50+ Messages / Page

  Democratic Victory: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 29, 2023 at 11:02 PM

James Carville sees what's at stake, Jack

James Carville is calling it like he sees it, Jack, and right now he is laser-focused on Montana:⤵️⤵️⤵️ Jack, James Carville is right.   Senator Jon Tester is the most important candidate for Democrats this cycle. He's the only statewide Dem left in Montana, and he's running for re-election in …
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 29, 2023 at 8:02 PM

ALERT: these 5 Democratic Women are under attack!

These Five Democratic Women are under ATTACK!⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ National Republicans have just released their list of TOP TARGETS, and these five swing-district Democrats are on it.   Jack –– These women fought and won in some of the toughest districts in America last cycle, and any hope we have of WINNING B…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 29, 2023 at 5:02 PM

[Membership Auto-Reminder]

Jack - this is an automatic reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.  As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during this week's crucial Membership Drive.  2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: xxxxxx@gmai…
  Dem Victory Senate HQ · [email protected]
March 28, 2023 at 11:02 PM

Cruz. Hawley. Scott. These 3 GOP Senators must GO!

Jack — we're going to keep this simple: The first FEC reporting deadline of the 2024 election is just days away, so it's critical that we meet and exceed our End-of-Quarter goal of $150,000 by then.   When our numbers go public it will set the tone for the rest of the cycle––will Democrats have …
  Democratic Victory: Senate Team · [email protected]
March 28, 2023 at 8:02 PM

President Obama's Call to Action

ALERT: National Republicans are targeting 8 Democratic Senate seats to FLIP our Majority!  Jack, It's this simple: Republicans need to win just 2 seats to snatch the Senate and collapse our fragile Majority.   So if we want to have any chance to keeping our Democratic Progress moving forward, w…
  Dem Victory Membership · [email protected]
March 28, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Jack >>> your 2023 activation is ready!

FIRST FEC DEADLINE OF THIS CYCLE JUST DAYS AWAY: The first FEC reporting deadline of the 2024 election is March 31st. When our numbers go public, Republicans will be searching for weakness in our grassroots fundraising. We can’t let them find a thing! 2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: xxxxxx@gm…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 27, 2023 at 11:02 PM

Obama: progress delivered

Jack, the progress delivered under President Biden and Democrats is unprecedented.    ✔ Created 10.7 million jobs✔ Reached lowest unemployment rate in decades✔ Passed the biggest climate change investment in history ✔ Lowered prescription drug costs✔ Passed the largest gun reform package in 30 y…
  DVP: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 27, 2023 at 8:01 PM

Please check your Membership Status Jack

2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: [email protected] Suggested Activation Amount: $15 | GIVE NOW >> Activating your Democratic membership ensures Democrats nationwide have the resources necessary to WIN. That's why our DONATION MATCH is now active — give today and your critical gift will be …
  Democratic Victory: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 27, 2023 at 5:01 PM

our Senate seat in Wisconsin is a MUST WIN

ALERT: Per CNN, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's seat is among the ten most likely to FLIP! Tammy Baldwin needs our immediate support!  Democrats are defending a wide map of seats this cycle, and Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate. That's why they're already …
  Obama Call to Action via Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 26, 2023 at 11:02 PM

time to get started

Jack, Election Analysts agree: Democrats are up against a challenging Senate map in this cycle.  President Obama isn't wasting time rallying Democrats to go all-in to defend our Senate majority. We're launching our 2024 Senate Majority Fund early to go toe-to-toe with the GOP's war chest and def…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 26, 2023 at 8:01 PM

[Membership Auto-Reminder] for Jack

Jack - this is an automatic reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.  As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during this week's crucial Membership Drive.  2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: xxxxxx@gmai…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 26, 2023 at 5:02 PM

We CAN bring down Ted Cruz this cycle!

Per CNN: Ted Cruz's Senate Seat One of the Ten Most Likely to Flip This Cycle!! Jack, there are two kinds of work:  There's the drudgery — the kind of work people do because it has to be done.    And then there's the work you relish. Work that gives you real pride — work you do because you...WAN…
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 25, 2023 at 11:01 PM

these 5 Senators are KEY to our Majority!

