Do you approve of Louis De…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 11, 2023 at 12:01 AM

Trump's sinister scheme

Jack, this needs your full attention. The NYT uncovered a sinister scheme of how Donald Trump intends to radically change the executive branch and consolidate power if he wins in 2024. Democracy is on the line. We CANNOT let Trump win. Can you chip in $35--or whatever you can--to help us stop Tru…
  Democratic Alert · [email protected]
November 10, 2023 at 9:01 PM

Manchin hinting AGAIN at 3rd-party presidential bid

Jack, Joe Manchin announced he will NOT seek reelection to the Senate, but refuses to rule out a third-party challenge against President Biden.   Joe Manchin is refusing to back down from his disgusting idea to run for president against Joe Biden as a third-party candidate. Is he delusional?? If …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM

All of our progress could be gone

Jack — These four Democratic women are CRUCIAL to saving our Senate majority.  Mitch McConnell and his network of dark-money groups are flooding their states with millions of dollars in attack ads. If we don't defend these champions, our Senate majority will be LOST! Republicans on…
  Democratic Alert · [email protected]
November 9, 2023 at 9:01 PM

this has Paul Begala worried

Jack, Democratic Strategist Paul Begala just revealed what he thinks can weaken President Biden going into 2024:  Candidates who are challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination.  We are answering Paul Begala’s call and working to raise $50,000 to help Joe Biden win a resounding victory.  B…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 9, 2023 at 6:38 PM

Do you have a minute?

The week is almost over, and we're falling short of our goal by over 28%! If we don't close that gap, we won't have the resources to rush urgently needed support to these battleground Democrats. Can you chip in $20 or more before midnight to help defend the Senate? All gifts TRIPLE M…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 9, 2023 at 3:01 PM

make no mistake:

Jack, the New York Times exposed a horrifying plan that Trump wants to impose if he takes power: "Donald Trump and his political allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over every part of the federal government if voters return him to the White House in 2025" Trump wants to…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 9, 2023 at 12:01 AM

Margin of victory

Jack –– We'll keep this short. New polling shows that when undecided voters hear about President Biden's achievements, they swing to Biden by as much as 8 points. That's where the margin of victory is, and that's where our focus will be. Can you chip in $35 to help reach swing voters and bring t…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 8, 2023 at 10:15 PM

Last night has us PUMPED

Jack –– We're PUMPED.  MAGA Republicans lost BIG across the country last night. From top profile gubernatorial races to legislative races to state abortion bans to extremist groups like Moms for Liberty getting TROUNCED in school board races. We know there have been some scary national polls for …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 8, 2023 at 7:45 PM

James Carville won’t stop giving this warning

“LUDICROUS!” That’s what senior Democratic strategist James Carville is saying about Democrats who aren’t willing to talk about how CLOSE the 2024 election is going to be. It’s going to be a fight of a lifetime to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office, and James Ca…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 8, 2023 at 3:02 PM

Lining up

Jack –– MAGA super PACs and right-wing donors are lining up to pour tens of millions of dollars into these races out oust our Democratic senators. If we can't give the urgently-needed help, the Democratic Majority could be GONE. We rely completely on grassroots donors like you to help defend Dem…
  DEM VICTORY · [email protected]
November 8, 2023 at 12:01 AM


If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $35 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing J…
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
November 7, 2023 at 9:04 PM

Obama is not going to let us down

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to supporting …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 7, 2023 at 6:17 PM

Winning today

Democrats head to the polls TODAY in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Mississippi for major gubernatorial and legislative races. There’s still time to get voters to the polls before 7pm! Give now to our Get Out The Vote Fund and it will be TRIPLE MATCHED to help Democrats wi…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 7, 2023 at 3:02 PM

🚫 “off years” 🚫

Jack –– Did you hear Hillary Clinton’s crucial call to action?She is begging Democrats to remember that there are no “off years” when it comes to saving our country from the MAGA threat. If you agree, will you rush $25 to help boost Democrats in this crucial moment? 300% MATCH open for your donat…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 7, 2023 at 12:11 AM

how we deliver a victory

This is incredible! Senate Democrats are leading in some of the most important races to hold the majority. We can't let this kind of momentum drop off! Can you chip in $20 to help defend top Democrats and our Senate majority? Your gift will be TRIPLE MATCHED!   Jack, New Senate polling just came…
  DEM VICTORY · [email protected]
November 6, 2023 at 9:01 PM