FEC End-of-Quarter Deadline Upcoming!  This is the first FEC reporting deadline of the 2024 election. When our numbers go public, Republicans will be searching for weakness in our grassroots fundraising. We can’t let them find anything!   Pitch in $20 now to help! —Original Message—Jack –– It's…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 25, 2023 at 8:02 PM

Activation PENDING Jack

Jack: Democrats are depending on us to defend the Senate and take back the House. Our records indicate that your 2023 Democratic status is STILL PENDING.2023 Membership: PENDING Supporter: [email protected] Activation Amount: $10 | GIVE NOW >>Give now to renew your membrership! Dem…
  DVP: House Majority Team · [email protected]
March 25, 2023 at 5:01 PM

US Treasury: Debt Default is an imminent DANGER

Elizabeth Warren is right, Jack: It's not a tough call.  Jack, According to analysis cited by the New York Times, House Republicans' budget plans "Would Cripple the U.S. Economy" causing:  🚫: MILLIONS of job losses.  🚫: Billions in Social Benefits Destroyed.  🚫: Trillions in lost Economic Growth.…
  Democratic Research Surveys · [email protected]
March 25, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Do YOU support Montana's Jon Tester?

Democratic Supporter Poll for Jack Do you support Montana's Jon Tester for re-election?Click an option below to automatically record your response: YES NO Jack, Jon Tester is running for a 4th term as Senator for Montana, and he's given a boost to Democrats' chances in a cycle that many pu…
  Democratic Victory: Senate HQ · [email protected]
March 24, 2023 at 11:01 PM

Ohio could MAKE-or-BREAK our Majority

Jack Democrat Sherrod Brown needs our urgent support.⬇⬇⬇⬇ Jack — It's this simple: Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate — and their entire plan STARTS with Sherrod's seat in Ohio.  They're sure that if Sherrod loses Ohio, Mitch McConnell will be Majority Leader…
  OBAMA ALERT · [email protected]
March 24, 2023 at 8:02 PM

urgent attention needed >>

Jack, we need your urgent attention.   CNN Politics just announced that FOUR of our Senate Democrats are in danger in 2024.  >>> Jon Tester (MT)>>> Jacky Rosen (NV)>>> Sherrod Brown (OH)>>> Tammy Baldwin (WI) Republicans only need to flip just TWO seats to win…
  Dem Victory Membership · [email protected]
March 24, 2023 at 5:03 PM

YOUR 2023 activation is ready!

Please Review Your 2023 Membership Status 2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: [email protected] Activation Amount: $15 | GIVE NOW >> Jack, your member donation ensures that Democrats have the resources necessary to FIGHT BACK against Republicans' regressive agenda — and we've been t…
  Dem Victory Membership · [email protected]
March 23, 2023 at 11:01 PM

[email protected] >>> 2023 activation waiting ready!

Please Check Your 2023 Membership Status Before Midnight2023 Membership: PENDING Supporter: [email protected] Activation Amount: $15 | GIVE NOW >> Jack, your member donation ensures that Democrats have the resources necessary to FIGHT BACK against Republicans' regressive agenda — a…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 23, 2023 at 8:02 PM

We CAN bring Ted Cruz down

Per CNN: Ted Cruz's Senate Seat One of the Ten Most Likely to Flip This Cycle!! Jack, there are two kinds of work:  There's the drudgery — the kind of work people do because it has to be done.    And then there's the work you relish. Work that gives you real pride — work you do because you...WAN…
  Obama Call to Action via Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 23, 2023 at 5:02 PM

getting started

Jack, Election Analysts agree: Democrats are up against a challenging Senate map in this cycle.  President Obama isn't wasting time rallying Democrats to go all-in to defend our Senate majority. We're launching our 2024 Senate Majority Fund early to go toe-to-toe with the GOP's war chest and def…
  Democratic Research · [email protected]
March 23, 2023 at 2:05 PM

500 responses needed from California

This is an official Democratic Research Poll for [email protected] you support the Manhattan District Attorney in bringing criminal charges against Donald Trump?Click an option below to automatically record your response: YES NO UNSURE ***Please record your response before 11:59 PM to ensur…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 22, 2023 at 11:02 PM

[Membership Auto-Reminder] for [email protected]

Jack - this is an automatic reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.  As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during this week's crucial Membership Drive.  2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: xxxxxx@gmai…
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 22, 2023 at 8:01 PM

let's throw Kevin McCarthy to the curb

ALERT: Democrats are targeting 18 House seats for defeat to flip the majority.  We’ve been tasked with bringing in another 2,500 Democratic donations before midnight to help take back the House. Give $35 or more now!The GOP's House majority is hanging by a thread.   We only need to defeat FIVE …
  Democratic Victory: Senate HQ · [email protected]
March 22, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Our Senate seat in Nevada is under attack!

ALERT: Per CNN, Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen's seat is among the ten most likely to FLIP! Jack — Jacky Rosen needs our urgent support!   Democrats are defending a wide map this cycle, and Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate. That's why they're already rushing to …
  Democratic Victory: Senate Team · [email protected]
March 21, 2023 at 11:02 PM

Averting this catastrophe means starting TODAY

ALERT: Republicans are targeting 8 Democratic Senate seats for defeat to flip the majority.  We’ve been tasked with bringing in another 2,500 Democratic donations before midnight to help HOLD our Senate Majority. Give $35 or more now!The Senate Majority we worked so hard to expand in 2022 is in…
  Dem Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 21, 2023 at 8:01 PM

These three GOP Senators MUST GO

Red to Blue Alert: Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and Rick Scott are all vulnerable — we can FLIP these seats!Jack, Election Analysts agree: Democrats are up against a challenging Senate map in this cycle. But all three of these GOP Senators have negative approval ratings with voters, and all three can …
  DVP: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 21, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Please review your Membership Status Jack

2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: [email protected] Suggested Activation Amount: $15 | GIVE NOW >> Activating your Democratic membership ensures Democrats nationwide have the resources necessary to WIN. That's why our DONATION MATCH is now active — give today and your critical gift will be …
  DVP · [email protected]
March 20, 2023 at 11:01 PM


Jack: Democrats are depending on us to defend the Senate and take back the House. Our records indicate that your 2023 Democratic status is STILL PENDING.2023 Membership: PENDING Supporter: [email protected] Activation Amount: $10 | GIVE NOW >>Give now to renew your membrership! Dem…
  Democratic Victory: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 20, 2023 at 8:01 PM

this Senate seat in Wisconsin is a MUST WIN

ALERT: Per CNN, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's seat is among the ten most likely to FLIP! Tammy Baldwin needs our immediate support!  Democrats are defending a wide map of seats this cycle, and Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate. That's why they're already …
  DVP HQ · [email protected]
March 20, 2023 at 5:01 PM

Who is the most *dangerous* politician in America?

Jack, we're just going to tell it like it is:  In America, the most dangerous politician isn't always ruthlessly crushing the opposition and appealing to the base like a demagogue.  Sometimes, the most dangerous politician is the slithering snake — the one who's willing to sell out his most vulne…
  Democratic Research Surveys · [email protected]
March 20, 2023 at 2:01 PM

15 more responses needed from 94041

This is an official Democratic Research Poll for [email protected] you support universal background checks for ALL gun purchases? YES NO UNSURE ***Please record your response before 11:59 PM to ensure accurate tabulation***  Jack, Republicans around the nation are not just against stronger …
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 19, 2023 at 11:01 PM

ALERT: 5 Democratic Women under attack!

These Five Democratic Women are under ATTACK!⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ National Republicans have just released their list of TOP TARGETS, and these five swing-district Democrats are on it.   Jack –– These women fought and won in some of the toughest districts in America last cycle, and any hope we have of WINNING B…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 19, 2023 at 8:01 PM

We can bring Ted Cruz DOWN

Per CNN: Ted Cruz's Senate Seat One of the Ten Most Likely to Flip This Cycle!! Jack, there are two kinds of work:  There's the drudgery — the kind of work people do because it has to be done.    And then there's the work you relish. Work that gives you real pride — work you do because you...WAN…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 19, 2023 at 5:03 PM

An [Auto-Reminder] for [email protected]

Jack - this is an automatic reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.  As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during this week's crucial Membership Drive.  2023 Membership: PENDINGSupporter: xxxxxx@gmai…
  DVP · [email protected]
March 18, 2023 at 11:01 PM

US Treasury: American Debt Default is an imminent DANGER

Elizabeth Warren is right, Jack: It's not a tough call.  Jack, According analysis cited by the New York Times, House Republicans' budget plans "Would Cripple the U.S. Economy" causing:  🚫: MILLIONS of job losses.  🚫: Billions in Social Benefits Destroyed.  🚫: Trillions in lost Economic Growth.  R…
  DVP Membership Team · [email protected]
March 18, 2023 at 8:01 PM

Activation needed for [email protected]

Jack - Just a reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.   As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during this week's crucial Membership Drive. 2023 Membership: PENDING Supporter: [email protected]
  Democratic Victory: Senate Team · [email protected]
March 18, 2023 at 5:03 PM

If we want President Biden to keep bringing *balance* to the courts...