Jack, our worst fears have now come true.   Donald Trump has taken the lead in the polls over Joe Biden.  And not just one single poll, but in the AVERAGE of all polls.   We have a very narrow window to turn this around before Donald Trump stretches out his lead wider, wider, and wider. Will you …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Team effort

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Give another amount   Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering …
  2024 ALERT · [email protected]
November 6, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Show up, RIGHT NOW

Jack –– did you see this URGENT headline? If Democrats ignore this, we are handing Trump the White House. That’s the cold hard truth.We’ve got ZERO room for error. Please RUSH support today and your gift will be TRIPLE MATCHED!!! ---Original Message---Warning signs flash for Biden in recent polli…
  DEMOCRATS · [email protected]
November 6, 2023 at 12:01 AM

we can squash them

President Biden is sounding the alarm ⤵️ ⤵️ ⤵️MAGA Republicans have declared war on democracy.  They want to control who gets to vote, who gets to count the votes, and who gets to declare the winners. But we can squash them with a resounding victory in 2024.   We cannot lose the White House. Ever…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 5, 2023 at 9:01 PM

Mitch McConnell doesn't want you to pay attention to this

Jack, here’s the bad news: Democrats have multiple red-state Senators up for re-election in 2024 and Republicans are investing piles of dark money to defeat them [!!]  But here’s the good news:  Our red-state and swing-state Democrats all have proven records of winning in tough environments. We KN…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 5, 2023 at 6:00 PM

Our Democratic Senate Majority is at risk if we don't come through

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Give another amount   Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 5, 2023 at 3:01 PM

We made it to ONE YEAR OUT

Jack –– We're officially ONE YEAR OUT from Election Day! Senate Democrats are counting on us to help defend the majority, and these five senators are in crucial dead-heat races. With only one year to go, will you chip in $20 or more to our Senate Majority Fund to defend the Senate? All gifts TRI…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 4, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Vote out and throw out Ted Cruz

⚪️ LIVE POLL ⚪️ Please record your response before 11:59 PM Poll Participant: [email protected] Response Recorded: [YES] [NO] [PENDING] Ted Cruz is listed as a top Republican who could lose his seat in 2024. Do you believe Ted Cruz can be defeated? Click an option below to auto…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 4, 2023 at 5:00 PM

↪️ Are you joining Barack Obama's pledge?

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to supporting …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 4, 2023 at 2:20 PM

Democratic Supporter Poll for Jack

we're asking 5,000 Democrats nationwide to show Jacky their support by answering our Live Poll Democratic Supporter Poll for Jack Do you support Senator Jacky Rosen for re-election? YES!! NO! Jack, Jacky Rosen is running for a 2nd term as Senator for Nevada, and she's given a boost to Democr…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 11:20 PM

RE: The Electoral College

This research is stunning.   Republicans are expected to win 65% of future elections unless we get rid of the Electoral College.  We're polling Democrats on this issue. Please take our Flash Poll to make your voice heard. Should the Electoral College be abolished?By clicking an option below, your…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 8:01 PM

All our progress will be destroyed if we lose

Jack –– President Obama isn't wasting time rallying Democrats to go all-in to defend our Senate majority. The Democratic Senate majority is hanging on by TWO seats.   We need to match the GOP's fundraising advantage or we will lose! Can you rush $25 to our Senate Majority Fund and help save the …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM

another day, another legal circus

Jack, Trump is on trial and in the court room for his business fraud. That’s the good news. But the bad news is, the ex-Buffoon In Chief’s MANY legal battles are riling up his rabid base like NEVER before. His fundraising numbers are a MAJOR alarm bell. Can you chip in to our Defea…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 3, 2023 at 2:01 PM

Our challenge:

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.  GIVE $10 NOW GIVE $20 NOW GIVE $50 NOW GIVE $100 NOW GIVE $250 NOW Donate another amount Democratic Victory PAC is the pioneering Democratic grassroots organization dedicated to re-electing …
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
November 2, 2023 at 5:20 PM

“Biden is in unique danger”

We hate to send more bad news, Jack, but we have to keep you in the loop. Cook Political Report has just DOWNGRADED Joe Biden’s chances to win re-election. Election expert Dave Wasserman at Cook Political Report just said: “Biden is in unique danger” and that “his poor numbers” is …
  DEMOCRATIC POLL WATCH · [email protected]
November 2, 2023 at 2:02 PM


Jack –– did you see this URGENT headline Warning signs flash for Biden in recent polling— The Hill, October 2023 We don’t know how else to say it: Biden’s chances of holding the White House are PLUMMETING. With one year to go, this situation could not be worse. The ONLY way we fix this is if Loya…