{{FirstName or 'Team'}}, as President Biden said, it was a "profound moment in American History." When the Senate confirmed Biden's 100th judicial appointment, Democrats effort to bring balance to the courts after the wave of Far-Right appointments by Trump began to pay real dividends. And now th…
  Democratic Research · [email protected]
March 18, 2023 at 2:01 PM

Live Poll Link for [email protected]

Live Poll — record your response by 11:59 PST for best tabulation1,500 Democratic Responses Needed by Midnight! Jack, the '24 Senate Cycle has kicked into gear, and Missouri's insurrectionist Senator is on the ballot. We're working hard to mobilize the effort against his re-election — and we need…
  DVP · [email protected]
March 17, 2023 at 11:02 PM


Jack: Democrats are depending on us to defend the Senate and take back the House. Our records indicate that your 2023 Democratic status is STILL PENDING.2023 Membership: PENDING Supporter: [email protected] Activation Amount: $10 | GIVE NOW >>Give now to renew your membrership! Dem…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 17, 2023 at 8:01 PM

throw Kevin McCarthy to the curb

ALERT: Democrats are targeting 18 House seats for defeat to flip the majority.  We’ve been tasked with bringing in another 2,500 Democratic donations before midnight to help take back the House. Give $35 or more now!The GOP's House majority is hanging by a thread.   We only need to defeat FIVE …
  Democratic Victory: Senate Team · [email protected]
March 17, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Our Senate seat in Nevada is a MUST WIN

ALERT: Per CNN, Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen's seat is among the ten most likely to FLIP! Jack — Jacky Rosen needs our urgent support!   Democrats are defending a wide map this cycle, and Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate. That's why they're already rushing to …
  DVP HQ · [email protected]
March 16, 2023 at 11:01 PM

Who's the most *dangerous* politician in America?

Jack, we're just going to tell it like it is:  In America, the most dangerous politician isn't always ruthlessly crushing the opposition and appealing to the base like a demagogue.  Sometimes, the most dangerous politician is the slithering snake — the one who's willing to sell out his most vulne…
  Dem Victory Membership · [email protected]
March 16, 2023 at 8:01 PM

The GOP is already "licking their chops"

ALERT: Republicans are already "licking their chops" at their favorable Senate map for 2024!  Jack, Republicans are already bragging about their "can't lose" prospects for flipping Democratic seats this cycle.  That's why the National Republicans are already spending MILLIONS in states like Mont…
  Democratic Victory HQ · [email protected]
March 16, 2023 at 5:02 PM

GOP Targets ALERT: 5 Democratic Women under attack!

These Five Democratic Women are under ATTACK!⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ National Republicans have just released their list of TOP TARGETS, and these five swing-district Democrats are on it.   Jack –– These women fought and won in some of the toughest districts in America last cycle, and any hope we have of WINNING B…
  Democratic Victory: Senate Alert! · [email protected]
March 15, 2023 at 11:01 PM

Senate seat in Wisconsin is a MUST WIN

ALERT: Per CNN, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's seat is among the ten most likely to FLIP! Tammy Baldwin needs our immediate support!  Democrats are defending a wide map of seats this cycle, and Republicans see 2024 as their chance to make major gains in the Senate. That's why they're already …
  DVP · [email protected]
March 15, 2023 at 8:02 PM

[Auto-Reminder] for [email protected]

Mid-month Deadline Tonight at Midnight! Donate $15 to activate your membership now!Jack - this is an automatic reminder to check on your Democratic Membership status for 2023.  As one of our top supporters in California, we are counting on you to activate your 2023 Democratic Membership during t…
  DVP · [email protected]
March 15, 2023 at 5:02 PM

US Treasury: Debt Default is an imminent DANGER

Elizabeth Warren is right, Jack: It's not a tough call.  Jack, According analysis cited by the New York Times, House Republicans' budget plans "Would Cripple the U.S. Economy" causing:  🚫: MILLIONS of job losses.  🚫: Billions in Social Benefits Destroyed.  🚫: Trillions in lost Economic Growth.  R…
  Democratic Victory · [email protected]
March 14, 2023 at 11:01 PM

5 Senators who are KEY to our Majority!

Jack –– It's this simple:   Republicans have jumped out to what analysts are calling "some of the earliest spending in an elections cycle" ever, including an ad-buy of over $2 MILLION this week alone.  They know that with our razor-thin 51-49 Senate Majority, they need to win just 2 seats to fli…